[b][center]Intermission: Maeven and Meryl Slothchild[/b][/center] --- Deep within the interior of Renalta's castle, a staircase led into the dungeon. A fairly dark, cold place, with several cells, though surprisingly vacant of torture equipment for one reason or another. At the end of the rows of cells was the largest cell, intended for noble prisoners or otherwise. Still, it should only have the most basic amenities, and yet, there it was, covered in toys, a few drawings. Mostly stuffed animals and the like. Meryl herself was sitting alone, against a back wall, the colourful environment had faded almost to a grey as she hung her head, legs drawn up to her chest. She was miserable, for some reason, despite obviously showing signs of happiness earlier with the toys. Maeven had been asking after what had happened to the child who she encountered on her adventure at the West Tower. She had seen Fafnir fixed and had found herself wondering more and more what the fate of the child was. As it would happen, upon learning about the dungeon home, she was horrified. A small feeling of dread had come over her. Now it was, with a kitten she had picked up from the streets in arms, that she was working her way down to the dungeons to see what was going on. She had made a promise to the girl that she would get a ride upon Fafnir. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath as she descends the stairs, deeper and deeper into the dank dungeon that brought on memories of home and her old workshop. A chill runs down her spine remembering what she had done and she strokes comfortingly over the kitten's head. As she approaches the dungeon, she clears her throat to get the attention of the jailer. “I'm here to see Meryl, the child from the attack on Arian... Would you allow me in with her for a time?” The jailer, a young woman with short blonde hair, nods as she motions towards the cell. There was a scar across her throat, implicating that she could not vocalize things. Still, telepathically she communicated to Maeven. "The child's guardian is being interrogated. Be wary. She did not seem to take it well." Maeven nods, appreciative for the information as she goes over to the cell and waits for it to be opened for her. As it is, the mechanist walks in, still cradling the kitten in her arms as she approaches Meryl, “Hey there tyke... Doing alright?” The jailer opened the cell slowly, allowing Maeven inside before closing the door behind her and locking it. She then stood a few feet away, ready to move in at a moment's notice. Meryl looked up, seeing Maeven she hesitated before unfurling from self-cradling. "... Is that a kitty?" She asked with piqued curiosity, seeing the orange fur she smiled. "C-Can I hold it?" Maeven nods and offers the kitten over gently, “Mmhmm, but be gentle with it, its just a baby still.” She gets onto her knees to supervise, eyes scanning over the toys curiously. The toys were variously coloured, stuffed dolls, though disturbingly, many looked like they were either sleeping or dead. Closer examination showed it was a scene of some sort. At a small table were three dolls in particular, two were recognizable: Meryl and Gustavo. Across from Meryl however was a third figure, a tall figure, wrapped in metal plates and leather covering every inch of its skin. Its hands were claws and its eyes glowed with a light red, staring at Meryl wherever she went. Looking back, Meryl was petting the kitten, nuzzling against it gently even as the kitten purred. "It is so weak..." Meryl says, with concern in her voice. "... It should be bigger, shouldn't it?" Maeven shrugs, “It'll get bigger as it grows up. Right now, it is just perfect, though.” She smiles and inches a little away from the toys as they were sort of disturbing her. She reaches out and ruffles Meryl's hair softly, “Just like some day, you should get bigger too, I bet.” "Mm..." She pets the kitten underneath his chin, and he continues to purr happily. Then, without warning, she rests both of her hands on each of the kitten's sides, and looks him over, much to his confusion. "It -is- cute, buut... What if something attacks it?" Looking at the tail, a curious look crosses her eyes. "...What if we changed the tail... To have spines!" Maeven's face lights up with intrigue for the briefest of instants before she reluctantly shakes her head. “Well, if something attacks it, then maybe it should have someone to protect it.” She reaches out and lightly taps Meryl upon the nose, “Like you and your big friend, Gustav. You don't look like you could take much in a fight, but Gustav sure does a good job of trying to keep you safe.” She smiles a tad and winks, “Sometimes, it's alright to just be soft and cute.” "But if I can't protect it... And it can't defend itself... It will... 