[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Seeing the big blush on Jasper's face made Inadi a little curious as to what she was thinking in that little head of hers. It was usually hard to pinpoint what the girl was thinking at from a day to day basis, but this time it was clear that she at least took the compliment well enough that she wasn't rejecting it. To be honest, it looked like she was down right flattered at it. Seeing that kind of reaction somehow gave a strange surge of pride that he had brightened up one of his friends days with just a simple sentence. Here he thought it was going to be hard and it was as easy as that. When the girl gave him a similar compliment made him look himself over as she did so. She did stutter just a bit when she said but it added to the cuteness of the phrase in his opinion. The suit didn't look too bad on him in his opinion and hearing that from Jasper just made him more sure that this was the right choice. Of course the last bit was going to be from Martini and at the end of the day she was going to be the last word. Jasper, while a little jumpy, agreed to wait for the others to join up and when they Brandy, Song and Leila joined them they all went over to Martini. She showed her approval of the choices and later declined her invitation to the party. While a person out of the loop would say it was just a invite, it was more like a plea in the truth of it. Last thing anyone needed was to be locked up in a closed off room with their own thoughts to think about what they had just been through and how no one seemed to care about the sacrifices made. At the end of the day though it definitely seemed like the mermaid was in no mood to join them and they all decided to just leave her to herself. On the way out, Inadi looked down at where he stood prior and noticed some of the food he had dropped was still on the carpet. Without a word he dropped to his knees and picked up the treats and fruit he had thrown out of fear. Giving the mermaid not even a glance as he did so, as his shame he felt made his head hang heavy as if a weight had been latched to his chin. While walking back he looked over to Song and Brandy, the first of which seemed not to pay him much mind back in Martini's room when he had seemingly pointed out Jasper and Leila alone when he passed off his nods prior to them leaving. Brandy always seemed to be a very open member of the Nobodies, but he imagined that he was starting to run his welcome out with these guides after his little speech. Plus he still had little to now knowledge of those hooded figures that he had seen fight along side them. At this point it seemed like it was best to try and gain some ground back with these two, hoping to change that distrust into mere uneasiness. He wasn't going to erase it completely but at least it was a start. “I may need some help getting back to the main room if you don't mind. I'd like to go and check on Harper if he is still there. And besides, after that whole event with the witch I'm sure he still is struggling with it all,” He told the guides as he continued walking along side them with his hands in his pockets. Giving a quick stare to Jasper and Leila, he knew that Harper was the real leader of the group and the two beside him had known him longer than almost anyone in the group. No doubt they were worried as well. “But if you don't mind me asking I still am confused at those people in the hoods that came to assist us, at least that's what I thought they were doing. What exactly are they? Nobodies like you guys? Or just some humans that thought they could get things done faster their own way?” Thinking about the hooded figures made Inadi think back to the newspaper clipping he had found in the Midnight Man's house and his curiosity got the better of him again. It was perhaps a question he should have saved for a private situation, but he figured this was his best chance. “And what exactly would happen if someone was caught helping these guys? Like say....what would you do to Mr. Cuddles is he was caught providing them anything?” He asked them as Songbird pointed out the old man running towards the group and his eyebrow arched in confusion. Inadi didn't recognize the figure right off the bat and certainly hadn't been making any friends in the ballroom before he had left as he mainly stuck to talking to Mr. Cuddles and hanging around the food table. Looking back at the guide, all Inadi could do was provide a quick shrug as he turned to Jasper and Leila, thinking they had a better idea as to who was heading their way.