[quote=souleaterfan320] Koran was shocked when she pointed at him. "m-me? is there something wrong?"he wasnt sure what she meant by business, but he didnt quite like the sound of it. he kept his tanto gripped tightly in his hands. "what can i help you with?" he said, unsure as to what would happen next. [/quote] 'Yes, there is something wrong. Your soul has a different essence, a different energy pattern than the others. My father fears one of our rookies to have made a mistake in reaping you.' she stated as she passed the male that spoke to her first and ignored him and the other souls around him completely. 'It is my task to inspect your soul and see if this is the case. You can either comply or I will do so by force.' she stated calmly. 'After that your soul will be left here or transported to my father's castle, where measures will be taken.' she added. [quote=Stryder] "I think sadistic is another word for it but you'd take that as a compliment." He said, managing a smirk, even with the intense amount of pain. Now he understood, he was just doomed to die again and again with no ability to stop it, only prolong his survival. So that's how she found him, she must have detected a new soul, that would mean she could track them, it'd make sense. How else could she find the other souls she spoke of, as the female spoke he thought over the proposal. She'd save him? That was interesting, either she expected help from him to even grant him whatever he wanted or she got to the point where she was just desperate and needed it badly. "Anything I want?" He said, merely glancing at the female, it was a good deal, he could get anything he wanted, mortality, power, he was willing to bet her if he asked nicely. "Deal..." He said, the veins in his arm were a deep purple now, succumbing to infection finally. [/quote] 'Most likely I would.' she smirked and leaned back again in her chair. She watched patiently as he seemed to over think his decision. She would wait, she had all the time in the world after all. She wondered if the male had figured out who she was, during their little chat. He didn't seem to be very fearful, but that was understandable if you were already dead. 'Anything you want, within the boundaries of my power, of course.' she stated as reply. She smirked when he agreed to her deal and she got up from the chair. 'Great, let's go then.' she said with a broad smile. She held out her hand for him to take.