It's quite self-explanatory. There were no misconceptions. I fully understand what happened but I decided to leave it to Wayward to decide what he wanted to do. Yes, if it were up to me, I would kick you out: not because of a death in the family, but because of your negligence. Between you confirming that there was no death in the family and then finding out that there was in fact a death in the family there were five days in which you could have made a post. I'm not sure what happened with the whole situation, thinking someone died, misunderstanding, getting writers block, and then actually having a death in the family, but the bottom line is you didn't make a post. Not to mention there was a two week gap between my post and you even announcing a death the first time. I don't mean to come off inconsiderate. If there was a death in your family (assuming it wasn't a misunderstanding), that's terrible and you have my condolences. However, you had a good deal of time to make a post even beforehand. Anyway, I've turned this matter over to Wayward. I'm sure he'll be okay with you being delayed on posting, especially due to the circumstances. Keep and eye out for his post ooc.