The mountain of Er, great and holy to the people of Erimos, stood proudly in the middle of the flat desert landscape as a pillar to the glory of the Gods. It's peak, touching the clouds above, was said to be the source of the oasis that lay in the shadow of the mountain. The water in this sacred pool was said to be miraculous; it could cure the diseased, heal the wounded, and turn bad luck into good. The mountain gave freely of its gifts, never asking for anything in return. It had always been there, and would remain forever. Or, well, that was what the preachers used to say. But other people had other plans for it. Great plans. Terrible plans. Ulmag opened his eyes. All around him was blackness. A cold, hard blackness. The inside of the mountain contained him, confined him, its awesome weight bearing down on him as the yoke of ages. Slowly, ever so slowly, his body began to tremble and move, and with it, the surrounding rock. It began to glow with heat, then crack. A forced smile spread on Ulmags lips as he struggled to raise the heat higher and higher. The rock melted, then bubbled, then boiled. It was then that he started to climb. Clawing his way ever upwards, the heat began to spread through the mountain. He was forming a core of molten stone and ash and smoke, and he would unleash it from the very same top that the people of Erimos held so sacred. He already delighted in the prospect of their horrified faces. He longed even more for the smell of their burnt flesh. As he came to the peak, he slowed his progress and began once again to heat the stone around him with his red-hot body. Once it reached critical mass he would release it, and then... A small caravan och pilgrims were situated by the oasis at the base of the mountain. Caravans like this one was not an uncommon sight around Er, since all the people of the desert wanted to drink the holy water. It was a journey most families did every or every other year. The people here today had already been here for some time and would leave in the morning of the following day. But first they would feast on the food they had brought, and say praise to the Gods that had treated them so good. The first one to feel it was a young girl, perhaps at the age of seven. There ground was trembling. Only slightly, yes, but it was there. She told her brother about it, who then felt it too, and was the first to hear it. The rumbling from the mountainside. He in turn alerted his mother, who by then had already felt and heard it, and she was the first to see it. The smoke rising from the holy pool, and from the sacred peak way up high. She tugged at the robes of her husband, who by then had both felt, heard and seen it, and as he turned his gaze to the skies and saw what was happeing there, he was the first to speak of it. His voice, however, was lost in the explosion as Ulmag released his built up heat and caused the top of Er to erupt in fire and destruction. The caravan was swept away by burning rocks, ash, molten lava and fire. The oasis, thousands of years old, evaporated in the blink of an eye. A great cloud of smoke and ash blew out of the newly formed crater and spread over the landscape, blocking out the light of the Source and blackening the white sands beneath it. Ulmag stood at the crest of his creation and laughed, his terrifying visage finally exposed. The Keeper resembled a man, but with great ram horns, glowing yellow eyes, fangs and claws and crimson skin. He shaped a handful of imps from the molten rock about him, and set to building his burning Dungeon on the slopes of the mountain. The crater would continue to spew smoke and ash, expanding his domain further and further. He dove into the burning inside of the mountain to retrieve the Heart of the Mountain, which he would use for a Heart himself. His Dungeon Heart. Finally, after having achieved a haven and a Heart, he set himself to meditate on the peak of the mountain, building in his mind the essance of his first minions, the fiends. [hider=Status] 1st Minion (Fiend) : 0/3 Location: N27 W7 Dungeon: The burning remains of the holy mountain Er Minions: 6 Imps Compendium: Ulmag is still new to this world, but has already set his mark upon it by destroying an ancient holy site. He has fashioned his Dungeon from the inside of the molten mountain and has begun creating his first minions.[/hider]