[CENTER][U][B]Zume Tatasuko[/B][/U] [IMG]http://oi46.tinypic.com/291z79l.jpg[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maqJCLO4dDg]Theme I [/url]/|\[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYPcz1GGeRY]Theme II[/url][/center] [hider=Basic Info][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Tatasuko(盾光守 [i]'Protectors of Radiance'[/i]), Zume(図明 [i]'Bright Design'[/i]). [B][I]Alias:[/I][/B] Knight of the Void; The Gentle Maw. [B][I]Gender:[/I][/B] Male. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 325. [B][I]Age Appearance:[/I][/B] In his 20's or early 30's. [I][B]Race:[/B][/I] Plus-->[B]Shinigami.[/B] [B][U][I]Rank & Division:[/I][/U][/B] Captain of the 12th Division and Leader of the Research and Development Institute. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/845/3dd4d79d4b9e28b4c0b392770d6654c0a274a10e.jpg?850421]Additional Appearance Information:[/url] Zume stands at 6'2 and weighs 164 lbs. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Enigmatic, veiled in mystery and pleasant in his mannerisms, Zume is a rather cunning individual. While on the outside he appears a near perfect gentleman of high intellect and enigmatic interests, within he is darker, colder, and far more manipulative. Long has he toiled to perfect himself and in his own mind he has succeeded, literally. In this way Zume is entirely confident in himself in all things, even those that he has little talent for. He is unshakable in his own way and on many levels will resist the ploys of others, be they intentional or otherwise. Thus to others he appears a man entirely abhorrent of manipulation and deceit, of course that is only if you know him on an incredibly basic level, for in truth Zume is in fact quite deceitful to all around him. It is a marvel that no one, and that is said with absoluteness, has realized his trickery. For to others he is kind, reliable and honest. Intelligent yes, and definitely more than a little eccentric, but otherwise harmless unless provoked. Of course, when provoked, Zume does not always appear so on first observation. Instead, he appears either more amused by proceedings or incredibly, horribly bored. This stems from his rather strange rage, which is not easily roused from its slumber in his soul. In fact, those who know Zume very well often say that despite having seen him angry, they always got the sense that he was still entirely in control the entire time. This is frighteningly true and brings with it many implications. First among these is that despite his emotional state, Zume remains entirely in control of his actions even if such does not appear to be the case. Second is the startling realization one gains when they come to know that not only is Zume in control at all times, but that he can rouse any desired mind state or emotion entirely on command. This lends to the fact that all who know Zume understand how great his self control is, even if not to what extent. When it comes to matters of friend, foe, and family Zume is very particular with how he deals with people. When it comes to family, they are both priceless, and expendable, or rather they are perfect tools for his machinations. Of course, in the case of Sayaka she need not be used.... Beyond this there is no family with which to show affection as 63 years prior both his wife and son died in a horrible [I]accident[/I] of sorts. When it comes to friends Zume appears incredibly loyal and helpful to near perfection. However, in the end it is almost surely a ruse for he lets so very few into his heart since the loss of his first family. This loss has torn at his soul, doing little for his already dilapidated humanity. While he is cold, it is difficult for one to truly understand just how much until they have seen him unrestrained against his enemy. Thus it can be seen that in battle Zume only enjoys himself when he needs not utilize the entirety of his deadly arsenal of skills. Otherwise he tends to find himself annoyed by the fact that he must consider his enemy an equal. This reveals another of Zume's vices, something that few know unless they delve deep into his true persona. In short, Zume is prideful and a measure arrogant as he believes that none truly surpasses his majesty. However, it is not in the skills of the body that he believes himself entirely superior, no, it is in the realms of the mind that he so places himself. In a sense, he is not entirely wrong. A fact that, should any discover his true nature en full, would frighten most, not that they would survive long to tell their tell...after all, the others didn't. [B][I]History:[/I][/B] [B]"It is my past that has made me what you see before you. However, it is in the present that you shall feel my magnificence. Thus, it would behoove you to pay heed to the now, as you may not reside in it for long." - [I]Tatasuko, Zume.