Fox said something about criminals.... Then again, a lot of stuff was said in Skype so I don't know where this was going. [Hider=Criminals][Img][/img] [B]Ace "The Mastermind" Tain[/b] • Leader of a Mafia • Several counts of arson • Escaped Prisoner [B]Harper Riddle [/B] • Theft • Ace's Advisor -Helps her plan [B] Inadi Sihma [/B] • Information Specialist - Gathering the information the gang needs in order to such tasks. • Hacker [B] Leila Noelle [/B] • Information Specialist • Con Artist • Treasurer -Only she and Ace know the money's location. *Possibly criminally insane* [B] Lesley LaBelle [/B] • Grifter -Con Artist who develops several characters for each con. • Supplier -Things like: Clothing, Grappling hooks, and duffel bags [B] Jasper Golding [/b] • The "innocent face" • Thief • Retrieval Specialist *Possibly criminally insane* [B] Riley Grayson [/B] • Retrieval Specialist -Mainly dealing with retrieving people • Getaway specialist [B] Niran Yuvaves[/B] • He's got all the connections *Guides are his connections* •He keeps the crimes under wrap and hidden [B] Toby Turner [/b] •Smuggler *Uses Ran's connections to get said goods* Goods: Cars, Money, Weapons, etc [/hider] Ha, it was going to be a little short story, buuut I got kind of...side tracked with whatever this is haha XD And yay for the weekend!