Haha, sure if anyone wins the dance competition :D hit me up with a list of stuff they buy. Maybe some of it will be useful on future missions. KATHI-CHAN, MARTI IS AWESOME. HAHAHAH JUST <33333 [quote=Martini]"You will take that horrid thing off and burn it first thing, you understand? Nobody deserves that thing."[/quote] [quote=Martini]"Who in the whole of Nowhere dressed you? They put you in a white dress?" She glared at the offending dress on Jasper. "You need color! COLOR! You look like a total ghost in that.[/quote] FASHION POLICE IS HERE. [hider=You are under arrest][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m06rnkVEAJ1qzdaieo1_500.gif[/img][/hider] @Anon: :) If you guys like you can get in some back and forth, as long as you aren't leaving people too far behind. If all of you post earlier than expected then I'll post again, but if someone can only manage one post in three days then I'll wait since that's the RP's agreed on pace. And, we're only going to RP the party ^^ (it's taking place two human weeks after their fight with the witch). After the party, we'll time skip two human months into the future. We won't be RPing the other events but we'll hash out ideas on events with one another and how it will bring characters closer together or farther apart. Like maybe Ran and Toby saved someone from drowning at the beach and it sparked up a friendship? ^^ Whatever you guys want~ Also, a gravity room sounds great (^w^)b