. --- [b][center]The Free Holds: Introduction[/b][/center] --- Just as the people of the Goblin Holds had finally dispersed into the crowds and taverns of the capital city, another desert caravan arrived behind them. Even later than expected, as they had to clean sand from all of their things. Such, marvellous things, indeed, as even the camels were covered in gold, silver, platinum, and jewels, dragging behind them further gold and silver. There were elephants and scorpions and wolves and all such variety of animals, some of which barely fit the city streets as the crowds on each side made room for them to pass. Still, there were some other, not such beautiful sights that the crowds had the misfortune of seeing: Slaves. Fairly well dressed slaves, remarkable, most even modestly, but still, the crowds tended to grow silent and reserved at the sight of them, despite being offered ‘the charity of the holds’ in the form of small pouches of gold and silver. At the front of this immense caravan of at least fifteen hundred men and women is a carriage, of sorts. It is floating without the need or aid of men and women to lift it through the aid of a magician dressed in thick, purple robes who stood in front of the front of the caravan. Surprisingly enough given the circumstances, he was a tiefling. Inside sat an older man with darker skin and short, curled black hair. He was young and yet tired looking judging by the bags under his eyes, and the sign of wrinkles starting to form across his forehead. Others sat inside with him, at least a half a dozen men and one woman of various ethnicity, race, and appearance. Each was the ruler of a hold in the Free Holds, large or small... And all, predictable, arguing. [b]”Look, we can’t just march an army into Southblood!”[/b] One chimed in. [b]”Ever since the Gods were banished it has grown to nearly three times the size and power it had before!”[/b] Another shakes his head in disagreement. [b]”Of course we [i]can[/i], we just aren’t foolish enough to try it. That’s why we hire assassins.”[/b] A third spoke up, this one the woman. [b]”And your brilliant plan to hire assassins is foolish. The crescent sisters are no longer available to us and others cannot get the job done like they could... Given the situation, we couldn’t hire anyone like them again anyway.”[/b] As they continued to squabble, the man with black hair rested his head in his hands and groaned. The magician at the front crosses his eyebrows, and telepathically spoke to him. [i]”Fahim, I know you tire of your current form, but I need you to hold it for just a while longer.”[/i] Fahim nods and telepathically communicates back to the magician. [i]”You’re sure it will happen here?”[/i] There was a momentary pause as Fahim looked about the interior. [i]”Absolutely. There is no reason for Deimos’ assassin to--”[/i] [i]Boom[/i]. In a single moment, without warning, the entire carriage explodes violently, sending wooden shards in several directions. The crowd on either side of the street shrieked in momentary terror before watching the sharps hit invisible barriers, and fall to the ground harmlessly. There was some blood sprayed as well, but not nearly enough for the seven people inside. As the smoke clears, a greyish, slimey mess slowly reforms itself from the puddle it had previously been. The magician nods in appreciation as the keep’s gate guards reached the scene, along with a few Rheinfelder knights and a couple Liverian witch hunters. Both the Rheinfelders and Liverians immediately unsheathed their weapons at the sight of the strange creature, who retook Fahim’s form, with the black curly hair and noble robes decorated heavily in gold and silver... Though with grey, empty eyes. The magician steps over to Fahim with a smile as he pulls back his hood, revealing his identity as a ruler of one of the most powerful warlords of the Free Holds: Rashad Rhallous. Behind Fahim, some of the other warlords whose likeness had been within the carriage ran to reach the front of the caravan, which had come to a halt. The Renaltan guards usher the Rheinfelders and Liverians to lower their weapons as the keep’s pair of guards approached Fahim and Rashad. [b]”Wh... Hey... You... Are... What... I...”[/b] The two sigh at the same time as the older of the two speaks. [b]”What is going on? Is everyone alright?”[/b] Fahim shrugs as Rashad nods, a gentle looking smile on his face. [b]”Yes. Of course. Everyone of consequence is perfectly fine.”[/b] Fahim then looks to Rashad. [b]”The assassin was the woman. She had a small but potent ignition which she used magic to amplify by turning the bodies of the two closest men she could reach into a combustible explosive. Boom. Instant powder kegs.”