[img]http://i.imgur.com/J8VStXo.png[/img] [b][u]Morris Guild:[/b][/u] "Eh?" He made a face at Aria, "what are you talking about? This stuff is educational." Lucien's eyes flitted back to the tiny caterpillar. "If these little fellas keep climbing into glasses they're gonna get all gobbled up, yeah? Might as well break it to them while they're still in one piece, or else they're gonna rest in pieces." He rested his chin on the counter and narrowed his eyes at the small caterpillar. "Omnomnom! You wouldn't want that pal, so trust me and stick to gardens or something, yeah?" He lifted the tiny caterpillar by its tail then followed Aria to the flowerpot. Now the little guy could be with his kind in safety. Wait, wait, did someone just say their son was missing. Lucien looked right and left, his focus switching from the billboard to the purple-haired lady who somehow knew both the boss and Estelle. Her son was missing too? And she felt the circus had something to do with it...? Did he run away and become a clown or something? The summoner jolted upright and listened with much interest. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZEQcnsM.png[/img] [i]“We’ll do it!!”[/i] Xan nodded in agreement. If there were missing people out there who needed help, then there was no way they weren't going to do anything about it. It felt like Los Paraisos all over again, the thought made her angry. Whoever was leading this thing, well, the Pride would make them pay. The metallurgist watched as their leader strode to the counter, all businesslike and serious. Estelle's sense of duty and justice was something she couldn't help but admire. But then Estelle asked about the toilets and Xan couldn't help but arch an eyebrow. Well...that was a mood breaker, and it hadn't been what she was expecting either. Syed started them off with good questions and Xan made her way towards the electricity mage with a nod of the head. "Visiting them during open hours sounds like a good idea, and I have a few questions of my own as well." She turned to face lady, "did the disappearances start occurring after the circus came to town? And by any chance, do the missing people have anything in common? Hmm, maybe they're all linked to the circus?" If that were the case, then something smelled very fishy.