"No... Um... Dude... Dude... The problem... Ugh... Geez..." Nathaniel said as he rubbed his temples a bit. How could he explain this without giving off the impression of being an asshole. "You can't... Um... This is sort of a living room slash lounge." He said beginning his explanation. He was trying to take this slowly. Something hard for just about any speedster. "Like a room for the entire team to be able to enter and leave freely without problems and just relax. that's why there's no door. And it's just a bit bigger than the bedrooms." He finished the explanation thinking maybe it would make this easy. He's already gotten into about two fights with this guy so he didn't want to cause any unnecessary conflict. Especially since they'd both probably be reprimanded without a chance for either to tell their sides of the story if a fight broke out. "So you can't commandeer it as your room. You need to take your things and move to a different one. Okay?" He said ending with a smile so maybe the cloaked teen would listen to him on this matter. -------------------------------------- Wolf looked calmly and stood. [i]I can't tell you what you should or should not have done.[/i] He turned to walk back to his cave now that he knew there wasn't much of a reason to be out. [i]However...[/i] He paused for a moment and turned his head to look at her. [i]You should have more faith in yourself and your decisions. If there's anything I've learned after my years with these heroes. It's that it's more than just a job. You and the boy are no longer alone. You won't have to face everything yourselves anymore.[/i] -------------------------------------- Red X hadn't really planned on staying close. But since Arachnid was closer to Mindjack than he was he pushed back first. This gave X an indication to jump back. In doing so he would also avoid Arachnid's next attack. "How about I split and this free for all becomes a one on one?" He said calmly. He wasn't much for unnecessary fights like this. Besides he needed to handle his job tonight. He needed to go get ready. Especially since he was alone now.