As Nily had just about passed the man a "G.o.A,S" appeared (girl of abnormal size) and proceeded to explode with information that was to attempt and repair the reputation of the meek little island, The ball of energy continued on, this girl is far to excited to meet a complete stranger let alone talk about a small mound of dirt surrounded by water. On top of this a Fiend showed up, and was dispatched as fast as it appeared? Do they not have the area secure? Could more get in? Perchance it is more likely the one who killed it brought it with in an attempt to gain favor? The man from prior had returned and was introducing himself, WAIT WHAT! The girl had continued to speak to the air around her and If she heard her correctly? Something is wrong with that one, she offers her shelter then introduces herself? She stares at her confused before slowly facing the sane man. Urick, sounds somewhat like a description. It seems as if That a uricked boat sank. Wait Gippial that name sounds familiar? She nods at Ulrick as she answers her internal questions, he was famous for something right? She definitely heard his name before. She points at Urick as she figures it out! "Ah he was a criminal Gippal stole his national treasure! Her eyes go wide! "Not that I would report you or your accomplice but I Must insist that you not simply telling telling everyone! Shouldn't you be incognito?" She pulls another twig out of her hair before thinking back to his question...Seeing as being rude in anyway may end poorly for her life expectancy. "I have no intention of watching the sport events, they do nothing but distract us from the problems that are far more pressing than who can hold their breath the longest. She turns to the rather energetic one, whom she hoped did not take offence to her not replying in the same upbeat manner. "Miss Persephone, I am pleased that you offer your home to me, but I must point out that I am not about to impose on a stranger...Nor am I going to let my guard down and sleep around a stranger." She coughs in her hand and bows in a manner to make sure they both know she is telling them both. "I am Nily, from a ways away. I am searching for the truth, in one form or the other. Hoping to understand what really happened to our world." Her cheeks redden a little, a hint of embarrassment something about hearing herself say such a thing with a serious tone.