[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b][u]Morris: Guild[/u][/b] "You could say that," Moira shrugged. To be honest at this point she wasn't entirely sure who was babysitting who anymore. But she wouldn't ever publicly admit that. "If anythin' happens to them I'll be on way too many hit-lists." Rachael. Tiberius. She definately didn't fancy that. Upon mention of Sonny, Moira's smug smile became quite frightening to the average bystander. "Oh yeah, he's doin' good. Still refusing to get an interesting job, but whatever. Guess what," she asked, her voice now thankfully back to normal volumes. For her. Which was still pretty loud. She leaned forward over the now much clearer desk. "I'm a gran now. His missus had a baby girl, what was her name..." "Emily," Syed offered. "Yeah! Emily!" She rested her elbows on the desk now, looking up to the taller woman. "Talk about makin' me feel old. And how's your kid doing? He should be grown up as well by now, right? Fuckin' hell time flies. What's his name... C something... Corey? No, it ain't that..." [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] Syed meanwhile found himself staring at the ladybug which was by now flying right in front of his face. He could have swore the tiny thing just gestured at him. What on Ddaear?! But then it went to nestle in his dark waves of hair. It itched a little at first, but at least the bug wasn't moving around much. He was just about to raise a hand to try and get it to sit on his finger instead... [i]"Oh, don't mind Fred. He's just... cautious. I advise against touching him, though. He doesn't like fingers very much."[/i] He froze, his fingers inches away. Don't touch it? But it was the one who flew on him! What would it do, bite his finger off?! It was only a ladybug. They just eat smaller insects like aphids, right? But what if this was different from the normal ladybugs he knew of? What if it did bite him and give him an infection or something?! He needed his fingers, his magic required absolute precision with his hand movements. If one of his fingers was injured it would mess everything up. He lowered his hand again. Just as long as he didn't make any sudden movements it'll be fine. Like with bees. Yeah. He hadn't even realised he had scrunched his face up apprehensively. "Hi, Fred," he said, feeling like a bit of a nit himself. "I'm cautious sometimes too." "Oh, we're lookin' for some people," Moira shrugged in response to Lady's final question. She turned to Estelle with a shrug.