[center][b]Collaborative: Andrea & Brovo[/b][/center] --- ((Totally optional fluff, meant for the old guard. Collaborative between Andrea and Brovo.)) The ball room was quiet. It was still a couple hours ahead of when even the Imperium was supposed to arrive, and for the first time in days, the room had naught one sign of human life save that of Mikan who was leaning against a pillar, arms crossed. Tapping her foot on the floor, she looks up at the ceiling and hums quietly to herself. [b]"They're late..."[/b] She mutters softly. They had been sent to check around the floors above the ball room, to make sure that there were no 'secret holes' or other such nonsensical things... And they were late to come back. So this means they either found something, or started messing around... No, not the latter. She would have felt it. A hand softly brushed over Mikan's shoulder to her chin and turned her head gently around. [b]"We are never late."[/b] Salinï said with a smirk. [b]"We arrive precisely when we want to."[/b] She added as Jamiahl appeared from the other side holding something odd in her hands, a plushie, bearing a likeness to queen Alex. [b]"We found that, at first we thought you might like it."[/b] She smiled and then frowned. [b]"But..."[/b] Jamiahl held it up and gestured to a set of needle stitches at the back. [b]"Faint magic aura, someone cut it open and put something inside."[/b] Salinï nodded, [b]"Figured some of the pet mages might want to check it out if it's something, or just harmless."[/b] Mikan shudders to the touch, the edges of her lips tilt upwards as her breath catches in her throat. Even after years of time with them, it was hard to stay in control. [b]"Gosh... I feel like I'm ten years younger with you two around."[/b] Giggling, she sighs and happily pushes herself against Salinï, back facing her while she looked at Jamiahl and the Alex doll. [b]"... Here, let me have a look at that."[/b] She reaches out with one hand, motioning for Jamiahl to come closer. Smiling she got closer and then frowned, looking at Mikan for a long while, she had always been the more observant of her sisters. She reached out with a hand, gently tracing over Mikan's cheek. [b]"You have the shakes again, don't you?"[/b] She asked, not accusingly or unkindly. Mikan nods, and looks down at the stone floor. There were so many beautiful decorations about, and yet, her mind was flooded with other things, that made it hard to see such beauty. Grasping Salinï's hand gently, she takes a deep breath. [b]"I know why... I've been having these shakes... Especially now..."[/b] Salinï squeezes Mikan's hand in her own and nods slowly. [b]"It has been a while... hasn't..."[/b] She smiled, frowning at the concerned look of Jamiahl. [b]"... Mm..."[/b] Mikan looks up to Jamiahl and motions her closer again, a small if somewhat bitter smile on her lips. [b]"Please, don't stand so far from me... Not for this..."[/b] Jamiahl sighs and shook her head, approaching closer, [b]"You know I get concerned when you have your shakes."[/b] She says softly but hugs close. [b]"I know... And there's something you need to know, that you likely weren't told... When you became, well... What you are now."[/b] Another giggle leaves her lips as she happily settles into their warm embrace, almost like a lost lamb. She felt like she belonged there, which was different than how she usually felt. [b]"So... I asked Amanda for a favour, and got texts about demons, and their various magics and tools..."[/b] She looks between their two faces, looking almost fearful. The connection they shared would let them know she was nervous, and didn't want to upset them. Salinï let out a snort and kisses Mikan's cheek, [b]"Whatever you have to tell us, don't worry little bird."[/b] She smirks, [b]"Worst we can do is tie you to the bed again to torture you with whips... and our tails... and the flogger... wait not the flogger, apparently last time we woke up the entire inn and they thought we were killing someone."[/b] She smirked still and let out a chuckle when Jamiahl rolled her eyes. Jamiahl kissed Mikan's other cheek, [b]"Tell us."[/b] [b]"... Well..."[/b] She swallows back nervousness, her lips quivering a little. [b]"... The point of enthrallment... For succubi... Was to make someone more willing to succumb to their needs, again and again... But, it is also to... Prime them..."[/b] She looks up into Jamiahl's eyes. [b]"To become one of them, or to become some other kind of demon... It's been years of this, and with the nine hells invading..."[/b] Her hands start to shake a little, even thinking about the consequences was both enthralling and terrifying. [b]"... I'm more vulnerable than ever..."[/b] Both sisters looked at each other over Mikan's head, Jamiahl frowning in thought while Salinï let a curse slip from her lips. [b]"Well.... guess being born a halfbreed does tend to skip the regular orientation speech about how it works for a succubi..."[/b] She offered a weak smile. Jamiahl let out a snort, [b]"So it would seem."[/b] She cupped Mikan's chin and looked into her eyes, her look one of concern for a loved one, in this case Mikan. [b]"Did these texts mention anything about to negate these effects? Besides our alchemic concoction?"[/b] Mikan shakes her head. [b]"Nothing, really... Useful..."[/b] She clenches her hands into fists, and the shaking stops, at least, momentarily. [b]"... Apparently, some very old magics can do it, but... Amanda admits they're incomplete, she would need more information, from the nine hells, or any evil artifacts, and those don't exactly... Drop out of the sky."[/b] Mikan's feelings could be felt by the both of them, their connection with one another was especially strong lately. For better, or for worse... Though Mikan felt a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, she felt comforted by their presence. [b]"Right now, I just... Have to stay in one piece... And you two can help me... Like you did before."[/b] Jamiahl nods slowly, [b]"We can do that... or we should just find a way to lose our powers, the demon taint."[/b] Salinï looked up sharply at that and Jamiahl glared at her, [b]"It should be a option."[/b] She then smiled and kisses Mikan softly. [b]"But for now... let's help you from the shakes... and afterwords... I think one of us needs to stay close to you at all times."[/b] [b]"For the ball... I was thinking to keep you both in the ball room, here."[/b] Quietly Mikan motions to both sides of the throne, only a few feet away. [b]"If anyone causes trouble, a pair of succubi leaping to the aid of the Queens would be... Quite a sight."[/b] Biting her bottom lip she looks at them both. [b]"We won't have much time for fun..."[/b] She pouts, then looks to a nearby hall. [b]"Just a couple doors to a storage room... And after we've had our fun, and the ball is over... We can talk about what we can do. Either way..."[/b] Closing her eyes she melts into Salinï's embrace, she wanted to be carried to the room. [b]"... I love you... Both of you. And no matter what happens, I wanted you to know that... You are irreplaceable, and whether you give up your taint or I join you both in it, we will stick together."[/b] Salinï purred and kissed Mikan deeply, only letting go because Jamiahl leaned in to kiss their favourite green haired scoundrel herself. [b]"We love you little bird, if sacrificing our pwoers will mean you will have better life with us... I'd happily do so.... I will miss the things we can do with our tails though..."