[/b] As one of the warlords catches up to the group, he pants, and nods towards Rashad. [b]”Good work. I hadn’t thought Deimos to be so craven. Or bold.”[/b] Rashad stumbles and reaches for his head as Fahim grabs him around the shoulders. [b]”Thank you.”[/b] Rashad mutters as he looks to the warlord whose life they had just saved. [b]”Fahim is the one to thank.”[/b] The warlord rolls his eyes. [b]”I know you are soft towards slaves, but stop giving them credit. He is your property so it was your idea.”[/b] The keep guards scratch their heads in a mixture of anger and confusion. [b]”Can we just... Go to the keep? And you can explain all of this to the Queens?”[/b] Rashad nods appreciatively. [b]”Of course.”[/b] After a short amount of travel, with little explanation as to Fahim’s powers or who Deimos was, they entered the keep. With Fahid and Rashad came the other warlords that had joined Rashad in the invitation to visit Renalta, and with them came attractive looking men and women, as well as rather tough looking bodyguards. Rashad spots the look on Queen Kouri’s face at the sight of the “dancers” who had followed the other warlords in and yelled loudly, proudly, and joyfully. [b]”THESE ARE INDEED SLAVES! We know your laws, and while we travelled with some, they are well treated. We are not the brutish thug you met in your travels in Southblood. We have some...”[/b] He is momentarily distracted as a dark skinned, curvacious elf passes him by and winks. [b]”... Standards.”[/b] As Kouri is about to reply, Sarah Darkhammer steps in and stares at Fahim. Her eye twitches as Fahim has a slight, vicious smirk cross his lips. [b]”You should be dead.”[/b] His smirk only grew at her annoyance. [b]”So should Enigma, and yet, he lives.”[/b] Kouri looks in confusion between them as Sarah, quietly, narrows her eyes at Fahim and explains. [b]”Many ages ago the Mechanists attempted to create artificial life. Prior to their attempts with Golems, they wanted the perfect assassins... Shapeshifters. They only succeeded with a select few creatures, and all were insane.”[/b] Rashad interjects quickly as Sarah’s hand twitches. [b]”Were! Were is the key word. I found Fahim in the desert, and decided he would be useful, but he proved to be more than just an assassin...”[/b] Kouri raises her hands and pushes Sarah back a little, feeling an all too familiar chill run down her spine. [b]”Cut it.”[/b] She mutters as Sarah obliges in disrupting the spell that had linked them from Kouri’s mere touch. The Queen then looks at Rashad. [b]”Alright. Fine. I’m going to ignore the slaves for now, and your shapeshifter. Just...”[/b] She points towards the doors. [b]”What in the Gods was that sound?”[/b] Rashad’s breath catches in his throat as he takes a deep breath. Looking to Fahim momentarily for some help, Fahim merely shrugs again. He sighs, and faces the Queen once more, straightening his collar as he did so. [b]”Well... To keep it short and simple, there is a man who rose to power recently named Deimos. We have no doubt this is not his real name. He rose to power retaking the hold we lost to the Imperium, and has been violently disposing of the other warlords one by one, and installing his own puppet rulers. We were going to be his next targets seeing as how we bring the strongest opposition to him... However... One thing this ‘Deimos’ does not seem to understand.”[/b] He motions to the dark skinned dancer from earlier, who was putting a powder in a drink. [b]”If anyone knows assassins...”[/b] He pauses for a few moments as the dancer approaches, handing him a drink. [b]”It is us.”[/b] He spills the drink on her clothes as Kouri motions for a couple of guards to take her away. [b]”We are the best kingmakers and king killers you can find.”[/b] Kouri sighs and rolls her eyes, looking up at the ceiling of the ball. [b]”Just make sure the assassins here do not harm a single soul. If they do...”[/b] She looks back down at him, glaring. [b]”I will hold you personally responsible.”[/b] Rashad nods as motions for Fahim to keep a lookout. [b]”There should be no further problems.”[/b] He stares after her as she turns to walk away. [b]”Ah... I might add something of interest, to you?”[/b] The queen turns, still with a glare as he continues. [b]”... Something I want to change... Is when this... Deimos, is removed, when the nine hells are finished... I plan on making this little... Council, of warlords, permanent... And the first thing I will try to do is set laws that slaves are people, not objects.”[/b] Kouri shakes her head with a bit of sorrow in her eyes. [b]”They should not be slaves, at all.”[/b] She turns to leave once more, only to have Rashad raise a hand once again asking her to stay momentarily. She sighs and turns. [b]”... By the way... We brought some exotic dresses for you and your wife, as gifts.”