[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b][u]Morris Guild[/u][/b] "Nah, but we reckon they passed through here. You know... what's their names... Kara and... the other guy. Top brass for Clockwork Town. Wierd name, begins with a R. Fuck I should know this that's my home Guild..." Moira started in response, pressing her fingers against her temples. You could almost hear the cogs turning. "They've been missing for fucking ever, not even a word. We've got a l-" She was interrupted by Syed thumping the metal plating which clad her arm. Then cringing and doubling over as he cradled his now throbbing hand. While the thump was pretty much nothing to the berserker, it did at least get her attention. They weren't alone in this place, and it was simply too small to rely on noise to keep any conversations secret. Especially with that man sat [i]right next to Amy[/i]. "We need them for somethin' important," she finished, rolling her eyes. Geez. "Like, [i]really[/i] important." She leaned forward, thumbing towards the man. "Who [i]is[/i] that?" Syed fiddled with his ring for a moment before he chose to speak. "I... think it could be suspicious, although it would be kind of wierd for them to openly advertise a missing person," he admitted, looking to Fred the ladybird rather than any of the others. Oh, why on Ddeaer did it have to be a circus... he just wasn't keen at all. "But you don't know until you have evidence proving one way or the other. This is a lead, so we need to investigate it either way." He finally looked up, looking embarrassed if anything. "That's pretty much the conspiracy theorist's mantra right there, heh..." "I dunno, they might get pissy if we shove missing person posters in their faces," Moira replied to Aria's suggestion, missing her point entirely. Although it would be useful, as she wasn't very good at recognising people...