[/b] She smirked and winked. Jamiahl snorted and rolled her eyes but was smiling... then got a thoughtful look on her face and looked at the empty ballroom... and the throne. Salinï noticed and smirked, [b]"Hmm... Mikan, do you think we should make a... thorough check of that... very comfortable looking throne? Instead of going to the storage room..."[/b] The sly grin that reached Mikan's lips could only be described as devilish and sweet, as she runs a finger across Salinï's lips, and Jamiahl's lips. [b]"Mm... We -do- have this room to ourselves for a few more minutes... And I always wanted to be a little princess~"[/b] She twirls playfully between them, slipping from Salinï to Jamiahl. [b]"... If it's on the throne, then I make only one request."[/b] She leans and whispers in Jamiahl's ear. [b]"...Barbed."[/b] Soon after, maids thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned both thrones before the ball started. They were, most probably, by and far, the cleanest objects in the entire metropolis after they were done. --- [b][center]The Imperium: Introduction[/center][/b] --- Arriving significantly ahead of schedule, an entire legion of Imperium soldiers arrived at the capital city. Moving in a marching ordered formation, rigid and near perfect, they did not so much as look at the surrounding populace, who lined the city’s streets to stare in awe. At the front of the legion were those known as the immortal brigade: Soldiers who had ten thousand years of battle hardened experience. In every conceivable way they were perfect soldiers, and yet, while the younger parts of the legion that followed them displayed pride, this motley group of men and women (though mostly men) did not. In fact, they displayed little emotion whatsoever. Even when children attempted to goad them on into smiling, offering gifts, or asking questions, the immortal brigade remained solemn and silent. At the very front of it all was Florence Merryweather on horseback, who was the lead general of the reassembled Imperium. Beside him was a rather unsettling looking woman, with long silvery hair and pale skin. Shorter than him, but commanding a greater presence as a couple members of the Imperium’s senate followed behind her. Prattling on about this issue or that idea, Florence rolled his eyes. He had little patience for politicians. Most solutions were far simpler than they ever allowed them to be. Finally, however, and with a beleaguered sigh, he offered the politicians some answers. [b]”Senators, the river separating our ancient lands from our new home will be held. We hold the bridges and can sabotage them at any time--”[/b] One of the senators, an older gentleman, interrupts him. [b]”--And that, is what you said about the West Hold Colonia. Something which you were obviously wrong about. What is the harm in asking the Mage’s Guild for help?”[/b] Florence glares at the senator. [b]”In case you forgot your history, the entire reason the Imperium fell is because of the Mage’s Guild.”[/b] The senator glares back, apparently unimpressed with the general’s attempt to intimidate him. [b]”Propaganda, history clearly shows that both sides were to blame.”[/b] Florence shakes his head. [b]”I was there. I saw it for myself. We cannot trust these people.”[/b] [i]”You both know that debating politics here is fruitless. Nothing said here will change the fact that we were summoned by our allies.”[/i] A ghostly--but feminine--voice rang out loudly enough that even the small crowds could hear it, and were both mesmerized and scared by it. The pale woman looks around at the peasants, her expression unchanged, and her lips did not move, but again, the words came. [i]”Worry not. I am the Empress of the Imperium. The guardian of the dream that is empire. You are our allies, and I will protect you as I protect my own people.”[/i] The crowds seemed to be soothed by that, and returned to being in a curious state. Florence glances at Maurie, and though his expression remained as tough as the iron the gladius at his waist was made out of, his shoulders dropped a little, tension leaving him as his tone softened, if only but a little. [b]”Of course... Well done... Maurie.”[/b] There was a bit of awkwardness from him, uttering her first name and not calling her Empress. He almost seemed conflicted between protocol and personal expression. [b]”... Though curious you would not see them as your people.”[/b] Maurie looks back to him. [i]”They are not.”[/i] The voice came again, though this time quieter, keeping the conversation amongst themselves. [b]”... Yet, they are. All men, regardless of race or creed, came from the bosom of the empire... These are all our people. I agree that we owe them our protection, however... I worry, sometimes. About you. About the dream. We have a long task ahead of us, but now, we age, like any mortal man... I also worry... About your...”[/b] He motions to her form. [i]”I know.”[/i] Maurie says, the tone taking an almost motherly tone to it as she tried to ease his concerns. [i]”Most know that this form is not my true one.”[/i] Florence shakes his head and mutters quietly to himself. [b]”No, that you can even twist the physical form like that...”[/b] Maurie looks at him, as expressionless as before. [i]”Magic is not evil.”[/i] Florence looks back to her, his cold, militaristic expression back. [b]”No, but it enables one woman to destroy millions... It is an element as wild as fire, but far, far more dangerous... It is the greatest enemy of the noblest dream we once had firmly in our grasp.”[/b] He then looks forward, towards the entrance of the keep. [b]”... Though I cannot deny its invaluable power on this modern battlefield.”[/b] Finally, they arrive to the front doors of the keep. Florence dismounts and looks back at the soldiers following him. [b]”DISPERSE AND...”[/b] He hesitates for a moment. [b]”... RELAX! TRY TO RELAX!”[/b] All but the personal guards attempt this, with the younger members of the legion having a far easier time of ‘relaxing’ than the immortal brigade, which looked about as out of place as it could possible be as they moved about together, still keeping a rough rectangle formation to them. [b]”How strange.”[/b] Commented the older senator from earlier. [b]”When you try to remain sane for ten thousand years, you cling to whatever is familiar... And it is hard to let go.”[/b] The senator blinks, not truly able to comprehend what that meant. Maurie approached the guards. [b]”Huh, we weren’t expecting you for another hour or so... Ma’am?”[/b] The guards say, confused by her appearance. She wasn’t undead, or was she? They couldn’t tell. Florence walks over and looks at them. [b]”Can you perhaps [i]try[/i] to be a little more respectful towards my wife?”[/b] The guards appeared even more surprised as Maurie’s voice echoes through the area, as unearthly as it was before. [i]”We are here to answer Queen Kouri’s call. Seeing as how we have formal treaties with this kingdom, we decided it was appropriate to arrive ahead of schedule...”[/i] She then glances at the doors as they open. Mikan stares back. [b]”Uh... Welcome to Renalta.”[/b] Mikan says as she clears her throat awkwardly. [b]”I am the spymaster, and uh... Well... You’re early and, well--”[/b] Two cloaked figures quickly slip past Mikan, each splitting up to investigate the castle grounds. Florence glared at one as he spotted a tail flick in Mikan’s direction before it slid back underneath its cloak. Mikan blushes scarlet. [b]”...Justcomerightoninsidethequeenswillbeinshortly~”[/b] She says as she bows, allowing them inside the ball room. As they entered the ball room, they would find maids cleaning the thrones, with a dismayed looking queen Kouri, sitting on the floor with her head in the palms of her hands. [b]”Well, it wasn’t that bad.”