[/I][/B] Zume was born in the rukongai, but despite this he was born with the blood of nobility in his veins. His family, the Tatasuko, had been cast from the seireitei many many generations prior and so the world had long since forgotten their transgression. With the tutelage of his father Keiroku Tatasuko and the gentle care of his mother Kimiru he grew up in the districts. Despite the derelict nature of the rukongai, they had long since managed to create their own mansion of sorts, but this was not of the normal sort. Rather, this mansion was primarily an underground complex as they had sought to remain hidden till they again could rise from the ashes of their, more or less, political defeat. Zume, it seemed, would be their retribution and their pawn, or so they had thought. As he grew in age, so did his skills and his intellect, however, early on his parents noticed something about him that, with time, displeased them greatly. Zume was disabled, but not in the body or the soul, no, Zume's mind was quite clearly marred by a good deal of mental illnesses. This perturbed them greatly, but Zume would not allow himself to falter because of such disabilities, rather over the many years he honed his skills and focus allowing him to at last appear [I]normal[/I] to those around him and function for prolonged periods of time without incident. This allowed him to finally, at the age of 130, join the shinigami academy where he would excel far above the majority of his peers and eventually become the legendary mind we see today. He graduated with outstanding marks at the age of 134, though he was lacking in experience in the area of zanjutsu. When it came to hakuda he was all but inept, but this was more from him ignoring the discipline then anything else. There was however one thing that put him even further above his fellow graduates and that was he had entered the school already with his shikai unlocked, not that any knew this to be fact. In fact, without his shikai and the assistance of his sword spirit, Zume would have been entirely unable to function in polite society. However, the older he got and the more experience he reaped, the stronger he became. Less and less did he require the assistance of his zanpakuto to remain stable and more and more did his mind become something alien to all others. This did no appear on the surface, in fact, he seemed to only grow on others, becoming a respectable shinigami of the 12th division where his genius was readily recognized. He excelled, eventually drawing the attention of the captain commander, Gōken Kuribayashi, just as he himself ascended to the grand position of lieutenant. He continued to flourish in his new position, assisting his captain in the betterment of the division and their reputation. He, with apparent ease, made a myriad of discoveries, creating numerous inventions for other divisions and his own, and becoming known quite simply as the latest prodigy. However, he seemed humble, though confident in himself for the most part. Overall, he appeared entirely harmless. This had occurred over a period of 76 years, a good amount of time really, but it was his alleged disabilities which hampered his progress so. Soon he began to withdraw, feeling that he had given much of himself. His achievements had earned him great reputation and so when he became less outgoing and more reclusive many noticed, but none questioned as it was rather apparent that he had done so to better himself even further. It was in the following 15 years that he came to be taught by the Captain commander. At the same time the two became quite ingratiated to one another as many times did Zume assist his friend, whose duties were many. This of course was early on in his friends captaincy, but that was of little concern, for as their friendship grew, so did Zume's skills until he had mastered the art of the sword quite thoroughly. In the background he perpetually communed with his sword spirit, even doing so while he spoke and interacted in the more physical world around him. Such was his mastery in the areas of the mind, and it was only the beginning. 