[center][img=http://i60.tinypic.com/2it5sua.jpg][/center] “Huh. Now this is a surprise.” Unlike the much fancier party garb that he was wearing, a more casual ensemble was draped over the mannequin placed on his corner. Songbird cocked his head in surprise as a familiar pattern greeted his eyes. That floral design… Ah. It was one of the many scarves he decided to donate to Martini. It wasn’t as if he was going to use all of those that he had back home; even if he wore a different one every day, it would take forever for him to use all of the scarves at least once... Such was his obsession for procuring that certain piece of apparel. [center][url=http://s1.zerochan.net/Orpheus.%28Reine.des.fleurs%29.600.1720730.jpg]Costume Change![/url][/center] Anyway, it seemed like this set wasn’t meant for balls. He ran the fabric through his fingers and understood that it was meant for swift movement and heavy traveling as well. How thoughtful… His travel clothes had been horribly stained and ripped by that encounter with the witch, and although he didn’t say anything about it, Songbird was sorely disappointed and annoyed that he would have to order custom-made clothes that could withstand his lifestyle. He returned just the same time as the humans did. Songbird touched the scarlet flower on his shoulder as the mermaid inspected them all one by one, and then let out a sigh of relief when she didn’t bark at him to go into the fashion labyrinth again. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem as if Martini wanted to go out yet- but at least she was happier and frankly that was a big boost already- and there was nothing they can do about that. “If you say so. Eat your food, okay? The humans toiled and worked to bring all those plates to you. It isn’t an easy task with those chicken arms of theirs, so don’t waste their efforts,” The item hunter nodded towards Jasper and Leila but kept his eyes on his friend, “And thanks for my new clothes. I guess it’s time for me to be a walking advertisement board again, though I have to say, you outdid yourself this time.” He gestured to his new outfit with a pleased look on his face. When he was done talking, the item hunter stepped back and let the humans say whatever they wanted to say to the mermaid, but he moved out of earshot so he didn’t have to hear their words. When everyone was done, they all walked out of Martini’s room and back into the hallways. “So, do you all know your way back?” Songbird turned towards the three Lost Souls with a neutral expression on his face. Now that Martini wasn’t in sight, he wasn’t in the mood to be all smiley anymore. “Or do we have to escort- …?” An elderly nobody was running towards their group at a laboriously slow pace. Songbird arched an eyebrow and his attention immediately shifted from the humans to the stranger. “That a friend of you three?” The item hunter asked, narrowing his eyes at the figure who kept approaching.