[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Morris Guild[/u][/b] While Estelle shouted, Moira remained quiet. Her mind had drifted elsewhere. With his reputation it could be that Lady's son had just ran off again... although she didn't fancy gaining any of Lady's ire suggesting such a thing. However... A mother's instinct was something else. She knew that. So if Lady was so sure something was wrong, it probably [i]was[/i]. Of course she'll help. This struck far too close to home. Syed meanwhile eyed the stranger at the bar up with concern. Was he okay? He certainly didn't sound it earlier. He hoped the others at the bar would give him a wide birth just in case he had the runs or something, cause it sure as hell sounded like that earlier. Nonetheless he had been listening to the conversation at the desk throughout, his paranoia about the ladybird lessening a little. Well, he supposed it wouldn't hurt to just check the circus out. He [i]supposed[/i]. Only because of the missing people. In case. "I've got a few," he volunteered, putting his hand up to the suprise of exactly nobody. "You say the circus is stationary, has it been there a while? Do they keep to themselves? And I guess... we'll need to have a look at one of those fliers. So we know where it is and when the shows are on. I think the best chance to look around will be when they're actually open? Well, that's my guess anyway." He looked to the others with a shrug.