[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] “Yup, I got this sword from Tiberius! I actually, er… kind of… broke the one my mum made, and… er…” Estelle’s face drew red and bashful, before laughing it off and growing quiet, allowing Moira and Lady to both converse first. Estelle still felt apprehensive about what might happen to her when her mum found out about the fate of the Magitech Sword she had painstakingly created and forged. A small shiver ran through Estelle’s spine. She was definitely going to die, that was for certain. "Yeah! Emily!" Moira rested her elbows on the desk now, looking up to the taller woman. "Talk about makin' me feel old. And how's your kid doing? He should be grown up as well by now, right? Fuckin' hell time flies. What's his name... C something... Corey? No, it ain't that..." “Wait, you have a kid, Auntie?” Estelle turned back to look at Lady with surprise. Her mother and Lady had once been a part of a famous band of Guilders several decades ago, writing wrongs and triumphing over evils, becoming near legendary in the process. That group had also included Largo and Tiberius, and for an extremely brief time as well Moira… for obvious reasons, that being Moira was, well, Moira. The team was now defunct however for various reasons, each having split up and graduated in various ways… to either become Guild Leaders such as Tiberius, Guild Secretaries like Lady, or Guild Nuisances like Moira. Her own mother had long since retired from the Guild due to a debilitating wound, and spent her time since then in a rural village not unlike Morris, having spent her time raising Estelle and working as a blacksmith before the flame haired swordswoman took off to become a Guilder, and stole her mother’s prized sword at the same time. Lady and her mother, Rachael, had often met from time to time, along with other members of that group such as Largo and Tiberius, although Estelle had never heard of or met any child of Lady’s. Estelle had also never met Moira before that fateful mission in Clockwork Town either. Moira preferred to spend her days living in that town before Estelle had recruited her, whilst Estelle’s home village was located nearly all the way on the other side of the Artar Kingdom. And with the way things had gone between Moira and that group… she and Estelle’s mother could not be called the closest of friends. She could quite easily and happily share brief memories with and drink with Tiberius and Lady, but the other members of the group were a different story. Largo, before his passing, frequented Clockwork Town as well were he not away on missions, but his interaction in the years before his death to Moira mostly resided with having to lecture her and keep her on track. For a long time, she would have resented the harshness he displayed, but it was a form of caring in its own way. And were it not for Largo and the favours he asked for (unbeknownst to the berserker), Moira would have long ago been thrown out of the Guild. “Wait… Moira…” Estelle’s brain suddenly started to work, and the cogs inside begin to turn. “You knew Largo and Tiberius really well too, right… and you know Auntie as well…” Estelle’s jaw almost hit the floor. “Does that mean you know my mum too?!” [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] Marcus overheard the conversation at the desk with amusement and smiled, as Lucien approached his table with a drink for the mage and his own soda. He looked towards the others at the mission board and grinned, having gotten enough drinks for them too, as well as a smattering of more for later. Could never have enough soda. "Oh wow, an unexpected reunion?" He wondered, and Marcus nodded in return. It seemed that way… how unusual. And how utterly like Moira and Estelle if they both actually knew each other in some way, but it took them both this long to realise it. And then a strange sound erupted from a room to the side of the Guild. On the other side of a locked door to the Guild’s lavatory facilities, they could hear someone grunting on the other side, as well as the expenditure of released air. It certainly wasn’t pleasant… hopefully the smell wouldn’t waft into the main room… and hopefully the person on the other side wasn’t having too tough of a time.