[/b] A tall, drow vampire commented with a small grin. [b]”I will [i]never[/i] unsee that.”[/b] Kouri replies, as she slowly gets onto her feet at the sounds of the approaching people. Spotting Maurie, she immediately smiles warmly. [b]”Maurie! It has been months since I have last had the chance to see you.”[/b] Maurie’s face remained as expressionless as before. [b]”The battle front against the Free Holds is a rough one.”[/b] Florence interjects. [b]”Nothing more than mild setbacks.”[/b] He then looks at Kouri bows his head, humbly. [b]”My lady, have you considered my proposal?”[/b] The drow once again speaks, his amused tone not leaving him. [b]”We have, and we’re no men to spare for your armies, nor would we agree to to your legal conscription.”[/b] Florence raises an eyebrow. [b]”And you must be Hanus Wolfblood. The general with a living blade.”[/b] Hanus pats the handle of his two handed claymore tenderly. [b]”Of course.”[/b] [i]”Are you two quite done posturing?”[/i] Maurie comments as Kouri chuckles. [b]”Men.”[/b] She says as she looks at Maurie. [b]”We’ve got a while before the Rheinfeld envoy arrives. Come, lets talk about politics.”[/b] Maurie nods. [i]”Now is a good time.”[/i] With that stated, the two spoke together as the Imperium’s men and Renaltan soldiers intermingled, though they readied themselves for Rheinfeld’s arrival, one could see the close friendship that Renalta’s people and Imperium’s men share with one another. --- [b][center]Rheinfeld: Introduction[/b][/center] --- ((Collaborative work between [i]Tempest[/i] and [i]Brovo[/i]. The Rheinfelders arrived to the city of Renalta in what could only be described as an inquisitional force, and yet, they held no bars on decorative arrangement: Golden armour, heavenly helmets, noblemen's banners, and more could blatantly be seen. Even the horses were decorated with roses, or blades, or other such markings of one nobleman's house or another. At least a thousand men rode in, some being Crusaders with their Templar tutors keeping them on a close leash, and others being part of the Rheinfeld Republic. It was clear who was who: The Crusaders and Templar all wore at least some plate mail, and decorative symbols of their household, if they had any to display at all. The Republic members all wore a mixture of chain mail and wool, carrying a blue emblem with them. There was no sign of the Papacy, who had also received an invitation, but wasn't expected to come anyway, as they had denounced the kingdom as being nothing more than, quote... [b]"A bunch of upstart peasants following an overly energetic corpse queen and her bitch lover."[/b] What a lovely human being. Riding at the front was the leader of the Templar Order, Taigyn, and his second in command, Davian. Beside them rode one of the only Republican members in full plate mail, an ex-Templar, and notable enough, a black woman. She had remained silent the whole journey, and very cold towards the Templar. Davian looked at her with an equal level of coldness. His pale skin and blonde hair gave away his native heritage, and the way he stood, shoulders high, chin up, one could almost think he was being held up purely by his ego alone. Even if he was only second in command... He was rather handsome, though, with his blue eyes. [b]"Taigyn, the palace is ahead. I suggest we allow our men to cavort with the local citizenry, it has been a long and perilous journey, and they deserve rest."[/b] Taigyn looks on, the first time in a long while he had laid eyes upon Renalta since returning back from Cradle with the Queens to be. The capital had grown immensely since a time when nothing of a kingdom could even be claimed to exist. Pride wells within him for a moment that he had been a part that had allowed this to happen. Sorrow was soon to follow, that he had been so long from the companions and friends he had met in his travels since formerly renouncing the order, his life previous on the line from breaking from protocol. As Davian speaks up, he snaps back Taigyn's attention. The commander of the Templar looks back over his shoulder, craning to see his men before nodding, [b]"It would do them well, but let it be understood that they behave themselves. We may have changed, but much of the world still holds animosity against our Order... And rightly so. We need not give them more reason to detest us and should strive to correct that opinion. Correct?"[/b] [b]"True..."[/b] Davian says, as he looks around at the peasantry, who stared in awe at the sight of so many shining men, and a few women, even. He leans in closer and raises an eyebrow. [b]"... But... If the riff raff starts a fight..."[/b] Seeing what was a scowl from Taigyn, he clears his throat. [b]"... I will... Make sure to inform the men to... Leave them alive. And untouched. Mostly."[/b] The black woman speaks, finally, glaring at the both of them with an icy look that could only bely someone who wanted nothing to do with them, though especially Davian, moreso than Taigyn. [b]"Watch your tongue, knave. We're right here, you know."[/b] Davian rolls his eyes as he slouches back on his armoured horse, reaching for a leather pouch full of wine on the side of his saddle. [b]"My apologies, I forgot the Republic let a flea bitten peasant lead them, my lord."[/b] He says to Taigyn, though he really intended it for the woman. [b]"Alida here... She's... Not learned her place as a--"[/b] A knife speeds through the air and pierces the pouch, spraying wine all over Taigyn's side as the knife bounces harmlessly off his chest piece. As a response Davian's horse bucks on him and he falls off, yelping in surprise as he lands on his back. Alida then smiles as she looks at Taigyn, though there was a fury in her eyes that could intimidate armies of men. [b]"Yes. Just a peasant. I do [i]not[/i] know any better... My apologies."[/b] If the sarcasm were any thicker, one would be able to visible see it floating and taunting over a seething Davian, who bit his tongue as he climbed back atop his horse. Taigyn cannot repress the faint smirk at his lips or the crinkle at his eyes at his amusement, even if the cost was whine soaking into his clothes and likely staining it. [b]"If the men have any disputes, they can bring it up with their superiors. I am sure they have enough discipline to abstain from any more embarrassments to themselves and the Order as a whole."[/b] He politely tips his head to Alida and brushes off where the knife had scuffed his plate. [b]"I know I'm not much to look at, Alida, but did you need to help me look even less presentable? I am meeting old friends, after all. What if they think I've taken to hitting the wine too hard in my old age?"[/b] He chuckles more to himself than anything. Alida shrugs and looks forward at the palace, several floors tall and an architectural marvel that only the Mage's Guild could have helped to build. Maybe even Amanda herself. [b]"... We all look poor in front of this monument."[/b] She then looks at the sides of the streets, seeing both children and adults, of all races, sizes, and classes, standing side by side as they looked in a mixture of marvel and curiosity. [b]"...And her people."