*Pat pat* Feel better soon Kei-chan :/. Pfft, don't worry about posting, and go get some rest. [b][u]Announcements:[/b][/u] Okay, I just caught up with the posts. I would like to bring something up and add stuff to what Kei-chan has brought up. Guys, remember, RPing is a give and take thing. It's harder when you're with less people, but please try to do more than react in your posts. Recently, a couple of you have been taking portions from the last person's post, putting it into yours then reacting to that. I mean, that's fine from time to time, but too much and it becomes redundant and a chore to read. Aside from that, It also makes it a bit harder for the next person to write something up. Recently, there's been more of this than necessary. Remember, for each post you make, be sure you leave something new for the next person to go off on. I'm gonna give Ryver a clap for this one. Ran is alone with a Nobody, but despite that her posts have been progressive. She managed to move stuff along without waiting for me and she's given me a lot to work with on the dance floor scene. If she wanted to, she could have ended it with Ran accepting Anna's offer, but she went ahead and started the dance ^^ I really appreciate this, it makes things a lot more enjoyable for everyone and it makes our jobs easier as well. [b]@ People at Hall of Doors:[/b] Thank you for the assistance. Do not be afraid to move things forward and open your own doors. [b]@ People at Martini's Room:[/b] Guys, recently you've been doing more reacting than interacting. I love how you guys have been getting in some back and forth stuff, but I think the posts have been unnecessarily bulky due to all the reacting lately. Also, please try to include the guides. Though @ the guides: You'll have to reach out too. I'm not going to interfere so yeah, it'll be up to the four of you to resolve the wardrobe scene. So, you four, I want to see some interaction between everyone. Is everything clear? Oh ^^ and this is just a friendly reminder. You're all cool people and I love you all to bits, but yeah, from time to time we're gonna have to discuss stuff. If I slip up or anything, or you feel the three of us are doing something wrong :) then you're free to shoot a friendly reminder at us as well. Suggestions or complaints ^^ if you feel that something can be improved then shoot them at us *fist pump* Let's all do our best (^w^)/! And announcements aside, I'm getting started on a post. Hall of doors group, I'll move you guys along tomorrow since my last move-along-post happened yesterday ^^