[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/2h52mpd.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/mww4r5.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Gravity Room: Ace, Riley, Lesley, Toby, Amiel[/b][/u] "Damn, the queen really went all out with her desserts." Riley plucked a cream filled cupcake from Toby's plate and popped it into her mouth. "This cream is to die for. Heh, I bet it was made by Mr. Cuddle's stuff. Seriously, that bear has talent." She took another piece of chocolate then spun around to see an upside down Ace. Her friend was floating? "Hey Ace," she gave her friends two thumbs up then chuckled. "How's it hanging?" "Very punny, Ms. Riley, was it?" Amiel didn't even get an answer because the next thing he knew the boy named Toby had dropped his own plate and joined Ace in the gravity room. "I know you're all excited but I need to take something along for this trip--oh my." Lesley tugged him along and soon enough all of them were spinning around the gravity room. "This is a rather nice feeling, yes?" He leaned back and crossed his legs, it was almost like lying down on a magnificent waterbed and scenery, it was superb. "Haha, hey Lesles!" They spun around in place before Amiel was tugged along. "Y'know, it's days like these that make me wish I had my camera with me. Gosh, what I wouldn't do for a photo of all this. THIS IS LIKE." She gestured wildly, her eyebrows furrowing together in irritation. "THIS IS LIKE, PHOTOJOURNALIST HEAVEN." Really, her being here without a working camera, it was a tragedy. Their guide blinked slowly, wrapping an arm around Lesley's shoulder. "Even if you had a camera, I don't think anything from our real can be sent into yours. It's two entirely different worlds, if I remember right." He chuckled a little. Yes, a bottle of champagne was nice, but even without it, the evening was still a rather splendid occasion. "Hmm, it's a shame, isn't it? Nowhere is full of lovely souvenirs." The girl was grumbling now. "Shame, more like an outright crime." Soon enough she was grinning again. "I mean, Lesles, as an artist you gotta understand, right?" There was a slight pause. "You're always trying to create beautiful images and now you're drowning in them. Doesn't it just want to make you paint like there's no tomorrow? Don't you wanna capture all this. I know I want to, but who'd believe us?" She puffed out her cheeks in indignation then kicked at the ground, but there was no ground to kick at so instead Riley was sent flying back. "Whoa!" She turned to look at the laughing Toby and Ace. "Hey guys, when we all y'know, go home and stuff. Are you going to tell people about this place?" She looked at all her friends. "I'm guessing the police will question us and all that since we've been missing for a long time, but are they going to believe us?" She really wondered how her parents would react to all this. Hopefully they weren't blaming poor Kim for her disappearance.