[/b] Kouri’s glare returns. [b]”... Not that kind. Well, [i]mostly[/i] not that kind. Trust me! You are... Far too gracious a host for us to propose wearing the garb of some simple dancer!”[/b] She shakes her head and motions for him to show her, motioning Alex to come with her as she does. All the while, Fahim and Sarah occasionally eyeball each other, and otherwise keep looking around for potential threats. --- [b][center]The Underdark Coalition: Introduction[/b][/center] --- ((Note: Valsharess is an equivalent position to “queen.”)) As the Free Holds finally dispersed there was a slight rumbling as the roadway just behind Renalta’s city gate broke away and fell into a deep hole, several feet in size. A dwarf slowly pokes his head out of the hole, his helmet covered in dirt and dust as he looks around at the shocked looks of the gate guards. [b]”...Surface dwellers. Feh.”[/b] He grips the edge of the hole tightly, though it doesn’t seem to matter much as the drow woman beneath him shoves him up onto the ground. He flails momentarily as the drow woman steps out, dusting her rather revealing dress off with great annoyance as her ebony skin was revealed by the evening sun. [b]”This is ridiculous.”[/b] She says as she looks at the dwarf. [b]”What are you flailing about for?!”[/b] The dwarf stops and stares at the woman, then looks around. [b]”... I... Was told I would fall into the sky!”[/b] The drow woman reaches up and pinches the bridge of her nose, great irritation crossing her face. [b]”... Why are you dwarves so gullible...”[/b] Still. Further dwarves and drow start to pour out of the hole, side by side, the dwarves in a mixture of armours and martial weapons, the drow in their ceremonial garments, and noble robes. Some of the first to leave the hole were a drow and a dwarf of rather unique appearances. The other drow and dwarves seemed to look upon them with a certain sense of reverence. The dwarf was adorned head to toe in thick plate mail, a heavy mace rested upon his back as his beard unfurled in several braids down his chest to his waist. Upon his head sat a golden crown. Beside him, the tall, drow woman wore a rather revealing dress that showed off her midriff and was patterened in a black-purple colour scheme. Adored across it were many images of spiders of various shapes and sizes, and following her was a large spider, also adorned in lighter armour. The dwarf looks over to his drow companion and snorts. [b]”Ye should be riding yer spider, oh valsharess.”[/b] His thick accent came through pretty clearly, as did the tease. [b]”We drow revere them, as you know. They are holy, we would not ride them... Besides, where is your pet, champion of the dwarves?”[/b] The dwarven champion snorts as he pulls a rather large stone out of a pocket of his. [b]”Her name’s skippy and she loves herself t’ bounce herself off a few fine lassies ‘fer a good brawl n a tavern. Also, it’s Duncan o’ the Rocklover clan to you, [i]drow[/i].”[/b] The valsharess rolls her eyes in irritation before gently caressing her spider’s large head, just between its eyes. [b]”Valsharess, if you would so please... But if you must call me by a first name... Anora. Or mistress... Whichever you prefer.”[/b] She says with a small smirk crossing her lips. They moved quickly for the city’s keep, though as they did, several bystanders watched in awe at their passing. The both of them blink and stare back, though for altogether different reasons. [b]”A strange lot these people are... They stare out at us without a single weapon amongst them.”[/b] Duncan snorts and shoves Anora playfully. [b]”They’re jus’ frien’ly folks, no sense’n keepin’ any un’s weapons ‘fer’n reasons.”[/b] The valsharess blinked in confusion as the spider hissed at the dwarf champion. Duncan glares at the spider, in a challenging manner. [b]”Try it shit’fer brains and you’ll get smeared on me mace.”[/b] The valsharess stops momentarily and coos softly to her spider, calming it immediately. Duncan once again snorts. [b]”See, n’ this is why’yer lot don’t have any fun. Nobody beats each other to prove they can rule ‘nythin’.”[/b] Quietly and calmly the woman turns and sways her hips as she kneels before her dwarven companion. Running a finger underneath his chin, she smiles slightly. [b]”You dwarves do a poor job of hiding your interest.”[/b] Duncan shrugs. [b]”It’s hard’n hidin’ me feelings in a honest society, mi’lady.”[/b] Anora frowns, pouting her bottom lip out a little as her fingers gently caress his jaws. [b]”Aww... Close...”[/b] He coughs and looks down at the ground. [b]”Fin’ mistress, I’ll call ye’ that once... But not in front o’ the other royals, got images to keep up n’ such.”