[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] Brandy walked by, complimenting them and suggesting that they go on ahead of Leila. Stepping out to the judging area, Jasper was holding her breath, but was met by squealing delight. Martini was wheeling around the room, gushing over how great they looked in the outfits she had made. Perfect was the word she used to describe them. [i]'I guess all my worrying wasn't really worth it.'[/i] She swiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and fluffed out the skirt of her dress. Once Leila and Songbird joined in, the mermaid approved of all their picks and began on the feast they had brought for her. [b]"Well, that's that then. I'll get that suit burned later, so don't you all worry about that. You're all free to go~"[/b] Thinking about the banana suit, she somehow felt that she would miss it and would've loved to have watched it burn in the flames, maybe roast some marshmallows over it. Martini's choice to stay behind brought some concern, but forcing her just wasn't a valid option. Approaching Martini, Jasper ducked down and gave the female guide a light hug. "Get better soon ok?" Jasper sighed and smiled at the mermaid before parting from her. Upon exiting the tropically themed room, Songbird asked them if they would be able to find their way back to the party and at the same time, an elderly Nobody was slowly but surely making his way towards them. Jasper knew how to get back, but in all honesty, she wanted nothing more than to return to her room. Her wishes would not be fulfilled for she should at least show off her dress at the dance hall before disappearing or all her "suffering" back there would've been useless. Inadi was conversing with Songbird and questioning him about the hooded figures. The lucky fellow hadn't been present when they were attacked by those hoodlums. She'd always wondered about those guys. They seemed... human, but at the same time inhuman. By this time, the old man was now very close to them and in tow, Harper was being brought along with the newcomer. Harper nodded and complimented them on their oufits. Jasper grinned in return. He looked rather suave in his vest as well. The elderly Nobody then proposed for Songbird to hunt down a guy named Amiel. [i]'Amiel, Amiel, Amiel... hmmm. How come I've heard that name before?'[/i] Jasper pondered the name for a bit before remembering seeing a Nobody approach Lesley at the bar, introducing himself as Amiel. "That Nobody you're looking for, I think he's with Lesley," she concluded. "Hey Song, do you mind if I tag along to the hall of doors?" She asked, yet wasn't going to take no for an answer. Apologizing to her friend was a big deal and she wanted them to be back to normal as soon as possible. She really did feel bad about puking on him back then and though she did not know why he had acted a tad bitter towards her even before that, she just wanted to settled any issues once and for all. Turning to Brandy, Inadi, Harper, and Leila, she felt that staying together as a group would be best unless they didn't want to, so just in case, she asked, "Did you guys want to come along too?"