When Calvartem was in sight of the town he stopped and surveyed the scene. There was the blue ocean, tinted red in the tainted sunlight, with several ships of various sizes in it. Pebbles and gravel lined most of the beach in this section of the coast. As for all towns, farms had been made around it. More importantly to Calvartem, the town was well fortified, but it seemed more equipped to defend for the sea rather than land. Regardless, it would not be easy. Cannons, watchmen and even those red-robed fire mages were present on the walls. Unlike the last fortified town this one did not have a keep, but it was larger which suggested a greater potential defence force. Before Calvartem could hope to assail this town he would need a sizeable force, and for that he would need to either find or create a sizeable number of corpses. Calvartem himself was too conspicuous to get close enough to spy out any graveyards without having to either fight through or alerting the town's defences, so he summoned a group of imps. These small, shadowy, ghostly forms have the element of stealth, and do not raise immediate alarm on sight, making them acceptable for scouting and spying, although Calvartem realised that he would need to devise a more effective method of espionage for future. "Split up and find and locate any crypts or graveyards in or around this town. Do not get caught. Report back to me," Calvartem ordered. The imps silently drifted off to obey. Conquest, with his ability to levitate above the ground, would soon catch up to Calvartem, and see him standing next to Shadowmane with a small hill between him and the town. When Conquest arrived, there was a few moments' pause before Calvartem briefed him on the plan so far. "I have sent out imps to scout the town, identify where they keep their dead. Once I know those locations, we charge to them. You deal with guards and soldiers that stop us. I raise a horde from the graves, and we charge to the next crypt. It will only be a matter of time before my horde is large enough to overwhelm the whole town." After a further wait, the group of imps returned in ones or twos. To each Calvartem granted speech, and they gave their reports, going to the top of the hill and pointing to the town to provide locations. Along with the location of a graveyard outside the walls and a crypt inside the walls, the imps also reported of a Paterdoman church, busy water-front marketplace, law enforcement, and a small naval/army base. Once the reports were done Calvartem waved them back to the Void. "The way to the graveyard should be mostly clear. This is good." He then swung up on to Shadowmane and, without need for any words, they galloped towards the town. He quickly joined a road and raced down it towards the graveyard. However, his presence did not go unnoticed. The men on the walls saw the skeleton riding the horse of shadows at unnatural speeds, and they had heard reports of a Necromancer relayed out of Paterdomus, so they were swift to respond. A couple went off to raise an alarm, while the rest who were on the walls (not that there was a huge number) readied their arms to fire upon the Necromancer. Muskets, crossbows and fireballs whizzed past Calvartem, who was quite difficult to hit due to Shadowmane's speed and agility, but in the first few moments a musket ball did sink in to Shadowmane's thigh, with little effect. Calvartem would be at the graveyard soon, but cover there from the walls was negligible and he would be stationary there. The defenders would even be able to aim one of the cannons on the wall at him and his soon-to-be hoard once he stops.