12 years passed and he usurped his captain, challenging him not to a traditional duel, but rather one of the mind. In short, Zume won, completely crushing his opponent in the fields of science and forging an object that allowed a gate undetectable to others which could travel between any realm one desired. What made this object so useful was that it could easily be mass produced. However, despite this fact, it was only given to individuals of great loyalty to soul society, Zume included in this list of course, not that they could stop him from making one for his own devices. As such Zume ascended to the position of captain and became the leader of the research and development institute, not that he hadn't already been such unofficially. The years passed quickly and he was soon 242. At this time he met a women, one who swept him from his feet like no other ever had. She, for a time, quelled the great darkness that had long since been fostered by his parents. Quickly the two became enthralled with one another and Zume, after 3 years of what he could be described as wondrous courting, asked for her hand in marriage. So she became Ainara Tatasuko and soon after she became a mother. They spent 2 years together before this happened of course, but upon the second year Ainara could easily be seen as pregnant. Yes, Ainara Tatasuko, a former member of the 4th division. Resigning her position soon after her pregnancy, Ainara took to assisting Zume in the maintenance of his own division where she was welcomed with many smiles. Everyone loved her, and for Zume this was beyond perfect. He was in bliss, but still the darkness spread from within, eventually pulling him gradually back to his studies. It took years for this to happen and so the relationship between he and his now 10 year old son was not the best. However, the boy still managed to adore his brilliant father who, while not able to attend to him often, did do so with great relish when he was presented the chance. This all ended when his child turned 15 for at this time Zume was working on one of his less...stable experiments and so both his beloved wife and son perished in a fire that consumed much of both Zume's lab and a portion of the barracks nearby. He grieved and rebuilt, seeming withdrawn and unfocused for several years after, a decade or so. However eventually he began to again wake from his figurative slumber and emerge into the world once more in all his glory. He made a comeback, now 257, and began to again influence his world and rekindle friendships that had, for the most part, died down to a simmer. Gōken however had been one of the few whom stayed with him all those years, preventing him from doing what Zume had many times considered: Suicide. This of course was the least of his attempts as more than once had the commander entered his lab to find Zume apparently torturing himself in one way or another, be of the body, or of the mind. As he came out of this stupor he became colder, but not outwardly. It was only in battle that his darkness was at all apparent, and even then it was carefully kept under wraps. By now of course he had mastered his tumultuous mind, and so he began the forging, though internal, of his many persona. Or rather, he re-purposed them subtly as they had long formed to deal with each of his associates, be they friend, foe, superior, acquaintance, or otherwise. 33 years passed and he stabilized rather completely, but again did he fall for someone, this time in his own division. A women by the name of Sayaka. For a long while he hesitated, for this was one field upon which he had always been at least somewhat shaky. His past trauma still however reared its ugly head, causing him to almost avoid the girl, though he could not help but grace her presence at some times. Eventually she, as one might say, [I]made the moves[/I] on him. Quickly they became well acquainted and she helped him, gradually, entirely get over the trauma of his first wife. Soon, he would have a second. They have been married ever since and Zume's reputation has dwindled not at all in the last 35 years. Thus he remains an esteemed member of the Gotei 13, and a valued asset to soul society.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Equipment]Zume carries very little on his person besides his zanpakuto, however, there are several items of importance. His zanpakuto is in his sash at his left hip. [B]Shōjō gyōretsu([I]症状行列[/I] 'Manifestation matrix'):[/B] This matrix is in truth not much of a device at all as it is more or less a construct of essentially permanent kidou that allows his zanpakuto spirit to draw forth ambient spirit particles to manifest visibly to others. This device also serves in allowing him finer manipulation of his void when creating his [I]toys[/I] and the like in his lab. [B]Mon no musei tsuuro([I]門の無声通路[/I] 'Gate of silent passage'):[/B] This device is the one spoken of in his history and it allows the user to pass between realms undetected. This works by twisting space rather than anything else and rather than drawing from the individual, it only requires their focus and purpose to work as it draws from its surroundings by emitting many frequencies that allow it to dominate its surroundings to a limited extent. This thus allows the user to pass through with little to no time past as well as remaining undetected while within. Skilled users can in fact use it to travel inside realms rather than just between, but this has not yet been applied in a way that it can be used readily in combat.