[quote=Rexcalibur] I'm gonna skip today since only Buns & Pacman posted since my last post, but this is the second round I've skipped since my chap started barely a week ago. Just a little notice. ^^; I'll probs keep the story rolling next time so we're not stalled at the same place for a while. [/quote] Yes, I would like to rectify this immediately actually. People may have their reasons for it but I'm not particularly impressed with the way this has started out so far and I'd like to see it improved immensely starting now. Please take a moment to consider how Rex might be feeling at the moment, everyone, from first having a majority of people refuse to take the opportunity to help write a villain for her chapter and then to have inconsistent posting like this. It's not fair in the slightest, so let's change this, please. Also, Kathi, Kei, I'm going to start enforcing us making a co-gm chapter later on in the rp. Before it was only an offer, but I don't think it's fair on everyone else who are and have worked to do so if some others are able to avoid it, when it's not really going to be that much extra work at all, all it involves is just contributing some ideas and taking on a leadership role for the benefit of others that shouldn't and won't cut into anyone's time more then it should. You guys know how to co-gm, so this shouldn't be hard. But I am making it mandatory now and I would like to see some effort for ideas and planning made for this, please.