[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] When Inadi saw the thumbs up from Jasper he then turned to Leila. The girl gave him a shy nod of the head, giving her approval of the decision as well. Taking that as a good reaction to the suit itself made Inadi think that they both approved of his choice of clothing. That was all he needed as he took it up to a dressing room nearby and began fitting himself into the suit with matching pants and dress shirt along with it. The whole thing definitely seemed like a good change of pace considering what all he had been doing in Nowhere recently. Putting on a suit was definitely a welcome change to fighting a witch after all. Plus the party was enjoyable only for the fact that the food back there was very good. With all of the movement and excitement though it made him feel really uncomfortable considering everything. Plus now he was on edge when it came to the other people he had met on the journey. When Martini got mad at his suit, Inadi began feeling a great concern take over his body. If that was the case here, no telling what would happen during the more tense situations they would more than likely find themselves in now. As he pulled down on the lapels to smooth out the jacket he took that last thought and let it settle in his mind. They still needed to get more things on that damned list. The Queen even said it in the dance hall area. And who knows what all he and the rest of the crew were going to have to do to get those things that they wouldn't even know about until the list decided to show it. All this relaxation they were getting right now was going away at some point. And when it did the Queen would be showing them the door towards whatever danger they needed to conquer. Shaking his head he looked at himself in the finished product. He had to admit that it was a pretty good look for him. The stripes were thin enough that they didn't get your attention like the other suit jacket did with the color scheme. Plus this one was a lot more controlled with the appearance. He was really liking the look and felt very happy about it. It was a matter of whether or not Martini liked it though. The thought of that woman getting after him for a bad choice made his concern grow again. Inadi always thought mermaids were calm and gentle things. This one seemed like she could get very angry, very quickly. Sucking in a breath Inadi took a step out the changing room and out towards where Martini was sitting before. On the way there, Inadi saw Jasper in her pink dress and he got a slight flush over his face. Maybe Martini had an idea of what she was talking about with the whole color thing. The pink really fit Jasper for whatever reason. Maybe it was from all the times Inadi had seen the girl blushing for whatever reason that he thought it fit her. Shaking his head at the thought, he picked up the pace of his walk and got next to Jasper. Looking at her face he saw that she looked more than a little nervous going back to the mermaid. Inadi could definitely sympathize with her considering he had a similar feeling in his gut. Seeing her like that though made him want to help in someway, so he decided to try the whole complimenting thing again. He smiled at her and gave her a slight nudge with his elbow. “Don't worry Jasper. If Martini can't see how beautiful you look in that dress then maybe she isn't as good a fashionista as she says she is.” He told her with a sincere smile as he continued walking beside her as both got closer to exiting the closet. That was when Inadi remembered there was still Leila in the closet as well looking for her new dress. Inadi felt bad about going on ahead and leaving her to be judged by herself if it took her longer. Stopping his walk, he turned slightly as he went and lightly placed his hand on Jasper's shoulder, trying to get her to stop as well. “Maybe we should wait for Leila to join us too. I don't think it would be right of us to just go on ahead and have her stand up on the chopping block by herself, ya' know?” He explained his reasoning as he looked for Leila. She wasn't out picking a dress, so she must have been in one of the changing rooms getting the thing on. It probably wouldn't take her too much longer, so a little bit of a wait probably wouldn't hurt.