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Capabilities][B][I]Incredible Reiryoku(4/4):[/I][/B] While not peerless like his reiatsu, Zume's Reiryoku can still be considered above most captains, and equal to the captain commander himself. It is enough to allow him a great amount of advantage as long as he does not release his zanpakuto. Still, even then it allows him to utilize such for a decent duration. Zume's reiryoku appears as different colorations depending on the circumstances. While his blade is sealed, it manifests as midnight blue with flecks of black within it, though few and far between; while in shikai it manifests either as primarily black with a midnight blue outline; and in bankai it is black, white, and grey. [B]Legendary Reiatsu(5/4):[/B] While his reiryoku has had its equals, Zume has only once been met in the area of his control and sheer amount of reiatsu, and this is by Gōken, the Captain Commander. The pressure he is capable of exerting is tremendous in its scope and can easily floor those below the level of 3rd seat almost without exception. Still, it is not the force behind his reiatsu that is to be feared, but rather the fact that he is able to control it down to its most minute aspect. While he is of course not the most blatantly powerful or experienced of the captains, Zume's reiatsu has long been acknowledged as nearly equivalent to the captain commander's. Often when questioned on it, he will typically respond that it is a matter of his bloodline. [b]Incredible Resilience:[/b] [B][I]Zanjutsu Grandmaster(4/4):[/I][/B] Trained by Gōken Kuribayashi himself, Zume is a master swordsman, possessing a unique style all his own that flawlessly integrates his skills into a deadly finish. Through such it should be noted that Zume is ambidextrous, able to utilize tools and weapons in both hands equally, either at the same time or alternating. [B]Incredible Offense(4/4):[/B] Having trained with Gōken and then further honed his abilities in the art of the sword, Zume has ignored no area and so his offensive capabilities are as good as his others. Thus he is easily capable of attacking with great finesse and power. [B]Incredible Defense(4/4):[/B] As with his offensive abilities, Zume has exceptional technique in the are of defense, allowing him to maximize his movements and ability to counter his opponents, which is truly peerless. [B]Incredible Physical Strength(4/4):[/B] So as to hold his own against opponents of great strength, Zume has made sure to increase and refine his physical strength and endurance, allowing him to [B][I]Pathetic Hakuda(0/4):[/I][/B] His abilities in hand-to-hand combat are rather horrid, though he has a few basics down, such as normal blocks. However, he tends to use none of it and refer to his other stronger capabilities or his zanpakuto to back himself up. [B]Poor Offense(0/4):[/B] No. [B]Poor Defense(0/4):[/B] I said no. [B]Poor Physical Strength(0/4):[/B] Goddammit, why won't you listen!? [B][I]Kidō Master(3/4):[/I][/B] Zume is capable of casting all kido, but only up to 70 can he cast without incantation. This makes his kidou much stronger when used with their chants. Additionally, while he is no grandmaster, Zume is quite knowledgeable in this field and due to his astounding control of reiryoku and reiatsu he is easily capable of fashioning his own spells. [B]Incredible Kido Power(4/4):[/B] While his skill in kido is below that of a grandmaster, the power, efficiency, and stability of his kido is tremendous, allowing him to not only create stable and incredibly potent spells, but also to easily alter or manipulate the spells he creates making him an extremely unpredictable opponent in this field. [b]Legendary Perception(5/4):[/b] With his nigh peerless intellect, legendary reiatsu, and incredible reiryoku has come another talent, this being his sensory prowess, which is indeed vast. While most shinigami, even those of similar caliber, possess keen senses indeed, Zume's are a step above his compatriots, each of his senses honed to a fine point, with his mind capable of taking in seemingly boundless swaths of information. However, his perception is, in its way, transcendent and so he has an ability which many would envy. He has coined this ability, "Reiryoku Perception," and it allows him to not simply view external energy or its pressure, but to also sense it even when its like is held within form. So it is that Zume is capable of sensing an individual's reiryoku as well as that which is channeled through objects or shaped into kido. This ability makes it nearly impossible to take the shinigami by surprise, as well as allowing him an enhanced ability to analyze and decipher the nature of any energy laid before him, given time of course. So it is that alongside his stamina and intellect this is truly one of