'Die'." She frowns as the kitten mews, prompting her to nuzzle it further. Maeven pauses for a moment before inching a little closer. “It's still a baby, though... Small... But...” She reaches out, taking a hold of a tiny paw before pressing along its pads, “It still has claws, and its tiny kitten teeth...” She looks at Meryl, uncertainty apparent on her expression, “Sometimes, though, there's no way to avoid death. We can try, but all things natural meet there end...” She pauses, “Everything... But that doesn't mean we should change them because of what we might want.” Her eyes move along the spine of the cat to its tail. “Would you be able to change the kitten if you really wanted to?” "Well, yes." Meryl says stubbornly as she, too, looks the kitten over. He mews as she drops him. He lands on the ground with a light thud, then holds up its front left paw, having hurt it as he was still young and clumsy. Meryl stares in curiosity. "What's wrong? Why does he hold his paw up like that?" Maeven makes a gentle tut-tut and caresses soothingly over the kitten's back, “He must have hurt his poor widdle paw just now... You're a lot bigger and tougher than this little guy, you have to be gentler, Meryl.” She smiles a little sadly, “Have you never hurt yourself? Fallen down and scuffed your knee, bumped into something a bit too hard?” "No." She says plainly. "... Did I break his fuzzy paw?" She reaches out only to see the kitten recoil from her hand. Frowning she gently caresses his hurt paw. "I am sorry Edgar." The Mechanist furrows her brow as she draws her knees up to her chest, watching the kitten and girl. “You are a curious child... But, yeah... You have to be careful up here in the mortal realm. Animals, like little Edgar,” she smiles fondly at the name, “And people too, we can all break and get hurt. And it can take a long time for us to get fixed... I don't know, but I think you might be able to get hurt too here. You're lucky the game with me and the others ended like it did because of that sprite... You, Gustav, all of us, we could have got very hurt.” She reaches up, hand brushing over the scratch on her face because of Meryl. “This here is just a little scrape, but it could have been much worse... My dragon, Faf, he's only alive because he's a spirit in a fake body... Those demons you brought, and Gustav, they were out to hurt us for real... Did you really want that when you started your game?” "Mm... No." She says, squirming a little. "James told me the mortal realm was like the nine hells, people could just be remade..." She frowns. "He lied..." “Yeah, yeah he did... But you know better, now...” Maeven furrows her brow before moving to sit beside Meryl, letting herself slump down all the way to the floor and resting her head back against the stone wall as she glances sidelong at the girl. “I can't tell you that I know everything, Meryl, and the Gods know, I've made mistakes in my life.. But I'm trying to do better now... And I think you might have a chance to try better too, as you come to know things.” She pauses before swallowing nervously, “James hurt a lot of people, and he tried to get you to do the same... But, I think you might be able to do some good, given the chance. Like with Edgar... I think he could use a new momma. Do you think you can help take care of him?” "Momma?" Meryl asks curiously. Maeven considers this before moving forward, “A woman who takes care of their baby... A guy who does that would be a daddy?” She did not quite feel like trying to explain the birds and the bees or all the other convoluted stuff right about now. She blinks. "Caretaker! Sloth said Gustavo is mine..." She immediately frowns despite the purring kitten who nuzzles on her lap. The Tulerian woman ruffles her hair, “Do you know what they're doing to Gustavo?” "Talking." Meryl replies, though she narrowed her eyes as she tightened her grip around the scuff of Edgar's neck, not dangerously though concerning nonetheless. "I think they are lying too. Just like James."' Maeven scratches her cheek, looking at Meryl. “I think it might be important that they talk right now, Meryl... There's some bad stuff going on right now, and we need information... And hopefully Gustavo can give us some, otherwise, some innocent people could get hurt...” She sighs and lightly nudges the sloth-child. “I'm going to try and get you and Gustavo out of here... but it might require you and Gustavo having to listen to a few rules from the Queens here... Do you think you can do that?” Her eyes widen as she looks around her cell. The colours brighten slightly. "Really?!... Can I keep Edgar too?" She