[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] "Eeh," he turned to the upset looking man and scrunched up his nose "You guys sure have a lot of tiny friends." There was a bug in his soda, ah and there was another one on Aria's finger too. "Hey, hey, soda is good, yeah, but you should go get some pollen or whatever it is you little fellas drink." He grabbed the tiny thing by the tip of its tail then set it down on the counter. "You really shouldn't try that stunt again because if you do," he grinned mischievously at the little bug. "There's a chance someone will gobble you whole and BAM you're guts will spill out and you'll be dead." He didn't seem to mind chatting with the bug and soon he was making all sorts of silly faces at it. "Yeah, you should listen to the grand summoner and just stick to flower pots, yeah?" He double checked his soda for more bugs before finally taking a sip. Ah, nothing like traveling and a can of grape soda to start the day. And then Moira and Estelle started yelling. For a moment he wondered if someone had broken in, but he spun around to see them chattering away with some purple-haired woman. "Oh wow, an unexpected reunion?" Heh, this looked fun. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] [i]“That’s a lot, isn’t it?”[/i] Xan frowned, "I wonder if it's a kidnapping." Missing people cases were always tricky. The people needed to be located, and it was hard to tell if they were kept near the area of their abduction or if they had been brought somewhere far away. There was the grieving family to comfort and it was hard to know what to say when the missing person's status couldn't be confirmed. She placed a hand on the prankster's shoulder then pointed to the words on the billboard. "There's evil lurking somewhere," despite her attempt to make the situation sound less sad, her tone was pretty serious. "Those people in the pictures have gone missing." Their leader was quick to join them, but a few moments after her arrival she darted off and began yelling with Moira. Xandra turned around. Oh, so they had both found an old friend? Did she use to travel with the pride? Though it seems the others weren't familiar with her either.