his most frightening skills. [B][I]Hohō Expert(2/4):[/I][/B] Zume can be considered average in comparison to most captains when it comes to his skills in Hohō, though his exceptional reflexes and mobility can sometimes make him appear far more skilled than he truly is in this art. Nonetheless his shunpo tends to be greater than that of most lieutenants, though often somewhat below other captains as it just so happens that not many captains are average in its use. [B]Incredible Mobility(4/4):[/B] While his use of shunpo is only average, Zume has entirely mastered his own movements outside of its use gifting him with incredible reaction times and utterly astounding levels of finesse. While no legend in this field, he goes beyond a great many and can, with some assistance, even match up to the levels of a legend in this field. His mastery of this talent has also allowed him to incorporate it into his use of shunpo, leading to some rather intriguing results. [hider=Specialization][B][I]Grandmaster Scientist(4/4):[/I][/B] Zume has studied in an astonishing amount of scientific fields, essentially mastering all there is to know and perhaps making some novel discoveries of his own, not that anyone is entirely aware of his prowess. For, despite his position as head of the research and development institute he keeps some measure of his skills under wraps to essentially everyone, but a select few. [B]Master Inventor(3/4):[/B] Coupled with his legendary intellect and incredible scientific prowess, Zume is a master inventor, able to combine his two disciplines into one that quite readily serves him and his allies if he deems such. [B]Legendary Intellect(5/4):[/B] The foremost of his abilities, Zume's mind is --in its way-- a priceless creation. Possessing an eidetic memory with perfect abilities of recollection and the like. He is incredibly perceptive and possesses skill in tactics, strategy, observation, and analysis respectively. This however is not the end of its capabilities and oddly it is, on first inspection, marred by a variety of so called [I]mental illnesses[/I]. To name them all, Zume possesses, or rather [I]possessed[/I], the following disorders: Schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, autism and sociopathy. However he has possessed these for so long that, with the assistance of his zanpakuto, he has sculpted his mind into one almost entirely alien to those of other beings. In essence his mind possesses its 'core' which is the true self of Zume, it is his soul. Beyond this is a portion conquered by his inner world, an entirely empty ever shifting scape of void and infinite potential. Just above there is layer in which Zume's many persona can be created and destroyed at his whim. Each of these persona can act independent to one another, but they all remain under the absolute control of Zume's 'core self'. Beyond this layer is one that appears as his true subconscious and conscious minds merged into one and above this is what mimics the mind of a [I]normal[/I] individual. [B]Legendary Knowledge(5/4):[/B] Partly due to his peerless intellect, and partly due to his meticulous and inquisitive nature, Zume has amassed a beyond considerable amount of information in his lifetime thus far, including a plethura of mathematical and scientific information, understanding of all manners and fields of psychology and a great many other fields. He has essentially unwound the puzzle of reishi, reiryoku, kishi, and reiatsu, understanding it in all its aspects. In fact, to any who truly know Zume, it is easily known that his knowledge base may as well be boundless in nature as he seems to absorb information like a sponge as well as constantly gathering it for what amounts to be largely his own benefit. [B]Chess-master(huh?):[/B] As both a master manipulator and incredibly intellectual individual, Zume is a master at the game of chess in all of its manifestations. This as such does include the real world just as readily as the game board. In fact, he often uses a chessboard in his plans simply for the novelty of such an activity.[/hider] [hider=Shorthand]Reir: 4 Rei: 5 Res: 4 Zan: 4 Off: 4 Def: 4 Phy: 4 Hak: 0 Off: 0 Def: 0 Phy: 0 Kid: 3 KP: 4 Per: 5 Hoh: 2 Mob: 5 Reir: 4(mod2)=6 Zan: 4(mod3)=8 Hak: 0(mod3)=1 Kid: 3(mod2)=5 Hoh: 2(mod1)=2[/hider] Total T(0): 15-2(13) Total S(0): 22+3+5+5(35) [B][I]Zanpakuto Spirit Personality:[/I][/B] Zume's zanpakuto is a strange hollow being, is soul different in nature from any other of its kind. This is partly due to its inherent nature as well as being linked to the realm which it dwells in. Like his master, Mukō Kōkei-sha is a being with many layers and shades to his actions. In truth there is little about Kōkei-sha that is straightforwards, at least when one has not spent many years learning to decipher the spirit. Regardless, Kōkei-sha