lifts him up again, and quietly a small, blue ribbon appears, acting like a collar on his head. "... No spine tail, I promise!... And... Something for his paw?..." Maeven nods, “We'll get something for Edgar's paw...” She tousles Meryl's hair, “I'll have you out of here soon, the both of you... I promised you a ride on my dragon, didn't I?” She smirks and winks, going to stand up. "With Edgar!" Meryl says with a bright smile as Edgar adds in a happy purr, likely not comprehending what Meryl was happy about. Maeven smiles, “With Edgar...” She stretches her legs, moving over to the edge of the cell and gesturing for the guard to let her out. “I'll come back and visit soon, Meryl.” "Please, do!" Looking back, Maeven would see another doll in her likeness at the mini table, along with a plushie cat. "... Please..." Her smile drops as she casts her gaze away, feeling terrible. As she guard approaches, she drops her voice down low so just the guard could hear, assuming Meryl did not have a matching sense of hearing for her power. “Take care of the child... She didn't know any better...” The blonde guard nods, but adds nothing else. No promises. Meryl on the other hand stares after Maeven, at the bars, kitten mewling with concerns. Maeven tenses as she hears the mewls, turning back, “I promise, I'll come back... And I'll make sure you're out of that cell.” With that, she bows her head and takes off, moving from a jog as she gets out of sight of Meryl to a full-out run as she goes in search of the Queen. She wouldn't let the child rot in some dungeon like a criminal. She was just a kid... She finds Kouri alone on an upper floor, playing on a piano slowly and softly. It was a gentle, though remorseful tune. Maeven falters in her steps, uncertain of how to address the queen before taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. “Queen Kouri, I have something to discuss with you...” Kouri abruptly stops playing the piano and looks back at Maeven. Slightly surprised, she motions Maeven to a nearby seat. "Come in. What do you need?" Licking her lips nervously, the Mechanist moves over across from Kouri and takes her seat. With a sigh, she raises her head, “It's about Meryl, the child taken prisoner from our defense of the West Watch Tower.” The Queen hesitates before returning to playing her piano slowly. "What about her do you wish to discuss?" Maeven takes a deep breath, trying to steel herself. It was not every day one was in the presence of a queen, leave alone about to make a personal plea of them. It was making her legs shake and her palms sweat, which she awkwardly runs over her pants. With a weak, wavering voice she starts, “I would like to see her free of that cell. Her and her guardian, both. It's no place for a child, especially one who had no idea what she was doing at the time... I've had a chance to talk to her... And I honestly believe she was being utilized as a puppet of James', driven on by falsehoods, manipulative of her own innocence to our realm.” "Truly soft." Kouri states as she stops playing the piano again with a small sigh. "However, two things you fail to account for. One, she is just as much protected from those whose lives she threatened, who might want revenge. Two, she is a twelve year old girl with seemingly little knowledge of the real world with enough power to kill several armed men in a temper tantrum." She looks at Maeven and frowns sympathetically. "Child though she may be, she is also incredible dangerous, Maeven." Maeven raises her chin, feeling more than a little angered, “She can protect herself if that happened... She disabled that bomb as soon as I went to do anything with it, without even having to try... And even if she could do that, I don't think she would, not now. She can learn, Queen Kouri, and she understands when we talk with her and give her a background.” She clutches the arms of the chair, furrowing her brow, “And yes, she can be incredibly dangerous, but the same can be said of several of the Blades, ones I'm sure you have no hard guarantee of their loyalties should a conflict of interests happen...” She swallows, beginning on a different path, “Besides... I'm sure you heard... This child has an association with Sloth... Her and her caretaker. They could prove invaluable assets in the time to come... The demonlord must hold her dear, to not only hold such intimate conversation with her, but to assign her a caretaker as well...” She chews the inside of her cheek, “Keeping her happy, could be an asset with the reports of raising demon skirmishes and prove to assist in keeping her amiable... You think she can't escape that prison if she wanted?... If she were, how many would have to die because