[/b] Chuckling quietly, Anora returns to her feet. [b]”Good. It would be such a shame if there were any accidents before we returned to the underdark.”[/b] He stands stunned for a moment as she passes him by, spider in tow. The spider in turn hisses at him as it passes. Shaking himself out, the dwarven champion instinctively goes to straighten his collar, though being made of metal, it was hardly adjustable. [b]”That is one hell o’ a woman... Keepin’ her cool...”[/b] He mutters quietly to himself. Finally, they arrive at the keep’s gates. As with all the other cavarans before theirs, they dispersed. The two keep gate guards looked at each other before looking the drow valsharess over. [b]”... Well, you seem... Appropriately dressed mi’lady.”[/b] The younger one says, blushing brightly as the drow queen rests a hand on his chest. [b]”Oh, you think so?... You know, flattery will get you [i]everywhere[/i]...”[/b] The young man fumbles, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes widen, utterly intoxicated. The older guard narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers. [b]”Eh’, snap out of it.”[/b] The younger man does not respond as the drow woman whispers something in his ear. He immediately kneels and presses both of his arms against his chest. [b]”Yes mistress! Of course! I will do anything you say!”[/b] His voice was strained as the valsharess stepped back, her subtle handiwork accomplished. [b]”Be careful young man... Some pretty things are quite venomous for you.”[/b] She gently rests her hand on her spider as it coos gleefully. Duncan, on the other hand, merely moved past the whole lot and entered the keep. As he did so, several stopped and stared at the odd sight of the short figure standing awestruck at how vaguely similar this place was to his home. Torches on the walls made out of real stone... Nice, velvet carpets made out of silk... Before his eyes reach, what was to him, the delicate frame of queen Kouri. He clears his throat as he bows before everyone there. [b]”Well... Ah... Hm... Public speeches aren’ my thing. So... Hello, I am... The grand champion of the dwarven peoples. I represent the pinnacle of physical and mental success.”[/b] He was trying his damned hardest to clear out his accent to make it understandable to others, and yet, hints of it remained. [b]”An’ I’m here to answer ye call to this party... Ball... Celebration, of yours.”[/b] Uncomfortable with the looks he was getting, he shuffled away into the crowd as the queen of the drow finally stepped into the room. [b]”I am Anora... Though you should call me by my title, Valsharess. Queen of the drow, and leader of the coalition.”[/b] Her eyes wander over the room, noticing the appreciative looks she was getting her lips curl up into what appeared to be a warm smile, though a few recognized the daggers that laid behind it. [b]”... And I, like the somewhat... Shy, Duncan of the dwarves, have come to offer open arms of companionship for any that should seek it.”[/b] She, like Duncan, bows, though this was with far greater eloquence as she then immediately approached the ‘delicate’ looking queen, unlike Duncan, who was content to try (and fail) to blend in with the crowd. Kouri watched as Anora approached, and bowed her head slightly in respect. [b]”Welcome to my kingdom.”[/b] The valsharess pouted as she noticed that Kouri didn’t even bat an eye at her appearance. Then again, the valsharess noted quietly to herself, there was a drow general in this kingdom who likely told her all about drow customs... And drow tricks. Still, her own eyes wandered over Kouri, and unlike Duncan who merely saw a delicate woman, she saw so much more judging by the way she quietly closed the small gap between them, getting close to Kouri. [b]”Ah, yes, this... Surface world is such a... Different, place.”[/b] Kouri hesitated as she took a step back. Anora noticed the hesitation and stepped forward, immediately grasping Kouri’s hand. [b]”Please, do not be alarmed, I have no intention or ability to do to you what I did to your guard... He simply had to be showed his place. After all, we women are far more sophisticated, interesting... Especially you.”[/b] Kouri’s eyes narrow into a glare as she slaps the valsharess’ hand away. In turn, she takes the step back in surprise. [b]”You are so... Personal, I am sorry if I offended you, you surfacers are very... Private, with your space, it is something I have heard of but never really experienced.”[/b] Kouri sighs and shakes her head. [b]”I am married... And the last woman with such powers as yours to try influencing me, even a little, was a half-succubi... And she nearly was lit aflame.”[/b] Quietly, the two women eyeball each other. Two drastically different cultures collided, and yet, they were both politicians, they could both see that in one another. [b]”Our negotiation tactics are... Different.”