Sorry about that, Buns!! It doesn't look like most people are posting this round anyway, so you're fine, please don't worry about it, and I apologize for inconveniencing you. >< EDIT: Okay so I'm not gonna hide that I completely crashed again mid-post. I keep trying to come up with ways to make me able to post at night in general without crashing or holding people up, but 80% of the time I post after 8pm, I crash. Last time I flaked because my bro needed my help with administering fluids to Riley, which we take turns doing at 9pm and it takes an hour to do. I tend to sleep between 10-11pm most days. I won't go into further specifics for stuff because I don't want to ladle this with excuses >< Anyway, the point I wanted to make is that I should [i]probably[/i] start skipping posts altogether if I can't make it before 8pm PST. I keep trying to make methods and promises etc. so I could still guarantee a post when I say I'm posting, but it almost never works and I end up cruising into 2-3 people's posting schedules because of it, like today. :/ I really hate leaving you guys in funny positions like this and am so upset at myself with being so flaky when it comes to nighttime posting. I know this RP is supposed to be daily but... I can't keep up like this, especially for co-gming when I'm supposed to control the pacing ><. Unless of course, Pacman (and everyone else), there's something else you think I should go by. Whatever everyone else feels is best/most reliable/most convenient. I've also finished my post, but considering the number of people not posting this round for various reasons, and considering what has happened in my post (i.e. getting started on mission details), I've talked to Pacman a bit this morning and he recommended PMing him before moving on. I'm mostly concerned on what to do when it comes to skipping a round to allow for everyone missing to catch up to it, or to keep tomorrow's round's post short, or what... idk haha. Hopefully I get the hang of these co-gming decisions super soon. >< [s]i would never survive as a proper gm[/s] :( Sorry again about all of this.