[/b] Davian sets his horse to a quick trot to catch up to the both of them, and looks between them. [b]"... Oh please, you're making me sick."[/b] Alida rolls her eyes this time. [b]"Oh no. Whatever will we do if the blue blood gets sick."[/b] Davian glares at her, then looks over her form with disdain and pity, rather than lust. [b]"I don't know. Whatever demons my stomach conjures for me to spew will certainly still look better than you."[/b] Alida shakes her head and snaps the reigns of her horse, moving ahead of both of them. Davian smirks as he leans back once more, instinctively reaching for his wine, only to recall that it was destroyed. [b]"Wench."[/b] He mutters under his breath. [b]"... Was a good soldier once, though."[/b] Taigyn turns upon Davian, anger on his face. [b]"You will respect her as you respect myself, Davian. She leads a good cause and embodies much of what we should all strive to be in the wake of what befalls Rheinfeld."[/b] He draws back, forcing himself to resume a dignified composure as he continues, [b]"But if you believe you cannot, feel free to join the men in their respite. Replenish your wine. I'm sure you will look more respectable, stumbling drunken down the streets than making a fool of us all in front of the other envoys."[/b] Davian's pride had been hit with that one. The breath caught in his throat as he looked around at the peasantry. Many were looking at him with disdain at what had just gone down. His lip quivers a little as he looks to Taigyn and bows his head obediently. [b]"Yes, my lord. My behaviour was... Unacceptable."[/b] It seemed even with pride and nobility, being a Templar, he knew his place in the Order. [b]"...Please... Try to understand... My position, as heir to the longest, noblest houses in all of Rheinfeld, that traces all the way back to Gault... I am... Unused to seeing the world as... Unnecessary of my greater education, that my... Upbringing has... Wielded unto me."[/b] His voice strained to find the right words. He was trying, though he struggled. [b]"... Please accept... My most sincere, apologies."[/b] Taigyn bows his head, [b]"I understand. It is a shock to many of us who had long served the Order as it once was. But you do not owe me your apologies, as I see it."[/b] He looks after the retreating Alida, shaking his head. [b]"Let us hope all is not lost with this display. I would prefer if a treaty with the Republic could be made sooner rather than later. Too many lives have already been lost, fighting amongst ourselves when the real enemy still remains."[/b] [b]"Hm."[/b] Davian looks at his gloved hands, spying the engraving of a falcon in the palm of each of them. He clenches them both and narrows his eyes. [b]"Who is the real enemy... Today it's convenient to befriend these people, tomorrow, when our current enemies lie dead, and the convienence ends, we will be told to defy that which is core to us... Or die."[/b] He looks to Taigyn, with a certain amount of brotherhood. [b]"Beware. Any friend today is an enemy tomorrow, given the right circumstances."[/b] Taigyn looks up at the looming gates as his mouth tugs into a look of discomfort, [b]"You say that, but perhaps you have not made good friends, as I have been blessed by chance with."[/b] He allows his attention to shift back to Davian, [b]"You are still a young man, eager to make your mark and quick to act upon impulses. Perhaps with time you will see things differently. I was not so different in my younger years, after all."[/b] He offers a warm smile far more weathered than his true years should reflect. Davian smiles back, though still doesn't seem to agree with Taigyn as they arrive at the gates. Tall enough to fit an ogre easily, the guards at the front look at Taigyn and Davian and bow their heads respectfully. Davian bows his head back in response, showing an uncharacteristic respect of the peasantry. [b]"Halt."[/b] The guards state, looking to Alida, who had apparently been waiting for them. She dismounts her horse, and pats it on the neck. As it was trained to, it turns back and moves for the stables beside the castle. Others begin to dismount around them, a mixture of Templar and Republican soldiers. [b]"We will enter each individually, to represent our individual factions."[/b] Alida states plainly. Davian nods in agreement. [b]"Sensible."[/b] He looks to Taigyn, awaiting for him to dismount and lead before doing the same. The guards look at them both. [b]"Who will go first... The Rheinfeld Republic, or the Templar Order?"[/b] Taigyn dismounts from the back of his aged riding lizard, patting him on his back. The lizard gives him a look, eyes spaced out and seemingly looking at nothing as its tongue flicks out and licks over its right eye. Taigyn purses his lips before giving the creature an affectionate scratch between the eyes. [b]"Simple beast, but a good one,"[/b] he chuckles, grabbing the reigns and directing over where Alida's horse went, [b]"Stables."[/b] The creature cocks its head and seems to head that way before looking back at him. Taigyn crosses his arms, giving a challenging look before the lizard finishes slinking onwards, dejected. With that taken care of, Taigyn turns back to the guards and clears his throat, [b]"If the Republic wishes, I would have them go first. They did technically arrive before us, if only by moments."[/b] Davian looks at the lizard, watching it waddle its way over to the stables. All the men expect some kind of comment about its heritage and grandmother, and yet, Davian smiled. [b]"I had a rather peculiar blood hound growing up. One of his ears was longer than the other, constantly got in the way of his eyes, oft messed up his pursuits... But he was loyal. Loyalty is more important than appearances."[/b] He looks at Taigyn, the sense of camaraderie brimming from him as Alida enters with her Republican soldiers. [b]"Say. Guard."[/b] He looks at the Renaltan soldier, who stood perfectly still. [b]"You seem noble enough."[/b] The guard grins a little. [b]"Actually, my parents were farmers."[/b] Davian almost seemed disappointed. [b]"Oh... Well... Everyone can aspire to something, at least."[/b] Taigyn waits, tapping his boots against each other as the Republic procession moves forth. As they pass by, he offers his nod and the occasional well-wish and polite remark. His hand goes up, to scratch his peppered beard as the guards address him once more, calling them to enter. He bows his head in thanks and looks to Davian. [b]"Well, here goes nothing,"[/b] he smirks, starting forward. As Taigyn does, Davian snaps his fingers, and a procession of priests and Templar who had gotten ready for the occasion immediately step forward. Davian grabs Taigyn's right pauldron, and holds him back momentarily. [b]"Let the ceremonies commence, remember, you're the leader of a nation, not a... Vagrant."[/b] They could both see past the gate as Templar in silver-steel armour, without any decorations beyond those of the Order, formed lines on each side of a red carpet set out for the guests to enter. A pair of priests, both women, enter and begin to speak a prayer in Rheinfelder, the hard language of warriors. The area around the carpet grew with a holy light, as Davian then let go of Taigyn's pauldron. [b]"Now, we may enter. You first, my lord, and I will follow, as any second should."