The main shopping district was so busy Maria had to be extra careful that she was not knocked over by the constant mass of body's of all shapes and sizes. She pushed her way through to the edge of the road towards the cathedral church on the oposit side of the cobblestone street. and scaled the side to perch on the roof like a gargoyle carved from stone, her raven black hair swinging to a stop. "where is the Energetic angel when you need him?" she said looking over all the people and creatures that walked push and flew beneath me. "most likely stretching his new wings........" Caw" Hugo replied landing on the shingles next to her. "Hmmm go see if you can find him... ill stay here i want to get a better view of this place," Maria stood up as Hugo flew away in search of Jurano. and looked back over her shoulder at the Ship. it was big and stood out clearly on the horizon. i wonder if everyone awake. or better question is everyone alright. i was pretty lucky to get out more or less unscathed but the others went so lucky. i feel really bad about Mike and Juranos wings, and what about Cassius? he ha sent even woken up yet... i see a flash of metal in the distance and i know its Jruano, then i look further and i see Hugo a black spot on the ho-risen swooping above his head and i laugh.... looks like he found him. but then i look closser my vision focosion at Hugo is not swooping out of fun, his swooping out of anger, trying to ward off what i though was jruano. turns out it was just a a metalic cog work bird that was tormenting Hugo.