I am back from the dead //shot Wow, you guys are speedy ^^! I'll catch up in the afternoon and get a move-along-post up sometime today. Enrollment was fun, lines were massive though, and everyone started dragging chairs along xD buttttt it is finished, whooo. I'll be here for two-ish days so I'm gonna move you guys along later. After that, gonna disappear on the 16th-18th but I'll be back on the 19th to resume posting. You guys can either take a break or get some back and forth going between your characters :D. Lol, MUG...that poor guy, though Kimchi is right, he defo looks like an extra from California Gurls. He should meet Martini. [s]Or not, all hell would probably break loose or something.[/s] Oh and guys :D! All of us should totally get together to slay titans. MUG, have you seen the new updates on Feng's Attack on Titan Tribute Game? There are a bunch of new modes, including outside the walls where you can travel on horseback. Someoneeee, suggest a cool MMORPG we can play together (if you guys want xD) //shot And Kimchi <3 don't worry, and I love your new signature! (^w^)/