[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Morris: Guild[/b][/u] Just as she had expected. Aria hid a smile behind her hand as the girl proclaimed that they would look into the case. Estelle was as enthusiastic as ever, wasn't she? As much of a mood killer her last question was... The various guilders began to ask questions and the illusionist leaned over to listen. It certainly was a suspicious circus, and yet there didn't seem to be anything that pointed to the possible fact that the circus was the reason of the many disappearances. They would certainly have to pay the circus a visit however, and investigate in secret. She didn't quite think the members of the circus would take kindly to being called kidnappers to their face by strangers and then have their livelihood searched. Aria was rather starting to miss those simple missions where all they had to do was get rid of a beastie or take care of bandits. The last tidbit from Lady was certainly interesting, but at the same time it wouldn't be surprising to see that it was only a coincidence. Circus' often had new people joining to add new acts or replace people who decided that the life of a clown wasn't for them. Or the ringmaster could be a person who reaped souls and was bamboozling normal people into joining the circus where they died grisly deaths from believing they could walk tightropes and tame lions and throw knives. She gave a small shudder- no more horror comics during the night for her, or ever again, it seemed. She looked back to the board, then at the lady again. "Do you suppose we can get a copy of the missing people posters?" She gestured to the photos on the wall. "If we're going to the circus to search for missing people, it might be helpful to have pictures on hand. If it's not too much trouble."