is eccentric and very detached from everything around him. Additionally due to one of the few inventions that Zume carries on his person, Kōkei-sha is capable of visibly manifesting. However, the spirit is not physical enough to do combat, at least not until Zume figures out how to maintain such at all times. On the other hand Kōkei-sha, with assistance from the device, is capable of making contact, being seen, and being heard by others. However, he can never be sensed or smelled, though who knows about the taste. [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/137/d/c/in_the_shadow_of_the_blade_by_periosrosentwyg-d3gkdld.jpg]Zanpakuto Spirit & Inner World:[/url] The inner world of Zume's zanpakuto is quite like both its masters true nature and the zanpakuto's odd mentality. It is empty. Completely and utterly empty. Or so it would seem. While at the 1st glance, Zume's inner world appears entirely empty, it is in fact also incredibly full. Full of a substances known only as void. This, is in fact, also the name that the shinigami uses to refer to said place. His inner world is black, completely black and without any form of illumination. Oddly, when within the individual is not blind and can see just fine, not that there is anything at all to see. Lastly it should be noted that while most inner worlds are just that, inner worlds that only exist within, Zume's is in fact very [B]very[/B] real and it serves as the sources of both his and his zanpakuto's great power. [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs9/PRE/i/2006/045/2/1/Katana_Rune_Blade_Prop_2_Views_by_FantasyStock.jpg ]Sealed State[/url] [B][U][URL=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/039/1/1/yuniba_saru_kimi_sealed_form_redraw_by_yoshua171-d4p356y.jpg]Shikai:[/URL][/U][/B] Drawing his blade from its sheath in any manner, Zume proclaims [color=#000000][B]"From emptiness emerge; confound definition and subsume truth, Mukō Kōkei-sha([I]無効后継者[/I] 'Void scion')."[/B][/color] As its name is uttered, the blade shimmers a brackish light and fades to an entirely black coloration only to emerge in its first release state. As it does so the darkness that had coated its form erupts outwards, forming the sphere of Zume's shikai. [B][I]Abilities:[/I][/B] While Zume's blade itself is of little import, the rest of his wholly mastered zanpakuto is a deadly thing to face. In all simplicity, Mukō Kōkei-sha draws from Zume's inner world as well as allowing Zume's body to do so as well. Thus the two are able to produce and masterfully control the forces of the void as well as an impure portion of the void itself. This portion is manifested as a jet black, but typically translucent sphere. This sphere is an even mixture of both reishi and reiryoku that are weaved and overlaid with one another perfectly. The sphere itself is quite variable in size and it is not limited to its original shape however, its maximum size narrows down to a sphere with a radius of 10 meters. This sphere, since composed of void, has several notable properties the first being that is is incredibly dense even at its greatest size. This density is caused by the reiryoku and reishi that make it up. The reishi is typically more dormant, causing the sphere to be much more like a liquid than anything else. These two facts mean that any whom finds themselves within the bounds of the sphere will be slowed greatly due to the intense reiatsu within. Only individuals of captain level strength or above will find themselves less hampered by the sphere's natural effects, this being only the 1st. 2nd among its properties is its tendency to [I]crush[/I] foreign reiryoku through its sheer weight, as caused by its density. This is its typical polarity, which is negative. When its polarity is reversed, which can only be done by the will of Zume or his sword spirit if it can muster enough will to overcome its master, the void will instead [I]tear[/I] reiryoku within it as it pulls from every direction in an attempt to rid itself of foreign energies. If made to assume a neutral polarity, the void will become entirely still on the inside and be even more difficult to move within because of it. Other than these, the void's impure state tends to cause the rest of its capabilities to be severely weakened in nature. The only which holds import beyond the aforementioned is its abilities as a conduit of energies. This causes the void to be a super-conductor of sorts allowing it to, though only slightly, amplify kidou. Lastly it should be noted that within the void there is held the ultimate potential for creation. This is a fact that Zume has often utilized in the creation of his various [I]toys[/I] and devices. [B][U]Techniques[/U][/B] [U]Kenjitsu-sei([I]堅実性[/I] 'Solidity'):[/U] This technique's effects are very simple in nature. They shift the