[/b] The valsharess remarks quietly, and with uncertainty. [b]”Quite.”[/b] Kouri replies softly. Already things were made awkward between them. [b]”Well... I... Think we should... Speak more later. About other things than... Personal rules, and social conduct.”[/b] Anora stated, watching like a hawk for any kind of response from Kouri, who merely gave her a blank look as she hid how she felt about it. [b]”Of course... Though, Alexandria will also be present when we speak of what it is your coalition needs from the queen’s blades.”[/b] The valsharess then chuckles and smirks flirtatiously. [b]”The more the merrier as the dwarves are fond of saying.”[/b] With that said, she turns to cavort with the rest of the ball, and yet from the way she walked Kouri couldn’t shake the feeling that beneath all of that flirtatious veneer was a deadly predator waiting for the right victim to entangle in her web. [b]”Ugh...”[/b] She mutters as Liveria’s princess approaches her side, staring at the drow queen. [b]”Are you okay Kouri?”[/b] Sh asks softly as Kouri nods. [b]”Yes, I just feel disgusting now. I could use a nice, cold bath after that.”[/b] --- [b][center]The Amazons: Introduction[/b][/center] --- ((Note: You may want to read the others before this one. It’s essentially a “conclusion” as well as an intro for the Amazons.)) As the evening sun finally and slowly began to dip behind the city’s large walls, the last of the envoys finally arrived. The Amazonian troupe was little more than a pack of fifty or so women, carrying a variety of weapons and tribal trinkets with them. Each of them were carrying travel packs, even the blatant leader of the group, who stood ahead of the rest. The princess of the Amazons herself had come to see this blasted world of stone and civilization. The crowds had dispersed somewhat, though the remainder stared, many in a mixture of wonder and lust at such exotic women. They said nothing, and kept to themselves, avoiding the great displays of power and wealth that others had thrown out for gravitas. Wasted resources, in the mind of an amazon. Still. Without delay or ruckus, they reached the keep’s guards. The younger man was still recovering from his traumatizing experience earlier, while the older man stood wearily, looking over the Amazons. [b]”... Finally.”[/b] He says with irritation as he motions them inside. Some of the women stayed outside and nodded to each other, each diverging to a different part of the city. Likely to explore it and report back their findings to their princess later, not that there was anything particularly secretive about the capital to discover. Still. The entire ball room--underdark coalition, liverian, renaltan, free holder and goblin holder, all of them--stopped and stared at the strange and yet fascinating appearance. The few amazons that joined their princess were decked out in full leather armour, each painted individually with a series of otherwise indecipherable and unintelligible tribal symbols. The princess, however, was something altogether different. Standing in what looked like plate mail, but lighter, and with a dark red tone, the drake scale covered woman glared at the Free Holders in particular. Raising her staff high, a few droplets of blood strike the floor of the ball as Amanda the Archmage glanced at Kouri with concern. [b]”When next you send an assassin, send someone that does not smell of the rot that contaminates your people.”[/b] Rashad steps out from the crowd, humbly kneeling before the rather aggressive princess. [b]”My lady, please, why would I dare stoop to such lows with you? Think about it. I have my own causes. My own battles to wage within my own people... Why would I dare start a war with yours? Your enemies are the same as my own, Amazon.”[/b] The princess furrows her eyebrows, and then waves Rashad off, choosing to believe his feeble tale. [b]”I am Princess Ethlinn, of the Amazonian people. I am a shaman, and I am here not only to enjoy in the generous hospitality of the people of Renalta...”[/b] Her eyes wander to queen Alexandria, a spark of interest instantly appearing in the amazon’s eyes. [b]”...But to later ask for your help in exchange for our loyalty.”[/b] Crown-Prince Xavier rolls his eyes as he steps out from the crowd, his cold stare matching that of the one the princess gave him. [b]”Amazon, we are all here to ask for help. We merely are celebrating that the queen’s blades are competent at their jobs first. After all, it is a feat to save an entire village.”[/b] The amazon steps forward, slowly approaching Xavier, who in turn approaches her back until they are standing closely to one another. [b]”My concerns might save the lives of thousands.”