we could not grant her a small token of freedom and instead she grows restless and scared?” "She would not make it five feet out of that cell." Kouri remarks coldly before looking at Maeven, slight annoyance was starting to creep into her voice. "Besides. You saw it, I am sure. She is so naive about the real world. With so much power... I need to know more about her before I can judge what would be safe and what wouldn't be. That won't happen until the interrogation of Gustavo is completed." Maeven grimaces, raising her hand up to ruffle her hair, “Just don't leave her cooped up like that, My Queen. No one should have to live like that.” She works her jaw, teeth gnashing, “I don't care if its just about the palace, but she's still a kid you've locked into a dungeon. If not in power, then in mind and body.” She sighs and readjusts, “Interrogate Gustavo, find out what you can, but I made a promise to her. Two, now, that demand her release.. I'll look after her, if that's the problem. I'll be held accountable for her actions.” "You should not make promises you cannot keep." Kouri says as she plays the piano slowly once more, perhaps with even more remorse than before. "I will consider it." Maeven stands up and gives a stiff curtsey. “Thank you... For considering it, at least.” She bites back her comments, intending to attack the Queen for her own inability to follow her own ideals. It would seem there was little in that way to go along. Nobles never took well to insult. “Please, don't make me a liar to Meryl...” "Understand, this is for her own good." She says softly as she easily spots Maeven's agitation. "I am aware you visited her. She might learn quickly, but she still has significant power and little to no training in how to control it." The tune turns darker as her fingers glide down the piano's keys into the lower octaves. She was making it up as she went along. "Besides. You have innocent blood on your hands in exchange for your knowledge and power. You, of all people, should understand my caution in wanting to ensure that a twelve year old with great power doesn't have to deal with that on her conscience. Atop everything else that comes with being twelve, in a completely foreign land." Maeven fidgets, unnerved by the truth laid out before her, yet she bows her head. “So I was right to think you had your research done upon each and every one of us...” She sighs and raises her head, “Then you understand my want for this child to have a second lease on life, and why I cannot stand by so idly when I see this child imprisoned.” She lowers her head, a faint tremble to her small form. “I grasp your... desires for holding her prisoner... Your... reasoning is sound, but still... At the cost of what?... I would hate to see this kingdom begin slipping in its ideals in order merely to handle the threat against us all.” She licks her lips, looking at Kouri, “After all, there's enough monsters out there without us having to emulate them. I know I was one of them.” "If you really think this behaviour monstrous, you must think the world to be a terrifying place." Kouri sighs and the tune turns somewhat lighter. "As I said. I will consider it. Oh, and, as for values..." She leans back a little, taking a temporary break from playing to look at Maeven. "She did threaten the lives of many people over a game." Maeven furrows her brow, “Isn't it a terrifying place?... Not everywhere is as ideal as Renalta, and from what I hear, that is after the oppression of one unstoppable force... And there is another yet rising, its presence growing.” She furrows her brow, “And she did... But only when James lied to her and said people could be fixed. She already realizes the fault in that due to my own conversations with her and she regrets those actions.” "You still don't see it? She is listening to you. Blindly. Just as she listened to James. Blindly. She is a naive young woman in a world you consider terrifying, where even my actions to you seem morally questionable. And you want to unleash her into that?" She says skeptically as she returns to playing the piano. "If I let her out, it will only be on castle grounds." Maeven crosses her arms and nods, “Then that is something...” She sighs, “And yes, surely she listens to me, but what other choice does she have locked away from others. She cannot learn and choose her own way if we give her no context... And the world is full of terrors, but its the one we have. And we learn to stand against them.” She offers a bitter smile, “Isn't that how we forge a path to a new day? Conquering Gods and rallying soldiers to a cause? Mortals, heh, we just can't help but lift a stick to what lays in the dark, even if it is far larger