typically liquid-like void to a more solid state allowing the void to be utilized in another manner entirely. However, void is not as difficult to destroy when solid, thus it can more easily shattered if enough force is applied. [U]Idō Henkō([I]移動偏光[/I] 'Shifting Polarization'):[/U] This technique simply allows Zume to cause multiple polarities in the same area of void, but in differing locations within. This also allows him to make even more advanced movements pathways within the void itself, thus allowing him normal movement as well as other things. [U]Kusa Chūō no sei([I]腐败中央の精[/I] 'Degradation of the Central Essence'):[/U] The only truly notable technique of Zume's shikai, Kusa Chūō no sei allows Zume to absorb the sphere into his blade, either/or himself. When the void is imbued into his zanpakuto's physical form, it turns the white portions of the blade jet black and the blade will gain the weight of the void sphere as well as the ability to shift its polarity and the movement patterns within the blade. This can cause a variety of things. On the other hand, if Zume absorbs the sphere into his own body, his zanpakuto will dissolve and his physical capabilities will all be amplified immensely, allowing him immense blinding speed and somewhat amplified hakuda capabilities due to reflexes and his many years of observation. The speeds of this technique and the force of his blows are attributed to the positive polarity of the void at the surface of his skin. Furthermore there remains a unique reiatsu that is condensed around his form. This reaitsu has the properties of neutral void and is the cause of his unique physical durability in this form. Thus, anything that enters a range of 3 feet will be immensely slowed by this gaseous void, a type of void only viewed during the use of this technique. This can last only a maximum of 8 minutes before leaving Zume almost, or completely, exhausted and in his sealed state. If used too often, this technique will in fact have adverse effects on Zume's body. [B][U][I][URL=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/036/d/b/sword_concept_by_thorcx-d4opxv7.jpg]Bankai:[/URL][/I][/U][/B] Blade extended before him, Zume proclaims, [color=#000000][B]"Bankai,"[/B][/color] and released is a tremendous wave of reiatsu so dense it would choke those below him. As the wave dies down the void is revealed in a state of instability, its core expanding, while its perimeter collapses, the two constructs of void intersecting momentarily. As they collide the collapsing form inverts, becoming purest white, before its twin engorges upon it, dissolving it entirely. The remainder of the sphere expands into a sphere of hyper dense material, its radius of 20 meters. As it attempts to expand tendrils of dark void are shorn from its form where they engulf their master's form, blade and body both. In this moment his blade is reforged and his clothes rewoven by the essence of the void, and so he emerges changed, his bankai complete in its manifestation. So, with his presence dispersed, true nature exposed, and his form garbed in black robes he reveals the name of his blade's truest state, [color=#000000][b]"...Keishō: Seikatsu shin'en no Kōkei([I]継承:生活深淵の後継[/I] 'Inheritance: Scion of the living abyss')."[/B][/color] [B][I]Abilities:[/I][/B] Unlike its shikai, the bankai of Zume's zanpakuto has a much stronger focus on the blade(s) itself. While before the blades were merely a conduit for the void, now they have become a deadly counterpart to its wielder. These blades have the ability to assimilate reiryoku to an extent. This works by bonding to the energies and engorging them in the void's creative potential as they are pulled into the blades thus shifting their control over to Zume. This however does not give Zume's already monstrous reiatsu a boost, instead it empowers the blade(s) itself through his Sentō o sendan technique. Additionally it should be noted that while initially Zume possesses only one blade, it can easily be split into two identical zanpakuto allowing him greater versatility. Beyond the blade(s) itself, there are Zume's garments and the barrier that surrounds him. The latter is composed partially of void, allowing them to actually shield his presence. The void takes in and restrains both his reiatsu signature and killing intent respectively, allowing him to move about largely undetected by the majority of individuals. The shield on the other hand is much different and more or less possesses the same properties of Zume's shikai, allowing him to utilize all of its abilities as well. Last of all it should be noted that within the barrier between its voidal darkness and Zume's body is a greyish mist-like substance. This substance contains the ultimate creative potential of his bankai, however, this only slightly amplifies his kido above that