Okay. So I took a quick ride (yes, with a hangover; I'm sick, not dead) to go grab a burger and get some greasy meat in my belly. The neighbor's hell-children were running around outside the apartment, generally being little shits (hate those kids). I got back from burger time to find them in the parking lot, picking on a turtle they'd found. Poking it with sticks, poking it with fingers, etc. Their parents sat nearby, watching, because they're tweaker trash and are a special kind of worthless. So anyway, I take matters into my own hand as the older of the two (about 7) is pestering the turtle, and yell "Hey! Leave the animal alone!" This distracts / terrifies him (bear in mind, I'm in full colors, as I just got off the Harley) and he ends up dangling his finger longer than he intended to. Said turtle reaches out and clamps right onto his index finger. He screams. His mother screams. I laugh my ass off. His father stares stupidly. Long story short, fuck that kid. He had it coming. Also, I recovered and relocated the turtle.