[b][u]Dance Floor: Ran and Anna[/b][/u] [center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/2wm2czk.jpg[/img][/center] Not only was the human kind and funny, Ran was also amazing on the dance floor. The man literally swept her off her feet, and the nobody's lips quirked up into a smile. Had they not been in a dance competition, she would have grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him then and there. Oh my, it almost sounded like the big finale of some romantic comedy. His dance moves were unconventional, but she had been dancing at balls for almost all her life. Anna managed to match his moves and the result was flurry of fantastically timed footwork and twirls. Ran pushed her away with one arm, pulled her close then dipped her. The duo held their position for a few breaths before he slowly brought her back to her feet. "My, my, Ran." Anna's face had turned several shades of pink, "where did you learn to dance like this? You must have swept a handful of women off their feet." He twirled her around, "you're probably the most unique dance partner I've ever had." Now, the spotlight was on them and several hoots and cheers filled the dance floor. "We might actually win this, yes?" Anna took a small step back then pulled Ran close, so close that their noses almost touched. Step forward, step back, repeat, repeat, then push each other away before reuniting once more. "Now twirl me around." He did as told before she fell back and he caught her in his arms. This human was a fast learner, "my hero." The speakers above them crackled to life and an excited voice boomed throughout the room. "Carrot cakes, ladies, gentlemen, and cheese graters! It looks as if one pair is dominating the dance floor." The spotlight continued following them and a few nobodies were attempting to imitate Ran's unconventional dance style. "Oh it looks like this year a human is going to win! Are these two lovebirds going to win the 5,000 stars? Yes? NO? MAYBE? Well, as of now, they're blowing us all away!" [center][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/vx2h6a.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/5dkub6.jpg[/IMG][/center] "Whoa, Whoa, slow down there fellas. We aren't losing just yet." The spotlight fell on a man in a white suit and a top hat. "The night is young, my friends." He had his fingers intertwined with a young lady's, and she was in a dress that matched his suit. The crowd went wild, it seemed like this man had a few fans of his own. "It's Casper Rhythm himself." A girl shrieked. Another one suddenly declared her undying love for him. "He's won the queen's dance competitions five cycles in a row!" The next voice belonged to a man. "Oh, oh, and isn't that Leena Brightstar? Celery, that lucky dog!" Someone from the crowd snickered. "Well, that human and Anna are dead meat now." "You betcha! The one and only Casper and Leena are here to astound you once more." He lifted his top hat off his head and tossed it into the screaming crowd. "The competition is far from over." The man threw out his hands "You two, we challenge you to a dance off." Everything went silent and Leena Brightstar smiled. "For Mr. Cuddle's tarts and the 5,000 stars. Oh, and to make matters more interesting, if you somehow manage to beat us, we'll give you an extra 1,000 stars." There was no mistaking the arrogance in her voice. Leena curtsied at the crowd them spun around in place. The entire place was filled with cheers, whoever these two were, they seemed to be a big deal. "Well, what do you two say? Is it a deal or will you give up?" The couple started laughing. Anna grew as red as an apple and she balled both her hands into fists. "We're taking your challenge! Just because you've won five cycles in a row doesn't mean we won't wipe the floor with you now." She wrapped her fingers around Ran's hand and lifted it into the air. "This man right here, well, he's a dancing genius!" The other couples cleared the dance floor. This would be a battle between the two dancing stars and Anna and Ran. "Well, well, it looks like a dance off between the best of the best is about to happen." The speakers roared to life. "Best of luck!" And with that, the jellyfish above turned all sorts of colors and a giant disco ball descended. One spotlight was on Ran and Anna and the other was now on Casper and Leena. An electronic beat filled the room and it was clear that the time for slow dancing had ended. "Yeaaayeahh!" Casper leaned back then let his arms hang loosely by his side. The man moved around [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH7icpu-baY]like a puppet, suddenly hunching forward only to jolt up and swing his hands forward in a robot-like motion.[/url] Casper moonwalked across the dance floor only to suddenly hunch over like a toy that had ran out of batteries. He swung a limp hand in Leena's direction. Leena did the same, ending with a hand thrown out in Casper's direction. He reached for her hand, pulled her close then dipped her, her head mere centimeters away from the ground. Then Casper pulled her up, he moved his hands to her waist and Leena leaped into the air, arms thrown to the side as if she were an airplane and feet pointed. He lifted her above his head before tossing her into the air. "Gotcha!" Leena landed safely in his arms and the spotlight above them flickered off. It was Ran's and Anna's turn now.