of his shikai, allowing him to utilize up to 85 without incantation as well as creating an area through which he can mold them more completely to his will. [B][U]Techniques[/U][/B] [U]Sentō o sendan([I]尖塔をせん断[/I] 'Shearing spires'):[/U] This technique can only be activated once Zume's zanpakuto has taken in some measure of reiryoku. The more reiryoku that his blades assimilate, the greater the strength of this technique. More or less this allows Zume's blade(s) to focus the reiryoku it has taken in between its opposing blades allowing it to whirl in a conical formation between. Once released this forms a spire of varied length and power. These spires are composed of inverted void thus causing them to have a strange effect. Within them there is a repelling effect, but on their outside they attract. This means that, depending on their strength, the spires will pull things towards them only to, after 3-7 seconds, erupt. [U]Kagayaki o senkai([I]輝きを旋回[/I] 'Whirling resplendence'):[/U] Whirling his zanpakuto after assimilating a good deal of reiryoku, the blade will attempt to utilize Sentō o sendan only for the deadly reiryoku to be trapped in a vortex of movement and form a disk of condensed reiryoku. When Zume slashes or ceases the blade's whirling, the disk will erupt outwards in a burst of intense speed. As it gets further away it expands and slows from its incredible velocity. The strength of its strike is great enough to send most flying, shear them in half, or push them along a surface for at least 20 meters. The disk also has a blinding brightness which makes it virtually impossible to gaze directly upon. Other reiryoku that touches the disk is pulled into its revolution causing it to shrink in size rather than expand. Additionally, the disk can be detonated at any time to release an explosion of pure white reiryoku which will temporarily appear to disconnect one from their reiatsu. This means that for around 2-4 seconds no reiryoku can be channeled and utilized to empower kidou or their blade and kidou-based abilities already in play will lose their connection to the source and destabilize. This technique is quite strenuous and thus cannot be used more than 6 times in any given battle. [U]Ake mukō no uta([I]明け無効の歌[/I] 'Song of the dawning void'):[/U] Focusing on the spherical barrier surrounding him, Zume will push a minute amount of the grey mist into it forming it into individual spheres that revolve around him with varied distances depending on execution. Each of these spheres is composed entirely of void and thus they attract things towards them with what amounts to a gravitational pull. This pull is strong enough to draw in most average 3rd seat shinigami as well as effect lieutenants to different degrees. Captains feel the pull, but are not directly effected by its might. Unlike his other techniques, this remains active until disabled and takes a constant stream of the grey mist to fuel them, which amounts to his reiatsu. Each of these spheres will eventually contain a great amount of reiryoku thus causing a strange resonation with their kin that is the namesake of this technique. The true strength of this is in that he can freely move these spheres to his will, using them as he would the sphere of his shikai and allowing them each to be their own weapon. There are 8 spheres in total. [U]Shinkai wa inbō: Mukō-mai([I]深海は陰謀:无效舞[/I] 'Abyssal machinations: Void dance'):[/U] Once Ake mukō no uta has been active for 2 or more minutes, this technique may be utilized. The longer Ake mukō no uta is active the stronger this becomes. This, in essence, is Zume's strongest technique and it takes the power of his blades and the spheres to utilize. Zume must first find a way to position his opponent within the midst of the spheres after which the resonation of their reiryoku will form a dissonant chorus within. This chorus will disorient those within, obviously excluding Zume himself who is shielded from its effects by his garb. From this point on the sphere's will draw upon his opponent's reiatsu, feeding it into his blades which in turn channel inverted void into the center of each sphere. After 1-3 minutes have passed, the technique can be finalized and the spheres will shoot inwards, slamming into the target, or targets if necessary, and disrupt one anothers internal patterns causing a deadly torrent of invisible blades to tear at the opponent from essentially every angle. This is further augmented by the inverted void which in and of itself causes a mutual pushing from all sides in an attempt to crush and mutilate the opponent all at once. If this technique is used, Zume will immediately exit his bankai afterwards and be unable to fully utilize even his shikai. However, depending on his level of reiatsu he may still be able to fight, though such is not very likely.[/hider]