"The murderers died screaming," "Then ya made da right decision. Wanna know when ya made da wrong one?" The Champion, momentarily distracted by the conversation, was caught off guard and the grab landed, a fistful of the Champion's short curly hair being ensnared. The throw failed, the Archdruid not expecting the Champion to have affixed them together with ice. But the first wild swing of the dagger nearly caught the Champion off guard, and only the ice armor he was summoning prevented the Champion's blood from spilling the ground. The second wild swing, the Champion was prepared for, and swung his free arm underneath the elbow, to lock the joint in a pose that resembled a half nelson, if one applied it too far down the arm. Normally, this would be silly and easily escaped, but it prevented further dagger attacks, and this gauntlet quickly began spreading ice over the Archdruid, doubling the rate of spreading. Presuming the Archdruid hadn't been expecting this and had some defense prepared, of course. "Ya think we da first tribes ta live here, ya think we da last? Naah, man. Lots a'blood soaks dis ground. But dere's da truth of it. Da dead forget de blood. De blood goes away when they's nobody ta remember. But dat... thing, ya've allied with.. He don't let da dead forget. Da blood's not gonna go away. Da dead gonna keep rememberin' cause he want's em too. He wants da blood. He wants da whole world a'drownin. My people gonna die, just same'z yours, but I don't want da world to drown for dem. I 'xpect'd an archdruid'd now more bout da circle of life." The Champion got early warning of the smog, feeling his mist pushed aside. Letting go of that spell, he sealed his armor over his mouth, and used his earlier trick of transmuting water into its component parts to make semi-breathable air, sending the hydrogen away while keeping some of the oxygen. The mist around them would soon part, but it would last a little while without maintenance. But the Champion wouldn't be able to use his illusions again until he took up the the spell once more. Soran would come upon a strange scene, to be sure.