Thanks, and that's totally fine, Aki :D Also, I don't think you have to worry about being ninja'd Kei-chan. Haha, Kimchi was the last person who posted for the wardrobe scene and MUG is gonna wait for you and the kraken, so no worries (^w^)b. [b]Edit:[/b] Posted ^^! OTL that turned out longer than originally planned. It was fun though, but haha, I don't know how to describe dances. Hopefully the dance scene turned out okay, haha. [hider=Dance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Hall of doors group, I'll move you along tomorrow. And wardrobe group. Kathi-chan and Kei-chan will wrap up your scenes :D as soon as that's done you guys will leave Marti's room and will be free to break up and join other groups.