[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/u0DUfLq.jpg[/IMG][/center] With all of them floating around in a zero gravity room, Lesley was having the time of his life. The stars twinkled in the dark velvet of the night sky and he was hand in hand with one good looking fellow. This was just about pitch perfect. [b]Riley:[/b] "Haha, hey Lesles! Y'know, it's days like these that make me wish I had my camera with me. Gosh, what I wouldn't do for a photo of all this. THIS IS LIKE. THIS IS LIKE, PHOTOJOURNALIST HEAVEN." Grinning from ear to ear, he pictured how humanity would react to this scene and Nowhere itself. If they ever did capture all that had taken place during their time there, no doubt, the majority of the human population would think they'd gone bonkers. That, or it would be assumed that they were just some kids who were really good with computer graphics. [b]Amiel:[/b] "Even if you had a camera, I don't think anything from our realm can be sent into yours. It's two entirely different worlds, if I remember right. Hmm, it's a shame, isn't it? Nowhere is full of lovely souvenirs." Lesley sighed and put his hand over Amiel's hand. The concept of two separate realms baffled him, how this place itself could even be possible. If humans back home ever found out about Nowhere, they would no doubt find a way to destroy it because that's what humans do. They take, take, take until there's nothing left. Then they move on to a different area with something to offer so they can strip it of all its resources too. Humans were parasites stuck in a vicious cycle of taking. [b]Riley:[/b] "I mean, Lesles, as an artist you gotta understand, right? You're always trying to create beautiful images and now you're drowning in them. Doesn't it just want to make you paint like there's no tomorrow? Don't you wanna capture all this. I know I want to, but who'd believe us?" It almost seemed like Riley had taken the thought right out of his mind and turned it into a verbal sentence. "Why of course! That's what eactly what I've been itching to do since I got here. Just hadn't gotten around to it. Especially now that we've become so busy with the item hunting." Spreading his arms and legs out, his pose looked like that of a starfish. His pink curls hovered around him, lifting up around his face and shrouding his view. [b]Riley[/b]: "Hey guys, when we all y'know, go home and stuff. Are you going to tell people about this place? I'm guessing the police will question us and all that since we've been missing for a long time, but are they going to believe us?" Her question made him burst into a chuckle. "No way! People would think I'm crazy. They'd probably shove us all into a mental hospital." His statement suddenly made him feel sad. What happens when they get home? They would just continue their lives like nothing ever happened right? The same old boring human life and no one would ever guess what they'd ever been through. "I'll probably paint about it instead. I'm sure it'll catch peoples attention. And when they ask me where I got the idea, well then maybe I can tell them about Nowhere." Lesley brushed his locks from his face and stared at a twinkle star in deep thought. "Maybe I'll even tell them to wait for the train on New Years Eve," he frowned, "Nah. I'd never do that. Not with all the...." He forced a gulp, "All the deaths... HEY! We should go check out the other rooms!" Turning over, he pushed his way to the exit and pulled his legs downward to touch the floor. He really didn't want to think about that right now. It was their break after all. It was time to relax and forget about the madness they had gone through. As he stepped out and back into the hall, Lesley suddenly felt light headed when gravity returned and crashed down on him. "Ouch." His head was pounding and it felt like a horrible headache. Once his mind cleared up again, he cautiously stuck a hand back inside and beckoned the others to follow.