[img]http://i.imgur.com/2uDBgEK.png[/img] [b][u]Morris: Guild[/u][/b] “We’ll do it!!” Estelle’s voice rang loud and clear throughout the Guild, as her fist slammed against the top of the secretary’s desk, determination and excitement resonating through Estelle’s entire body as she announced her decision without even waiting to discuss it with the others first. Everyone looked at Estelle blankly, albeit not with much surprise. They all knew Estelle well enough to know how impulsive she was and dedicated to the idea of justice. If someone, anyone, was in trouble, be it missing or otherwise, she would leap to their defense, no questions asked. Which… was kind of the problem, as Estelle hopped back over the desk again and started to walk towards the Guild’s exit. She had asked no questions, and the Pride still knew very little in the way of the mission itself. Leaving before taking the opportunity to quiz Lady some more about the specifics of the situation would be incredibly premature. [img]http://i.imgur.com/8mPMSWF.png[/img] “Estelle, wait,” Marcus grabbed hold of his friend’s hand. “Let’s not rush off without actually talking this through for once, okay?” The wind mage sighed, as Lucien chuckled. “Don’t you think we have some questions to ask… Lady, was it?” “Oh, right,” Estelle nodded, and turned back around, walking briskly towards the reception desk again, and slamming her hands against it once more and leaning down to look to Lady, as if she was talking business. “Auntie,” Estelle began, looking to the violet haired woman with absolute seriousness. “Where’s your toilets?” Marcus’ shoulders deflated behind her, and he almost collapsed to the floor. “Er, over there, Estelle,” Lady replied, thumbing in the direction of the lavatory’s entrance. At the same time, the door swung open and hit its adjoining wall with a massive crack, and a man strode out of the cubicle as the sounds of the toilet flushing echoed behind him. The man, casually dressed in a creased and dirty suit came out with a dopey expression adorned on his face as he patted his hands down with paper towels before dumping them in the nearest bin, whistling as he took a seat right beside Amy at the bar and called to the barman to make him a delicious milk float. Estelle meanwhile, dashed for the cubicle, latching the door locked behind her. “…any other questions?” Lady turned back to the Pride.