[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/k7pmSIv.png][/center] Brandy shook his head in amusement as Song cracked up besides him. It was unusual for Song to laugh like this but he certainly couldn't blame the guy; the look on the humans' faces were priceless. Were they expecting her to scream at them before dragging them to the bottom of the lagoon to drown? The group scattered under the mermaid's instructions, each to their own respective sections to look for clothing. Brandy and Song had it a bit easier, however- due to their familiarity with Martini and her stubborness in trying to improve their wardrobe they each had their own little corner on the first floor with a few mannequins showcasing outfits she had made for them for occasions like this. He stopped in front of a mannequin in an outfit he hadn't seen before. It was a three piece suit with a black tailcoat, a verdant vest with a white dress shirt underneath as well as a green tie that matched the vest. There were gold trimmings on the suit that gave a regal but not overly fancy air, and a surprising lack of ruffles and sparkles on it that made Brandy rather relieved. He could still remember the times he had to bribe Martini to deruffle the clothes that she was making him wear, the bribe often being that he would wear something of hers again which only continued the vicious cycle. Martini was a lot craftier than she let on. He returned from the change room, draping his old suit over the mannequin. A green silk ribbon had fallen from the suit pocket when he was changing and he had taken it as a cue to tie his hair back like Marti had always insisted though some of it escaped from the smooth fabric to frame his face. He stepped in front of the giant mirror that decorated and entire wall of the closet. The suit looked very nice on him as suspected of something made by Martini, and yet the lack of his characteristic scarf made the bunny frown. It had been deemed hopeless by the castle maids in Sol who had tried washing it, but the bloodstains had refused to come out no matter how they scrubbed. He had been forced to throw it away, not that he could have held onto it after he had used it to keep Song from bleeding out from the witch's attacks. His grim mood was lifted slightly when he spotted some two humans lingering at the edge of the closet, now dressed in clothes that they had chosen from the giant selection. Inadi was looking a lot better now that he no longer resembled a bedazzled banana while the pink on Jasper brought out the faint blush on her cheeks. All in all, they were looking a lot better than they were before. "Not bad," he gave them a small smile as he passed by them. "are you waiting for Leila? I'd suggest you go to Marti first, however. She gets cranky when she's kept waiting." He continued on, before pausing again. "If you're worried about her critique, I wouldn't worry." His gave them a small and slightly awkward thumbs up. "you both look great." [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/b27GvEb.png][/center] "About time!" Brandy winced as he stepped in view of the mermaid who's tail had been slapping the ground impatiently as she waited for everyone to get changed. "Really, took you long enough. But I guess it was worth it after all!" She brightened as she took in the outfit, wheeling herself towards him and spinning around. "I'm a genius alright! You look absolutely dashing! I bet all the girls will just be crowding around you once you go back out there. And Inadi too! Who knew you'd look so good in a pinstripe suit? (Ehehhe I mean of course I did but meeeh~)" She whistled as the human stepped out, followed by Jasper. The girl looked so cuuuute in that shade of pink! <3 She was more than pleased with their selections. Perhaps there was hope for them after all? She clapped, feeling a lot more cheerful than she had been in a while. "Perfect, perfect~" They were soon joined by Leila and Songbird, and she had to say that she was very much impressed. She was sure she would have to send one of them back at least, but there wasn't any need for that at all. Her tail swayed in joy as she looked upon her handiworks proudly. "Well, that's that then." She nibbled on a pastry and waved a hand at them dismissively now that her work was done. "I'll get that suit burned later, so don't you all worry about that. You're all free to go~" "Are you sure?" Brandy frowned at the mermaid. "You don't want to join in? I thought you loved parties." "Oh please, like this?" Martini huffed and gestured to her colorless hair and tail. "I think I'll pass this time. There'll be other parties in the future when I get better, right? So don't worry bout me and get moving before I get mad at you~!"