and fiercer than ourselves.” She smiles slightly, remembering something similar Fafnir had said to her. "This still isn't some just a teenager discovering the world and you know it isn't that simple." “Is anything ever?” the mechanist states counterpoint before curtseying once more, “I've said all I can in my plea to you and anything more is just wasting your time. Have a pleasant evening, my Queen.” As Maeven leaves, Kouri continues to play the piano. When it was certain that she was alone, Mikan slips out from the dark, looking at Kouri curiously. "Should I keep an eye on her?" Kouri nods. "For now." As Maeven makes her way back down the halls, she stops by the medical room to procure some supplies for a very small patient. From there, she continues back on her descent into the palace, back down into the dungeons where she nods to the guard in passing before approaching the cell of Meryl once more. Her expression is downcast as she looks in at the girl, “Hey there, little buddy...” "Hi!" Meryl says with a Chipper tone of voice as she sees Maeven approach. Edgar was napping on the mini tea table. "Be Veeery quiet. He is tired." Maeven waits for the guard to open the gate once more before entering, doing her best to quiet the faint jangling of her gear by holding a silencing hand to them. As she moves in, she holds up the medical supplies for Meryl to see and whispers, as instructed, “I thought maybe we could see to Edgar's paw...” She smiles faintly, looking about the dungeon once more. She closes her eyes, trying to drown out Kouri's voice. It was unnerving to her to have to not only face down her past mistakes but also speak up like that to someone of such social standing. For the best, perhaps. It could be seen as insight for how to better handle the world leaders rumored to be coming to the ball. "Yeah, okay." Meryl says as she gently lifts her kitten from the mini table. He mews out in slight irritation but quickly purrs as she nuzzles him. Maeven carefully takes the kittens paw, making a small kitty splint and wrapping it tenderly. “I talked with the Queen about getting you out of here,” she murmurs. "Oh?" Meryl inquires curiously as she watches her kitten inspect his splint, nibbling it and licking it. Maeven nods, “She might allow you to explore about the castle grounds... Do you think that is something you could accept?” "Well yeah!" She says with a giggle. "Better than being alone..." Maeven nods, a slight smile on her face, “Well, good... Cuz I might have to go before too long... I'm one of the Queen's Blades... And just like the other day, I might have to go and help save people. I think it'd be better than leaving you all by yourself... But, I think Gustavo should be free to spend time with you again, just as soon as he helps the Queens.” She pauses before reaching out, ruffling Meryl's hair. “Think you can be a good kid when I'm gone?” "Uhh... I can try?" She says with uncertainty as the sounds of an approaching pair of high heels ring through the dungeon. Amanda stares at them through the cell bars. "Good, because I'm here to help you with that." Maeven looks up at Amanda, eyes going wide and swallowing and tries to stay calm beneath her gaze. “Ah, you're... You're Amanda... A-aren't you?” "Yes. Kouri sent for me." Amanda says softly as Gustavo follows a few feet behind her, accompanied by a pair of guards. "I will be helping you learn, Meryl." Gustavo looked exhausted, but unharmed. Maeven pauses before nodding. “Then I bet there's no one better who she could learn from...” Her gaze drifts over the Meryl as she starts to bite the nail of her thumb. “You'll take good care of her, right?... And I'll get to visit her still?... I told her I'd take her for a ride on Fafnir...” "Of course." Amanda says as she opens the cell door. Gustavo immediately walks inside, then pauses as Meryl tackles him and nuzzles against his chest. "I missed you so much~" Amanda looks at them as Gustavo looks back and nods. Amanda motions for Maeven to leave the cell. Maeven pauses, watching the reuniting of the duo for a moment before leaving the cell. She does not wait before she begins to head back towards the exit to the dungeon. They had things handled for now, and it was likely for the better things were out of her hands now. Before Maeven can get out if sight, Meryl yells after her. "Hey Maeven!!" Looking back, Meryl held her kitten above her head as he mewled loudly. "Thank you! Please don't forget me!" Maeven hesitates for a moment, a shudder running down her spine. She bites her lip, fully aware that she may not make it back from the next set of missions, “Of course I won't! Don't forget me either, though! We'll play next time, alright?” "Okay!"