[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/u0DUfLq.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Riley:[/b] "Oh gosh! Lesley, you're rocking that dress." Covering his mouth, he giggled a bit and swatted the air in an embarrassed manner. "Well, you know me. I can make anything look gorgeous!" He bragged with a shrug of his shoulders. [b]Riley:[/b] "I see you've managed to nab yourself a date. He's a looker isn't he, Ace?" [b]Ace:[/b] "You sure did find a catch Lesley. Lucky you." "Well actually, he found me." Lesley was proud to be the one latched onto a handsome Nobody's arm and he patted Amiel's shoulder with a pleasant smile as the ladies complimented his date. [b]Amiel:[/b] "My, my, if anyone's stunning tonight, it's Ms. LaBelle and you humans." Blushing, he teetered some more and narrowed his eyes at Amiel playfully when Riley and Ace threatened to hurt him. [b]Amiel:[/b] "You definitely have caring friends, Ms. LaBelle, I'm rather envious. Hmm, isn't he one of your friends? Perhaps he'd like to join us on this tour of the castle? We'll be seeing some fantastical sights." The poor guy looked a tad nervous as the two women flared their noses in a serious manner, but Amiel saved himself by pointing out Toby as a topic changer. Riley waved the newbie over and practically yanked the kid into their party, eager to get going on the tour. [b]Amiel:[/b] "Now, if you'll follow me, I can give you all the grand tour. Perhaps when this is all over, we can watch the stars on the rooftop. I'll grab a bottle of the finest champagne and it'll be marvelous." Redness filled his cheeks and he giggled again, sliding his hand into Amiel's open palm. "That sounds wonderful," He gushed as he imagined what'd it be like to go stargazing with this dashing fellow. As they walked across the hall, Amiel was commentating about various doors and whatnot, but the entire time, Lesley rarely paid attention to what was actually coming out of the man's mouth and cared more about staring at the guide's lips while they moved. The pink-haired Lesley couldn't help it, Amiel was just too beautiful. It was about time he came across a lad this fine. Parting hands momentarily, Amiel pushed a large metal door open to a room filled knee-deep with snow. Mouth dropping, he observed as chilly air circulated out from the crack and snowflakes settled onto his face. It was all real, unlike the fake styrofoam they'd use on modeling sets. [b]Amiel:[/b] "This door leads to the snow room. Usually, you can tell the theme of the destination depending on how the door looks, so what shall it be? The choice is all yours, my friends, and the possibilities are endless." Hearing a squeal and sounds of slight panicked surprise, Lesley swiftly turned to see Toby get sucked into a room with a flashing yellow caution sign clearly tacked to a space themed door. As Amiel, Riley, and Lesley rushed to the scene, all three of them were vacuumed in as well and Lesley laughed in delight. "I'm flying! Woohoo!" He flapped his arms and grabbed Amiel's hands and the two spun beside Ace and Toby. Letting go of his date, he "swam" towards Riley and took hold of the girl's wrist, he didn't want anybody to feel left out. "Come on hun," He dragged her higher up and snatched Amiel's hand up as well. Desserts from Toby's plate were also floating around them in slow motion, as a chocolate covered strawberry hovered near his mouth, he quickly breathed inwards and in one swift motion, the treat was sucked into his lips. "Yummy!" Looking into the starlight sky, he gazed into Amiel's eyes and said, "Well looky here. We might not have our champagne and a rooftop, but the stars are in sight," Lesley rested his head onto the Nobody's shoulder lovingly with a light sigh.