[b]Main Channel: Prime Broadcast: Emeritus A01 - OLNN 3DHD[/b] Behind a news anchor desk sits a mustachioed man in a grey suit. His piercing blue eyes gaze directly into the main floor camera, signature shit-eating grin ever present. “Welcome Outremer, and thank you for joining [i]me[/i],” He begins with an animated wink and finger point at the camera. “I’m your news anchor, William Ironstone, and this is OLNN Primetime.” An orchestra soundtrack accompanies an overly dramatic intro graphic. William Ironstone stands on top of a mountain overlooking Babylon, Edessa, Actim, and Reunion, which are edited to appear as one big city. A group of children accompany him, pointing and gasping in awe. William Ironstone nods his head and crouches so that he is at eye level with the children, mouthing incoherent words and pointing at each city, to which the children acknowledge with enthusiastic head nods. Just then, a group of ships fly overhead, and the camera follows their path until they fly over the city, allowing a regal font trimmed in gold to spell out: Primetime with William Ironstone! from their exhaust. The font then shrinks to the bottom right side of the screen, the letters OLNN are its background as you're brought back to the news anchor for live reporting. “We start you off with the breaking news of the day…” The camera shifts William Ironstone off to the side of the screen, allowing a holographic display of a crumpled building to take center stage. ”A hot pursuit in Bablyon leads to an unfortunate event at Project Tower V1115. Joining with us on the scene is OLNN reporter Lesita Morana…Lesita are you there?” The holographic display zeroes in on the rooftop of an adjacent building from the wreckage, panning out to include a woman in a velvet business coat and skirt. “Yes, William thank you.” Her tone is more personable, expressing a deep concern over what has transpired. “What started as an air-chase through city traffic has resulted in an all-out war between BESC authorities and a group of unidentified suspects. The aftermath? Just take a look behind me." The camera focuses in on the cluttered remains of a building's infrastructure, caught in a haze of debris. City aid workers from various departments are littered about the site, as emergency lights from all sorts of assistance vehicles flash in the distance. "We are receiving conflicting reports about the destruction of Project Tower V1115. However, an overwhelming account from survivors and eye-witnesses, suggest a more definitive answer." A recording from earlier is then broadcasted, showing a middle-aged man clutching his son, both covered in debris with various bruises and wounds. “Good thing we was on the twelfth *bleep* floor! My wife Elain grabbed our other two daughters. They got out way before those *bleep* *bleep* BESC *bleep* came in and decided to bomb our home! Elain! If you see this baby, me and Ray got out this mess! We alive! No thanks to BESC. How you gonna take out a whole building full of innocent, hardworking taxpayers, just because you couldn’t do ya damn job right?” “Since the interview, we've received word that the family was reunited at Regional Care in downtown,” Lesita narrates, “However, not all stories have a happy ending…” A clip of another resident is then displayed of an older lady, struggling to speak between heart wrenching sobs. “There are people, innocent people out here! Good people! People I’ve grown up with all my life. Families. Friends. Where is the justice in this? Why take out an entire tower? If I didn’t go shopping... I’d have been dead with the rest of them!” Tears are flowing uncontrollably. “I’d have gladly t-taken their place. Those poor families don’t deserve this…We don't deserve this!” Retrieved security footage from the Project Tower is spliced together, showing a male getting chased by a single pursuer. “What you are about to see next is graphic, and I urge our younger viewers to please look away,” Lesita Morana says back in live broadcast, “The unidentified criminal is fleeing from what looks to be a modified persons, one who is clearly firing with disregard for human life. Over a hundred casualties have been reported, with several hundred reports of Project Tower V1115 residents missing. A BESC representative has declined to issue a statement regarding the matter. Understandably so. Considering the controversial resignation of former rep Illugia Faux, BESC is more than likely going through a [i]transitional[/I] process of in-house restructuring...We the citizens of Outreme can only hope.” The last sentence was layered with a snarky attitude. She made no effort to conceal it. Lesita Morana was about to inform the viewing audience about what they can do to help, but an immediate push from the studio room pans the viewer’s attention back to William Ironstone. “…We apologize for those disturbing images. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Babylonians who have suffered on this tragic day. I must, however, note that the claims made by the interviewees have not been confirmed. We will continue to update you with a more definitive account of this ungodly incident as more accurate details emerge. And to elaborate more on Lesita Morana’s last little quip… Former BESC Representative Illugia Faux! Who would have seen that coming? I’ll tell you: Me. I’ve told you, the viewing audience, time and time again about Mr. Faux’s seedy relations with corrupt CGB aficionados. Joining with me in the studio, OLNN Political Analyst Bob Spearhead is here to discuss this pressing issue!” The camera pans so that William Ironstone is on the other side of the screen now, putting a balding, gaunt male in his fifties into focus. “Well let’s just say...” His voice is excruciatingly raspy, and he excessively licks his lips due to dry mouth. “One man does not represent the many, I mean..." The camera goes back to William Ironstone, who makes no attempt to salvage the awkward silence, forcing Spearhead to trudge forward. "But I mean, look, um, even amongst the controversy, we can say that he didn’t do a [i]bad[/I] job in office. I mean, am I right?...”