[/b] The light would shine off of them specifically, upon entering, the Templar on each side would bow their heads and kneel at the passing of the head of the Order. Taigyn barely manages to keep the disappointed expression from his face. As much as traditions and ceremonies were a part of the Order, it still felt uncomfortable to him given his time with the Queens and their sortie of misfits. It could not be helped. Raising his head high, he proceeds as tall as he can manage. Davian was right, of course, he was the leader of a faction of power in Rheinfeld now, he would have to follow through with the tedious processions. Just so long as it did not inhibit his time reuniting with those he had not seen in many years, it was something he could abide by. As they both entered, Davian's chin went right back up the way it had been before, shoulders held high, tall and proud. The ceremony was uptight and overly righteous but displayed the culture of discipline and duty well enough that there was no sense in changing it, it seemed. Save for the Republican soldiers, who stood without formation, many with shoulders slouched, appearing unimpressed by the display. The Imperium, which had arrived before them all, stood and watched with a certain sense of appreciation for the ritual. It was old and they seemed to understand its roots better than perhaps even those who committed to it. As Taigyn and Davian finally reach the end of the procession, they stood mere feet away from Queen Kouri and Queen Alexandria, who each stood close to their thrones. [b]"Queens of Renalta,"[/b] Davian starts, as he bows his head out of respect. [b]"May I introduce Taigyn, leader of the Templar Order, and rightful ruler of Rheinfeld."[/b] Nearby, Alida crossed her arms and shook her head at Taigyn, disappointed by the sight she saw compared to the man she had seen earlier. [b]"Oh Queens, I do wish to apologize if Taigyn is not at his utmost in appearances, for you see, a wench--"[/b] Kouri interrupts him with the raise of a hand, causing Davian to bow his head further and step behind Taigyn. [b]"I don't need to you speak for an old friend."[/b] Kouri says with a soft smile. [b]"Welcome back, Taigyn. It's been a long time."[/b] Taigyn removes his helmet, tucking it beneath his arm as he bows before Kouri, [b]"Indeed it has, Prince-- Queen, Kouri."[/b] A smirk plays over his lips as he taps by his good eye and directs at Alex, [b]"And you as well, Queen Alexandria."[/b] Amusement plays across his face as he takes in her appearance, [b]"And might I say, you look well in a dress. I never thought I myself would witness the day."[/b] He straightens himself out, head held high, [b]"As Davian started, apologies for the dishevelled appearance, but I must say, wine is certainly a better colour on me than sand and spider, don't you think?"[/b] [b]"Quite."[/b] Kouri says, the smile not leaving her as the procession of templar and priests starts to mingle with the crowd, a piano beginning to play with a violin in the background. There, Taigyn would spot the blind bard who had accompanied them, on his flute. Davian looks between the three and shakes his head, walking off towards the Imperium's men, likely to compare their strength to his own. It was then that, from the shadows, Mikan slipped out and looked Taigyn over. [b]"You know... It certainly looks better on you than blood... It's been a while..."[/b] She says, almost with a hint of remorse. His smile drops at the sound and sight of the younger Spymaster. His eye closes for a moment as if regathering his thoughts before he steps forward and draws her into a tight embrace. [b]"As I live and breathe, I've caught the Green Fox!"[/b] He jests, loosening his grip and drawing back. His face still did not hold the same pleasant merriment as with other just moments before. He looks her over, brows raising, [b]"It... has been some time. You... You look well."[/b] He clears his throat and nods awkwardly, unable to take his eyes off the matured girl. Mikan's lips curl up mischievously as she looks at Taigyn eye to eye, quietly moving herself back up to him and resting a finger atop his chest plate, just underneath his chin. [b]"... Oh, I do more than [i]look[/i] well, Taigyn. All you have to do is ask."[/b] She giggles, that same childish giggle that she had ten years ago remained with her. The Templar commander finds himself flushing as he stares at Mikan, fighting down the lump that was suddenly present in his throat. [b]"Ah, well..."[/b] he licks his lips and takes a step back, [b]"A welcome gesture, but I am afraid I am I could not ask such."[/b] He offers a wry smile, [b]"You know me... Always with rigid formalities and conduct. I'd feel just rotten to saddle any poor woman with such a grizzled old bastard as myself, anyhow."[/b] [b]"Hahahahaha!"[/b] Mikan erupts into a soft laughter, before eyeing a little over Taigyn's thighs. [b]"Oh, don't you worry, I would be the one saddling..."[/b] She openly enjoyed how much it bothered him to see her become this woman. Still. There were many other matters to attend to, for a Spymaster. [b]"I must get going... For now. I'll see you again, when the party dies down, I think... Oh, and don't be afraid to stare."[/b] She winks and walks away from the ball room, likely back to hide in whatever position she had been in to oversee the whole procession. However, as she did, she intentionally put a slight sway in her hips, and hummed a tune quietly to herself. He blinks, unable to keep from staring after her for a moment, taking in the intentional show before coming to his senses and drawing himself away. He looks about awkwardly, hoping the others to accompany him on his journey here had not just bore witness to his laughable display just now. --- [b][center]Kingdom of Liveria: Introduction[/b][/center] --- Unlike others, who marched in grand processions and brought with the many soldiers, Liveria’s envoy was small and to the point. With a mere hundred or so men and women, well armed and many carrying small lizards or birds. Their black uniforms belied the darker architecture of their home, and notable none were on horseback or otherwise. Three people led the procession: A man in his thirties wearing fine red and black silk and linen, with short brown hair and sharp green eyes. He stood tall, though he was only of average height. At his waist his rapier rattled in its sheath, a ceremonial weapon moreso than an actual weapon of war. To each side of himself there was a woman, though they were both quite different in appearance. The first woman was to his right, and wore a bizarre array of things not commonly found in Liveria, or most other places really. A pair of glasses laid gently on the bridge of her nose, small and meant for reading and yet she wore them nonetheless. Her hair was a very dark shade of brown, one could be forgiven for mistaking it as black, and combed back into a pony tail. She carried no weapons though based on the way her brown cloak draped around her shoulders, she could easily hide a few small weapons on her slender frame. Surprisingly enough, she is taller than he is. The second woman was to his left, and was shorter than most around her. Standing only at a meagre 5’4”, her eyes were the only ones to wander across the street, the houses, and the bystanders in wonder, even waving to the occasional person in the crowd who waved to her. She was even smiling--something everyone else around her was not doing. While the other two were a bit difficult to recognize, this one was obvious simply by the way her black dress hugged her form, the way her corset tightened around her abdomen, and even the slight hints of makeup on her face that she seemed to cooperate with: Princess Helénē. And like all princesses, she was a beautiful young woman, with quite the family pedigree to match. So it was no surprise, then, when a man in silver armour brazenly stepped out from the crowd and stopped the small procession. Immediately half a dozen variously sized crossbows flashed out from the Liverian royal guard, though a single hand motion from the man leading them caused the weapons to lower slightly. Either way, the plate mailed man stared at the trio of interesting characters before him and bowed humbly before the one leading them. [b]”King Xavier,”[/b] He starts. [b]”I am Johannas Fredriech, of the house of Tyvin, of the lands of Rheinfeld. I have humbly come to request a task worthy enough to win the hand of thy daughter.”