[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] Aria rescued the second tiny caterpillar from the top of the glass that Lucy had put down, letting it join its friend on her palm. Where were all these caterpillars coming from? As cute as it were, it was kind of strange. Lucy returned to the counter with yet another small caterpillar and placed it on the counter. [i]"There's a chance someone will gobble you whole and BAM you're guts will spill out and you'll be dead."[/i] "Lucy!" Aria half scolded while biting back a laugh. "You'll scare the poor little guy." He was making faces at it now and the caterpillar had lifted what she supposed was its head and swaying back and forth. The two on her palm looked to be conversing, and she looked around to see if there were any flowerpots she could place them on. Her glass of wine was done so she stood up and with a small wave to Amy she walked towards the board that had the pictures of the missing people on it. A row of flowers sat in pots on the windowsill besides the board and she let the two little guys off her palm first before standing next to Lute to investigate the board. "The bar has seats if you're looking for a place to sit,' she suggested to the man before frowning at the pictures. For a small town this was an unusually large number of missing people. She had a feeling if Estelle got a wind of it- Ah, did the leader know the secretary as well? Small world. Estelle and Moira were both chatting rather excitedly with the woman while Syed looked rather conflicted about something in his hair. Anyways, she was sure that when leader caught sight of the board they would most likely get involved like the Pride always did. Estelle's sense of justice was just too great. A loud and rather unpolite sound came from a small door at the side of the Guild and Ari blinked. Was that the lavatory? Oh dear. The lack of stench hopefully meant that the room was smell-proofed, if that was a thing.