[img=http://i.imgur.com/mvaJgVm.png] [b][u]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] When Lady first mentioned her presumption that the circus was linked with the absence of her boy and some Morris villagers, she thought both Moira and Estelle would have shrugged it off and told her she was being exactly that – presumptuous. Moira knew Lady well enough to understand that she was not the type to be paranoid over these things, and her son [i]was[/i] always on the move, after all. Lady thought it over and wondered if she should have mentioned anything at all… [i]“We’ll do it!!”[/i] Wait. Wait – do what, now? Even Lady herself wasn’t aware of what was going on, but – okay, now Estelle had to run to the bathroom. She looked to Marcus with an eyebrow raised. “Still as wild as ever? I see she hasn’t changed.” [i]"You say the circus is stationary, has it been there a while? Do they keep to themselves?"[/i] Here come the questions. “It’s been around for than I've lived here. It’s a little ways away from Morris, but as far as I’m concerned they’ve always attracted folks from the towns and villages nearby it. You’ve seen how this place looks – rural, plants and bugs everywhere. It doesn’t take much to keep people here and passersby entertained. Though I’m sure there’s a limit to how many times someone can see the same acts at the same circus before they tire of it. Can’t imagine what that does for its income.” Lady shrugged, nonchalant. [i]"Did the disappearances start occurring after the circus came to town? And by any chance, do the missing people have anything in common? Hmm, maybe they're all linked to the circus?"[/i] Lady wracked her head again, contorting her brows in both confusion and irritation at the situation at hand. “They do move around from time to time from what I hear, but they always nestle back in the same spot – equidistant from Morris and two other towns further north. I’m sure if there were any missing folks during their travels, they would have been apprehended by now. It’s been a month since the circus had returned from their last ‘tour’.” Lady's eyes shifted to the missing persons photos. “None of the missings are guilders – I've already checked our records for these names and faces. Large age range there too. The first person here that went missing was only a couple of weeks ago. The numbers have climbed to six since then.” [i]“Does this circus have a, er, ‘record’? Perhaps they have a performer who used to be a part of a gang or something. J-just asking.”[/i] Lady shrugged again, before placing a hand back on her jutted hip. “I’m afraid I don't know the answer to that, hun. I’ve not been to the circus myself. Which is why I was hoping you folks might be willing to check out the place for me…” [img= http://i.imgur.com/dO6vRyy.png] Trixie voiced the same enthusiasm as her dear leader. “We’d totally check it out for you! We’re gonna have fun and then when they’re not looking, we’re gonna wreck the place for kidnapping people and being total bad guys! Right, guys!?” Lady thinned her lips, then chuckled. “She’s not entirely there, is she. Anyway… I do have a final note.” The ladybug Fred that nestled in Syed’s hair plopped off of him and buzzed his way back to Lady’s shoulder as she spoke. The caterpillars that had been dropped off at the flowerpot all poked their heads out from the pot’s rims, their antennae twirling around as if they were listening in. “My son showed me a flyer before he took off. It said something about a couple of newcomers. A ‘couple’ could be referring to the missings… or they could just be new recruits in general.” Lady shook her head. “I may be jumping to conclusions, but doesn’t that seem a bit suspicious to you all as well? “Don’t tell me the people you’re looking for are from around here too, Moira?” [img= http://i.imgur.com/t9SKBzc.png] Amidst the conversations with Lady, Amy kept to herself at the bar. It wasn’t long before she was accompanied by the suited man who had occupied the lavatory. She squinted a moment from hearing him approach, but did nothing more than turn her head away from him. After the man made his order, Amy set down her glass and crossed her arms atop the counter. The bartender offered her a refill, but Amy shook her head. She could only pray this creep of a man wouldn’t start talking to her.