[I]* Metal shavings… Rose thorns… A fly trap plant… This should work…*[/I] These were the main elements of his concoction, hopefully not being another dud of a combination. Many times had he managed to bring ingredients together and try to bind everything together with magic to receive nothing at the end. Yes, it was part of the risk of his ‘’trade’’, but it was always annoying as hell when nothing worked, as it wasted his ingredients and his precious time. This specific mixture would come and modify and already existing item, which made the task a little harder. The magic of both things might collide and explode in his face, which meant more pain. Again. It was the risk, once more. The ingredients slowly being crushed together in a mixing bowl, he could already feel the reaction happening, which meant he had probably made a good mix. The binding would happen later, to not awake suspicion or his hidden talent. He was actually quite happy to feel the reaction of the substances. It wasn`t going to be a waste of his time. A smile creped on his lips as he pulled out an empty glass container, preparing to transfer it for transport. Before he could do so, he was interrupted… He turned himself around, facing one of the travelers that he was journeying with. Oddly, it was the musician. What did he want? He couldn’t tell right away, but he already felt that this wasn`t going to be a pleasant conversation. He put the bowl and the container down as he spoke, listened to his words with care… He had almost just turned around and went back to his things within the first two sentences he spoke. A soldier? Really? What gave him the impression he was a soldier? He was far from one really. Although, he could admit that separating himself from the group was a little foolish, but he couldn’t understand the pain of his people. None of them really could. He looked at the bowl of food for a moment, and then raised his head to see the man walk back… What was he doing? He hadn’t really noticed it yet, but the man seemed to be trying to find his way back with the scabbard. What was he doing? He was slightly curious, especially as the arrow flew and the man reacted instinctively. Odd… He decided to look over it for the moment. He returned to his own thing, finally pouring the pasty substance into the glass container and putting everything he had just used away into his traveling bag. He would have the chance to do something with his mixtures when they would reach the next village. With that done, he took his things and left the bowl of food behind without touching it, retreating to a tree not too far from the camp fire to sit down and rest his back on its trunk. There was no way he would join that circle to have those eyes judge him for his actions. For now, he would just stay at his own thing. Het set everything do, pulling up the wrapped up weapon of his and finally rolled out the leather to reveal the weapon of his invention. The 6-bolt Crossbow. He took it in his hands, pulling the stock up against his shoulder. It was time for a little inspection. __________________________________________________ Vordan had reacted very poorly to the offer, and already, Elrithos felt the struggle that was going to be set within the group. The hatred of the people of Ellahur would never die down for what the Syndarean had done to them… They didn’t know the true history they had. Once great allies, broken by this war with the Dark Emperor. Allies for many years, yet they seemed to have forgotten their history together, the war they had won TOGETHER hundreds of years ago. Elrithos had been taught about most of the Kingdoms and their histories, as being a messenger, he had to know a lot. It was a shame really. Maybe he should make them remember their history… A story for another night. The atmosphere was already tight enough that he didn`t want to spawn more worries. He sighed as he accepted the bowl of the dwarven man, nodding and bowing down as he was served. He ate his food slowly, actually enjoying it. He wasn`t quite used to making tasty food. When you lived in the desert, you didn`t argue on how things tasted. He has kept his smile, looking up at the group. He wanted people to understand that even if he was a warrior of the sands, he was not a heartless man. Yes, he had seen war. Gruesome war. But he had been over it now. It was a new time. Time for the people of this continent to bond back together. Elrithos had barely noticed Caelis getting up and going to see Vordan. Bad idea. The man was probably already very sensitive with this whole subject, starting to add up on it would just make things so much worst. People were going to bash down on the tall man for sure, but he still didn`t deserve to be look down lie that. They had to sort out their differences, that was all. Finishing his bowl, he went and thanked the young woman for her appetizing meal. It was a meal he enjoyed greatly actually and he expressed it to her kindly. He stepped back towards his things, a little bit outside the circle around the fire. He pulled out some clothes that he gradually wrapped around itself, creating a small ball of wool. Knowing that Faith and Caelis would be singing, he opted for a more quite way to do his own thing while still being within the circle. He stayed up on his feet as he smiled lightly, letting the ball of tissue fall, catching it before it hit the ground with the top of his boot… And then, he started juggling with the ball, using only his feet, legs and knees t make the ball go in the air and catch. It was oen of his few passive hobbies to do this. It was a great way to grow coordination and have some fun while settling to rest!