Just as things were starting to look up, Aria went over to Dark Matter and started to berate him. [b]"Whoa whoa whoa! What's your problem girly?! I didn't hide, I was busy! I mean, you know, making sure that guy didn't escape! And, yeah, he did, but... I had to do something about those bombs too! You know if it weren't for me, I'd have to go digging through that rubble to find you all."[/b] Dark Matter tried to look bashful, but that was hard to do without a face. He simply walked pasted Aria and towards the other Titans. [b]"Yes yes, anyways, I'm Dark Matter. I happened to be in the neighborhood when I found this shady operation. Things escalated rather quickly though, so I had to take matters into my own hand. It's a good thing that we all managed to get out of this alive and well. So... You're all Teen Titans?"[/b]