[/b] The princess whispers to him, though loudly enough that with the deafening silence of the ball room, everyone knew what she had said. [b]”As could mine.”[/b] Xavier replied, his cold, hard stare not leaving him. [b]”However, we must allow at least some room for hope and celebration... We need to allow ourselves to get to know each other, trust each other, so that the nine hells cannot turn us against one another.”[/b] The princess seems to think about it for a few moments before nodding in agreement. [b]”Fair enough, liverian.”[/b] Queen Kouri steps out into the middle of the ball room, and looks around at all the starring faces. So many different peoples, cultures. [b]”It is true. There are pressing matters to attend to.”[/b] She begins her speech as she takes a deep breath, commanding attention with the way she stood, and spoke. [b]”Some of us are traditionally allies.”[/b] Her eyes wander to the Eternal Empress of the Imperium. [b]”Some, enemies.”[/b] She then turns to face Taigyn and the rest of the Templar Order, of Rheinfeld. [b]”However, we are all united by a common cause. I will keep it blunt and simple: We want to survive. We want to preserve our ways of life, and see our families and friends safe and sound. I won’t lie to you. Sacrifices will be made.”[/b] Alexandria walks over to Kouri’s side, and grasps her hand gently, ushering her to continue. Squeezing Alexandria’s hand tightly, Kouri does, her voice growing with determination. [b]”Even in the defence of Arian village, some of our own fell in the line of battle. Two did not make it home. One, a brave liverian, and the other, a courageous dweller from the underdark. However, their sacrifices were not in vain. The bombs were all disarmed, all the civilians were saved, and we captured a powerful demon child of Sloth, as well as her guardian.”[/b] She looks around the room. [b]”We have names for our enemies now. We know what some of their tactics are now. We know what to look for to detect them.”[/b] As her eyes wander to Taigyn, he joins in on the speech giving, pride swelling within him. [b]”I travelled with the queen once before, and she defeated impossible odds against a force that everyone thought was invincible.”[/b] He avoided directly naming the gods as an adversary, knowing that it might upset some of the templar in the room if he did. [b]”That was with a handful of misfits and outcasts. Now she has an entire nation backing her, and I trust her.”[/b] He bows his head and presses a fist to his chest. Xavier nods in agreement as he looks to Kouri. [b]”We have had our disagreements, but I also trust you... As a... Friend.”[/b] His thinly veiled frown meant little as he bowed his head anyway. [b]”Without her, the Imperium would no longer exist. We, too, as formal allies to the state of Renalta, would place our trust in this woman.”[/b] The Eternal Empress bows her head, though Florence does not. While everyone else seems amazed by the amount of trust placed in this one woman, none of them followed suit. Kouri clears her throat and continues where she left off. [b]”So.”[/b] She turns to face the princess of the Amazons, who was awestruck by the sheer amount of power that had just sworn itself to Kouri’s cause. [b]”After this night of celebration and introductions is through, and we all have rested, tomorrow, on a fresh day, I will address all of your concerns. I will then leave it in the hands of our perfectly capable Blades to decide what is of the utmost importance.”[/b] She then smiles softly. [b]”Speaking of.”[/b] She points to certain places around the room. One by one, on cue, Amanda summoned lights to shine on each of the Queen’s Blades. Both those that had been at the Arian invasion, and those that had just joined recently or were simply absent from the battle. [b]”These are the Queen’s Blades. They are all here protecting you, and are all available to be spoken with for the entire duration of the ball.”[/b] Finally, she takes a deep breath and sighs softly. [b]“I saved this world from oppression once, and I will do so again. So long as we stand together, we’ll make it through whatever crises shall come up against us over the next few weeks and months.”[/b] Finally, she bows her head, signifying that her small speech on the spot was over. The entire ball room relaxed as the amazonian princess approached queen Alexandria. Kneeling down on one knee, she pulls a ceremonial short blade off of her waist and offers it to her. [b]”I decided that if I should be begging for help, I should at least bring gifts of common courtesy.”[/b] Alexandria takes it, and after a few brief words with Kouri and a gentle kiss, is left to speak with the amazonian princess while Kouri meandered about the rest of the ball room.