[/b] Xavier looks the man over with a cold stare before looking to his daughter, who appeared extremely uncomfortable with the prospect of being promised to a random stranger. [b]”No.”[/b] Xavier said as he motioned for the knight to leave their presence. [b]”No? I do not understand. Surely you would wish to wed thy daughter to a high standing member of a society much stronger than your own. Perhaps we could work out an--”[/b] The Rheinfelder is stopped as the woman with glasses raises her hand, glaring at him as she lifts him off the ground with magic. Helénē looks at the woman and gasps. [b]”No! Stop! I command you to stop!”[/b] Xavier said nothing, and merely watched the Rheinfelder struggle for breath as the Princess whistles. A small lizard comes plummeting down from the skies and lands on her shoulder. It looked like any regular gecko, but with evolved, gliding wings connecting its limbs to its body, like a parasail. She whispers something to it and it immediately flies and lands on the magician’s face, causing her to stumble. The Rheinfelder drops down onto the street, coughing and sputtering. [b]”Away with you! Flee, while you have the chance!”[/b] Helénē says, the knight nodding in appreciation as he dives back into the crowd. Immediately the woman with glasses tears the lizard from her face and tosses it towards the ground. He recovers and glides, turning and zipping back to Helénē before hiding on her back and changing his skin tone to match the black silk of her dress. The magician straightens her glasses out and Xavier chuckles. [b]”Well done Helénē. Though I would have preferred you to use your own magic to stop hers.”[/b] Before the magician can protest he raises a hand, silencing her immediately as her shoulders droop, staring down at the street with anger in her eyes. Helénē looks up at her father and frowns. [b]”Were you just going to let Mila kill that man?”[/b] Xavier nodded. [b]”If he was brazen enough to seek out your hand when I told him no, then he would listen to no other sound than that of death’s coarse voice lulling him to sleep.”[/b] Helénē frowns, but doesn’t argue the point further. Xavier was not the type of man to change his mind often. Soon enough, however, they arrived at the gates of the keep. The two guards looked them over, one with suspicion, the other with appreciation. [b]”Welcome brothers and sisters!”[/b] The appreciative one stated as Xavier shook his head. [b]”We are not. We have not been for ages.”[/b] The guard’s eyebrows cross with confusion. [b]”My half-sister is Liverian. My uncle is Liverian. I have Liverian blood in me, and most Liverians have Renaltan blood in them. We are cut from the same cloth and share much of the same history--”[/b] The suspicious guard glares at the other guard, shooting him down and then looking back to Xavier. He bows his head respectfully. [b]”I apologize. He was simply excited to see the royalty that some of his family reveres.”[/b] Princess Helénē walks over to the appreciative guard and gently places her hand on his shoulder, causing him to blush brightly. [b]”It’s okay, I humbly accept your welcome, and hope you can join us later in the ball room.”[/b] The two guards look at each other and nod, the appreciative one fumbles over his next words as he motions them inside. [b]”Th-The Queens await thee most graciously, princess Helénē... And, th-thank you.”[/b] As Xavier and Helénē enter the ball room, the crown-prince scowled looking at his daughter. [b]”So long as Renalta welcomes outside dangers, they will never be like us.”[/b] Helénē looks up at her father, a sympathetic if disagreeing look in her eyes. [b]”...They are exactly like us, they just aren’t afraid of the dark anymore, father.”[/b] Before the two could debate any further, they reached the sight of Kouri and the Imperium’s Empress, walking towards them. [b]”Welcome, Xavier.”[/b] Queen Kouri says with a hint of reservation. [b]”That is Crown-Prince to you, my... Queen.”[/b] Xavier replies as Helénē quietly laughs nervously. [b]”... Ah... How about we simply focus on--”[/b] Mila steps in front of Helénē and motions her back. This was something the two had to resolve now, before there were more nations there to observe the squabbling. Queen Alexandria joins the discussion as she quickly moves to her wife’s side, glaring at Xavier. [b]”Ah. So you did manage to join us.”[/b] He clasps his hands behind his back and raises his shoulders proudly, without a hint of shame. [b]”Arrive, yes, I did manage this. Across all those grasslands. How [i]challenging[/i]. ‘Tis a good thing you were not travelling with us, there were so many trees, why, we would have taken many weeks to reach this... Place.”[/b] Alex growls, but Kouri grasps Alex’s hand softly and calms her. Seeing Xavier’s eyebrow raise, she smiled softly. [b]”Why yes, if we were travelling with you, there would have been many stops in the various towns and farmsteads to visit the people, and to have comfortable places to rest that aren’t made out of stone blocks, dirt, or otherwise... In Liveria I know however it is different, and I would not complain about the accommodations provided to me freely by another... Nor would I insinuate any potentially disagreeable habits or behaviours from their wife, why, that would only display immaturity and lacklustre social graces, something one should expect from... A vagabond, not a member of the nobility... Wouldn’t you say so, Xavier?”[/b] The crown-prince bites his lip, and then narrows his eyes. [b]”Perhaps... Where are your touted children, anyway? I wanted to meet them.”[/b] He says with a hard if somewhat caring look in his eyes. Kouri shakes her head. [b]”They are elsewhere. They will not be joining us for the ball. Seeing how there will be many different... Cultures, people... With possible sensitive feelings, we felt it best to avoid any potential... Complications.”[/b] Xavier wrings his wrists behind his back, displaying uncertainty as to how to properly proceed. [b]”And to protect them, no doubt, from some of the more... Extreme, foreigners.”[/b] Kouri sighs and nods, not seeing any way around answering the question correctly without lying to him. [b]”Yes. To a certain extent.”[/b] After a brief silence, Xavier nods to Alexandria respectfully. [b]”You have my apologies... It is just hard to accept sometimes that you came to be with the woman I had hoped to wed and protect from danger.”[/b] Kouri interjects before Alexandria has the chance, a disappointed look is in her eyes. [b]”I need not your protection, nor your love... I need your friendship.”[/b] Xavier’s hard look doesn’t leave him as he stares Kouri eye to eye. [b]”...We will see if that is possible, my Queen.”