[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] While Inadi stood next to Jasper eating away the fruits he still had left on the plate an announcement went over the room to let everyone know that there was a dance competition going on. Inadi rolled his eyes at the rewards the winning pair would get. He had eaten so many of those strawberry tarts he could be able to tell the winners that they needed to be eaten as fast as possible. For whatever reason the strawberry ones always seemed to dry out pretty quickly. Hell, he made so many of them he knew how to make ten barrels of those things in less than a day. Definitely not worth embarrassing yourself in front of all the professional dancers. Cello, a guide he didn't immediately recognize until after looking at him for a while, decided to pay him and Jasper a visit. Calling him and Jasper lovebirds made Inadi choke slightly on a piece of apple skin that he was just about to swallow. Looking at Jasper he could tell she didn't hear the title and felt relieved as he didn't feel like handling another awkward moment like he had just a few moments ago. As Cello continued his speech and walked off Jasper suggested they both go off and see what all else the castle had to offer. Nodding back at the girl he chewed his last grape and tossed the plate into the wash bin Jasper had used. The neko returned again and handed them more food, which was an issue since the grapes had done a pretty good job of taking up space in his gut. Hard to think that such a small thing could make one feel so bloated. Then he heard that the food was for Martini and gave a quick nod, understanding the job at hand. As Cello then decided to suggest they join the dance competition Inadi was a bit shocked, but didn't see anything wrong with the idea. Sure, the treats weren't really a worthy reward, but the stars could be useful. Perhaps they could buy something similar to the amulets that the Queen had given them. Maybe even something to provide healing magic like Jasper was using before. Just as he was about to suggest the plan it appeared that the albino girl took off in a hurry to meet up with the others. Letting out a sigh of disappointment he quickly followed after her. Well now it was clear. She was embarrassed at the idea. Pitching the idea was definitely not going to be as easy as he thought it would be. Reaching Martini's room he took up a spot next to Jasper as he looked up at the guide. She didn't seem to be looking all that well, as indeed the color in her face seemed to be a little wavering compared to before. Then again nobody was probably that well off in terms of wellness. While looking at the guide he couldn't help but notice that her gaze stopped on him. She seemed almost....mad at the sight of him. Suddenly fear and guilt began building in his chest as his heart began beating faster. Was she angry at him for what he said at the cabin? Did she blame him for what happened to Avian? Feeling the impending doom of whatever the mermaid could do to him made the plate in his hands begin shaking slightly. As Martini screamed out her disapproval, the plate flew in the air and Inadi began covering his face in pure fear. The mermaid scooted up to Jasper and began saying that she needed color and something about her dress. As she continued commenting on other people's clothing his nerves began settling as he peaked out from past his arms to see where Martini was focused on. Just as he did the mermaid addressed him in a voice almost befitting that of a military general. It was loud and stern. His fear came shooting back as he covered his face again. She then told him to....burn the suit he was wearing. The hands dropped quickly to his sides and he looked down at the jacket he was wearing. Inadi then remembered that Martini was some kind of fashionista here in Nowhere. He let out a few slow breaths, letting his nerves finally settle after his near heart attack. Martini then shoved each of them towards some large closet that was awe inspiring to see. It took up a whole wall and he was supposed to choose some kind of outfit for himself. He had never matched clothes in his life besides socks. He would wear white t-shirts with plaid shorts if that's all he had in the drawer clean at the time. Now he was expected to settle his own outfit for a ball? Definitely a new kind of fear Inadi would have to remember for a later time. Considering how serious the mermaid was too, he figured it was best to take it seriously, otherwise she may drown him in her tub of water she was in before they arrived. Going through the suits he noticed there was a lot of stripes and squared designs in the jackets. He normally kept his suits plain, but he had to admit the pinstripe look was drawing his eyes. Though he didn't want to get anything too bright, after all that was why he was in this mess in the first place. Then his eyes found [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/20/78/0f/20780f78d9503b1ca6c65c7bb6045d24.jpg]a jacket with red stripes on it[/url], and he was taken in by the look. It gave a real casino or high life look to it. Something he imagined the big time gamblers wore before going out to test their luck. He looked over to Jasper and Leila and held up the jacket to them. “What do you think? Granted it looks better than the thing I'm wearing now, since the way Martini reacted a burlap sack would look better on me in her eyes,” Inadi joked with the two while grabbing the lapel and opening it up to reference it as he spoke. “But do you guys think this would look good on me? Or should I keep looking?” He finished asking them as he went back to looking at the suit jacket. He really liked the look, but would it look good on him. Hopefully his peers would have a better idea than he would.