The hum of the intercom came over with the female pilots voice. "Allright this is VTOL pilot Nova to all squadron leaders make sure your men are prepped we will be deep striking you individually within a mile radius of the targets compound once down we will be unable to assist you anymore." [I]Perfect we are assaulting a heavily guarded compound that we know literally nothing about and to make it better they are separating out units how could this day possibly get any better.[/I] Vex thought to himself as he checked his assault rifle. Stepping in front of his squad Vex said in an authoritative voice "Ok guys you heard Nova check your armor and weapons." he paused as his men checked their gear once the finished he continued "Now this mission is so secretive not even I have the whole rundown. We will be performing a high altitude combat drop into what we assume is hostile territory. Now then we know that this B.E.S.C. official has personnel who are armed with military gear. We are going to be dropped individually so once on the ground enter the compound by any means necessary your one objective is to capture the official alive." Vex finished his briefing and latched his helmet on. The doors opened in the back of the VTOL and the wind whipped like a vipers tail. Vex was going to be the last to jump as he had to signal the others. A light blipped a vibrant yellow above the door and Vex whipped his hand in a circle as each of his men leaped out of the back of the VTOL their drop packs slowing them as they fell. Finally after the rest had jumped Vex stepped forward and Leaped blindly into the night. As he plummeted towards the ground he hit the thrusters on his jump pack and the burst of flame slowed his descent towards the ground. Landing with a heavy impact and left a small crater. Standing Vex ran into the night towards the compound his visor shifting to infrared then nightvision. As the compound entered sight Vex's coms link screamed inside his helmet with the sounds of combat and his men. the sttic and gunshots made it hard to hear but what he caught was "Sir.......locked in.........enemies.......southeast perimeter........AGHHH" this was the last he heard as the vitals on his monitor went dead for all of his men. Taking a knee Vex forms a cross over his chest in the air "I will complete the mission your honor shall remain untainted." he said getting to his feet once more. As he reaches the fence he extends the blade on his left arm and slashes through it like a hot knife through butter securing his entrance. Sprinting across the dark courtyard he slams into the guard standing at the door at full force knocking the man down then fires two rounds into his chest and one into his head through the silenced assault rifle. Vex finally reaches the center of the compound and found the main conference room it is light outside now. He touches the side of his helmet activating his comlink. Vex speaks into the radio "This is Vex of the black suns as the sole survivor and squadron leader reporting in. I am at the target and am going to need immediate exfiltration from a possible hot LZ." he finished and released the mic. The hum of the radio and the pilots voice answered after a few seconds "This is VTOL pilot Nova acknowledging your request squadron leader." taking a pause she replied in a softer tone "I'm sorry for your losses Vex" the woman said in a soothing voice. There was a distinct pause as he was silent finally he answered and replied only "Acknowledged" before breaching the doorway. Inside the room were three B.E.S.C. officials however the only one he needed alive was on the far left. All three drew weapons and opened fire alerting more guards who then started to flood the compound. Taking a shot Vex steps out and opens fire on two of the officials downing them as he leaped over the table sliding on its metal surface. He came down on the other side his guns stock meeting with the mans head knocking him unconscious. Vex grabbed the man and Ran back through the compound retracing his steps. Finally making it back into the courtyard vex takes cover behind a concrete palisade firing his weapon at the advancing guards but still slowly losing ground. At the exact moment he seemed overwhelmed the VTOL appeared and opened fire upon the guards with its armaments forcing them to go to ground. A squadron of fresh knights disembarked as he was hoisted into the VTOL. These knights were the cleanup crew and would finish the guards and burn the compound. The mission had been a success but the price was steep and now Vex and his prisoner were on their way back to the tower.