[/b] He then turns and leaves the Queens alone. Helénē, on the other hand, quickly zips past Mila and up to Kouri. Looking up to her, she smiles, blushes mildly, and then her smile grows into a most exuberant grin of childish excitement and wonder. [b]”Queen Kouri!... The real one!”[/b] Kouri’s look turned to confusion as she looked at Helénē’s star-filled eyes. [b]”...Yes... I am Kouri. The one and only, though many illusionists think themselves clever to try and disguise themselves as me.”[/b] The princess almost seems to explode with energy as she grabs Kouri’s hand and shakes it rapidly. [b]”Hi I’m Helénē and I always wanted to meet you because I read the legends about you when I was little and learned magic too because of you and also because you are COMPLETELY AMAZING and strong and intelligent and I always wanted to meet you did I mention that because--”[/b] As she runs out of breath and takes a deep breath to continue Kouri grasps her small shoulders and squeezes them softly. [b]”Relax!... Calm down, we have time before the next delegation arrives. You can ask me as many questions as you want. Lets just walk over here...”[/b] --- [b][center]The Goblin Holds: Introduction[/center][/b] --- ((Note: Collaborative work between [i]Brovo[/i] and [i]Kadaeux[/i].)) The Goblin Holds had managed to edge out just ahead of the Free Holds, almost as though they were intentionally delayed by repeated sandstorms. Nonetheless, several hundred goblins and orcs, and a few humans and elves, dotted the large travelling group as they entered the city of Renalta. One couldn't help but marvel at the sight of so many different peoples standing and riding side by side, and though not quite as wealthy as the free holds, there could almost be considered a similar sense of brotherhood and camaraderie among them as there was amongst the Rheinfelders. Still, they had their fair share of wealth, with elephants, scorpions, and camels. The lead general of the Emperor's armies, [url=http://i.imgur.com/X6ZxQpD.jpg]Nash Skullbringer[/url]. He grinned as his skull shaped pieces of armour here and there gathered more than a few looks from the guardsmen... As did the bleached white skulls of the slavers on his staff, which was otherwise little more than an over-glorified stick. [b]"If only we could have shown them the Asimov Worm you keep as a pet."[/b] He grunts as he looks at Emperor Xixis' scorpion, which chitters and clicks its pincers together. It was young, but eager enough, a child of the original scorpion which had carried Xixis as it, too, now served Xixis. [b]"So. I'm assuming those random dust storms behind us which unfortunately slowed the Free Holds caravan to a crawl had nothing to do with you?"[/b] Xixis grinned as he looked at his general from the side of his eyes. [b]"I cannot imagine what you could possibly be insinuating old friend, why would I possibly have held up a bunch of slaving scum and ensure it'd take a good month to remove the sand from their trousers."[/b] Xixis winked. [b]"I also definitely did not enchant a batch of sand to magically find its way back into the pants of the freeholds representatives every day. Nosiree."[/b] The procession was magnificent, from the Goblin Scorpion riders to the orcs and human Mameluke cavalry. He sighed. It would have been magnificent to show Queen Kouri his tamed Aasimov Worm. Tell a few tales about the time they fought an angel while fighting one off too... Nash makes a few motions through the air with his hand as a few human children spectate and follow around him. They were almost more amazed by his dire wolf than they were by him. Little purple sprites flew from the orc's hand, flying back off to the crowd as the children pursued them. Shaking his head he looked ahead and spotted the palace, in all of its grandeur. Tall, brilliantly constructed architecture. With his talents he immediately knew and appreciated the work the Mage's Guild had in contributing to this marvel of engineering, several floors tall, and yet, it could withstand blows from any cannon, catapult, and trebuchet and shrug it off. [b]"These Queens are old friends of yours, yes? Well... They certainly know how to pick their designers."[/b] He then pauses for a moment in speech. [b]"... Queens."[/b] A slight curl reaches his lips, with mixed feelings at the notion. [b]"I am looking forward to meeting the lycanthrope."[/b] [b]"Aye, I helped them in their quest to banish the gods, the reward was well worth the cost."[/b] Xixis went silent for a moment remembering Zex and Xez. The Madheart Clan had been saddened at the loss of the two slave-bodyguards and had offered the next set of twins born to be raised and take the same place but Xixis had refused. [b]"They know what they're doing indeed."[/b] Xixis continued. [b]"I remember one time when the Queens were... 'keeping each other company', Zex thought they were wrestling when he went past their window to the room of the inn we were staying in, poor little git left some copper coins for the winner."[/b] Nash burst out into laughter the moment he heard it, a loud, almost bestial kind, that was feverish amongst the few orcs nearby. They all had a unique kinship, even closer than that they had with the goblins, humans, and elves. The kind where when one grew energetic, so too did the rest. [b]"Good!"[/b] He stated with excitement in his voice. [b]"Then they know how to live, being so energetic as to make that 'git' think them to be fighting!"[/b] He pats his wolf who howls, joined by all the others in the caravan as one, loud howl of unison the whole city could hear. Finally he settled enough that, as the other orcs continued to banter and cheer with their goblin compatriots, he settled his wolf closer to the scorpion. The wolf whined, not being comfortable near a natural, instinctive enemy, only to be scratched behind the ears. [b]"Hush Mishna..."[/b] His red eyes look to Xixis as his tone grows quieter. [b]"Good news, and bad... Those two you asked me to look out for... Sarah, and Amanda... Scouts reported Sarah's activity nearby, she will likely be at the Ball, hidden, or in disguise. Amanda, on the other hand, is brazen enough to simply waltz about there... Watch your book, old friend. She still wants to get her hands on it."[/b] Xixis's own good cheer evaporated slightly at the news. Sarah he liked, Amanda he rather did not. [b]"Foul witch wanting to take that which she has no rightful claim to. The ancient power of the Madheart Clan is not meant for creatures like her."[/b] He almost snarled the response but managed to reign it in and keep his emotions in check. Xixis kept the book on him always. But Amanda was not a creature to respect personal boundaries. [b]"Keep close watch for her my friend when she shows herself. I don't want her anywhere near me, and politics be damned where she is concerned."[/b] Xixis took a handful of gold coins and created small sand wings for each of them and sent them fluttering around a bunch of poor looking children. While there were not many in the kingdom of endless work and community, those few that were there happily took them and cheered Xixis' name before dashing back into the crowds, likely to share their 'spoils' with their families. With a simple and curt nod, Nash allows his wolf to go back to its comfortable position, a few feet further away from the scorpion. As they arrived at the gates, the guards looked mildly exhausted from all those who had come before. Yet, they snapped to attention nonetheless, and saluted the pair. [b]"Goblin Holds, correct?"[/b] Nash blinks. [b]"We are green, and not in chains... I would say so."[/b] He growled lowly at the pair, then chuckled as they attempted feebly to hide being intimidated by the large orc. [b]"We have been given specific orders. Queen Alexandria is allowing Xixis to bring in his scorpion, as per request submitted to us. Your wolf however must stay outside. There are stables nearby, we have made appropriate arrangements."[/b] Nash grunts and dismounts, patting Misha's fur, she whimpers, then departs from her comrade's side. He then looks to Xixis. [b]"Shall we?"[/b] Xixis nodded amused by the General's games with the guards. [b]"We shall."[/b] He said with a chuckle. He turned to the guards. [b]"The procession following us may be slightly unhappy friend. Let them know that they're more than welcome to have a sand bath to feel just that little bit more at home."[/b] Xixis said feigning concern and helpfulness to conceal a large dollop of spitefulness. [b]"They get a bit antsy without one every few miles or so."[/b] The guards roll their eyes and look at each other, shaking their heads. [b]"Yeah, yeah."[/b] Just as they were about to open the doors, out from the shadows of the keep slipped a cloaked figure, though distinctly feminine. Just by her presence Nash felt unsettled, but Xixis, inherently knew who it was. She takes a position between Nash and Xixis, thick brown robes covering her head to toe, and preventing an inch of skin from being seen. [b]"... This an old friend, I'm guessing?"[/b] One of the guards asks. [b]"No no, it's a sentient flying robe come to kill us all."[/b] Xixis said deadpan to the guard while winking at Sarah. [b]"It's good to see you again old friend, I trust you've been well?"[/b] The figure nods and slips him a note. Written in perfect Goblinoid, it confirmed her identity, as there were very few humans who could even speak it or write it, leave alone perfectly. [b]"Well... Alright then."[/b] The guards open the large doors to allow the trio passage, along with a few elite goblin and orc guards who accompanied them. Nash grinned as he stepped forth, being greeted to the sights and sounds of Livarians in their dark and shadowy ways, Imperials all remaining closely knit as if forever trapped in formation, Rheinfelders in a mixture of shining armour and blue ribboned Republicans, and of course Renaltans, who were of all various shapes and sizes. It was a remarkable sized hall, and Nash turned slowly, taking in the sights of it. Sometimes he forgot his station, much to the chagrin of some of the others there. He then spots amongst the Imperium's crowd a Lich, who had a blank expression as she stared at him and nodded. Strangely, she had human flesh. [b]"... Powerful."[/b] He remarks as the Lich looks back at him. [i]"... Cunning."[/i] She replies in her ethereal voice, her lips unmoving. Kouri and Alex stood by their thrones, though Alex seemed to be slowly getting agitated with repeatedly being interrupted in the middle of whatever conversation she was in every time someone arrived. Still, she took it in stride. Xixis nodded as those nobles who deigned to notice him as his scorpion skittered over the floor towards the thrones. [b]"Kouri, Alex."[/b] He bowed slightly in respect. [b]"Such pomp must certainly be putting the metaphorical sand in your pants Alex."[/b] He winked at her. Kouri shakes her head at the comment and smiles. [b]"Haven't changed at all, have you."[/b] She then looks at the cloaked figure and narrows her eyes. It took her a moment, but the look she had confirmed that she knew who it was. [b]"You keep dangerous company."[/b] She says softly as the crowd around quiets down, sensing tension, and something else. [b]"King Madheart."[/b] The all too familiar, spine chillingly feminine voice came from the crowd assembled there as Amanda stepped out, fully covered in robes, staff in hand. Nash steps in her way and growls lowly. [b]"You realize the artifact you carry is unknown even to us... It is dangerous to take it with you here."[/b] [b]"You realise I care not whether it's unknown to you or not. It is known to me and has been known to my clan for untold lengths of time before it was stolen. So, if I may be impolite for a moment, go away."[/b] Xixis said without any trace of diplomacy. [b]"I'm not about to allow you to steal the inheritance of Clan Madheart."[/b] [b]"It would not be stealing."[/b] Amanda says with a sigh. [b]"I would return it to you when I had thoroughly finished studying it... Besides, let us be honest, if I wished not for diplomacy, I would be more than enough even for you."[/b] Kouri looks at Amanda with an icy glare, very uncharacteristic of her usually tranquil and kind nature. [b]"This is neutral territory, back off Amanda. I'm asking you both as a friend and as the Queen of this nation in which your Guild calls home."[/b] Amanda then looks at the figure in the middle, who had turned to stare at Amanda. There was a bit of a pause before Amanda stated something in a language that nobody in the room recognized, though it didn't sound particularly polite or meant for the ears of children. The figure chuckles, and pulls back her hood, revealing herself: Sarah Darkhammer. Even those who hadn't met her knew her description well enough to know who she was, and at that, half the room immediately loathed her, the other half, intrigued. [b]"Yes, it's me, old friend... Try to be polite. These Queens are a good enough lot."[/b] Amanda sighs, and backs off, away from Nash, who finally lowered his staff. [b]"Just for you,"[/b] Amanda says while she looks at Kouri, not Sarah. [b]"And, please..."[/b] She then looks at Xixis. [b]"Do at least consider... That I would be willing to study it at your home, now that I have the portable tools, and don't have to take it to the Guild."[/b] [b]"I think not."[/b] Xixis said plainly. [b]"The only other people in this room I’d trust to touch let alone read the book is sitting on that throne, or just making her dramatic entrance."[/b] The extreme distaste he held for Amanda spilling through in his tone. [b]"Though I am fairly sure Kouri can't read the tongue its written in."[/b] He chuckles. Kouri takes a glance at the tome. [b]"I could figure it out, I think, given enough time."[/b] As the ball room starts to relax, she does her best attempt to speak in Goblinoid. [b]"You kind, language, hard. Syntax."[/b] It was messy and hard to understand, but the attempt was admirable enough. Nash nods to Xixis and remains close to him, but seems to admire the lycanthrope more now that he could see her than before when he could only imagine what she looked like. Xixis winced at the mangled goblinoid. [b]"Admirable attempt for a human milady, but next time you visit the Goblin Holds I'll be happy to help you speak the 'uncivilised' tongue a little more proficiently."[/b] He offered with some polite humility. Not even the lowliest Goblin would mistake their tongue for a civilised one. Kouri bows her head politely to the King, though she still knew him as a travelling compatriot. [b]"I would be honoured to learn more about your people."[/b] She then approaches Xixis and motions to move towards one side of the room. [b]"Now, shall we catch up before the Free Holds arrive?"[/b] She says softly. [b]"Most certainly."[/b] He says with a smile before flicking a copper coin at Alex. [b]"Memories of less troubled times."[/b] He grins slightly sadly.