[b]We have two spots open right now. Before filling out a CS, you should PM me the general idea for the character so I can approve it before you put work into the CS.[/b] Three years after the events of the show, the Teen Titans started going their separate ways, having grown out of the team. They left the tower as a reminder to the criminals of Jump City that the city didn't go unwatched. In fact, the tower only stayed empty for two years before Little Brother, a young hero known only in Washington D.C. moved in and took it over as a base of operations. The newly occupied tower attracted other young heroes, and before long there was a team watching over Jump City again. [hider=Villains] Wave Crasher: Banished from Atlantis, the being once known as Zur Dan is despised throughout most of the Atlantic, and has moved instead to the Pacific. He makes his home somewhere on the coast near Jump City, and has gathered other misfits and outcasts to him, forming a sort of criminal family. Zur Dan is humanoid, but aquatic. His skin is scaled, and his limbs flexible. His face is framed with fins, tattered from fights. He can contort and compress his body, and change the color of his skin, making him a phenomenal escape artist and infiltrator. His powers include a control of water, communication with sea creatures(has a particular affinity for invertebrates), and a toxic ink he can spray. Caracal: Zur Dan's right hand, Caracal is a girl in her early teens, of unknown, but presumably Arabic descent. She is small and thin, and uses agility to her advantage. Caracal doesn't seem to have any powers, but is exceedingly skilled in bladed and hand to hand combat. She wears no mask and makes no attempt to hide her face. Tank: Hank Mitchels, ten feet tall and bulletproof. Served a year in the Army coming out of high school, but was dishonorably discharged for undisclosed reasons. Escaped court marshal by fleeing and joining the criminal underworld. Powers seem to be basic super strength and durability. Torch: Mikey Black grew up on the streets, and after discovering his power became a pyro for hire to try to move up in the world. Kid of about fifteen, has short range pyrokinetic powers, and is capable of concentrating his flames into the intensity of a welding torch. Blur: Bruce Bailey, known street racer. Athletic build, blond hair, blue eyes. Can desynchronize his own temporal field, slowing or speeding up his experience of time. Allows a slight "super speed" effect, but largely he uses it to get the better of inferior drivers at high speed. Spore: Unknown real name, female. Her body is capable of harboring and nurturing plant and fungus life, which becomes an extension of her nervous system. [/hider] [hider=Gangs] Rising Tide: The name of the gang that Zur Dan runs. Anyone whatsoever is welcomed upon passing an initiation, so the gang is filled with the kinds of people who would be less desirable in other organizations. Though there are exceptions, the majority of members are visibly non- or meta-human. They are hostile to strangers, and show disdain for "normal" people. Their crimes include robberies, vandalism, sabotage, and the occasional murder. Their MO is usually a large group appearing out of nowhere and utilizing brute force. They will then flee to the sea, which may as well belong to Wave Crasher these days. Hive Academy: Though under new leadership, the Hive Academy still exists, and has the same goal of training up and coming super villains. In contrast to the Rising Tide, their methods are more careful and subtle. Their crimes, more deadly. [/hider] [hider=The Tower] The Titans Tower is more or less how we last saw it in the cartoon. The main addition is a small army of droid pods, created by Cyborg to maintain the tower. They have kept the Tower and its facilities in decent repair in the absence of the Titans. The garage is a large basement space underneath the tower, and expands beyond the base of the tower. Cyborg's car(though upon inspection it seems to be complete and in running order, it refuses to start at present). Robin's motorcycle. Beast Boy's moped. Little Brother's Honda Civic. Though it looks like an old junk car with a sprayed on paint job, everything under the hood is solid and well maintained. It's a two door hatchback, and has been sprayed gray with yellow stripes. Big Brother's motorcycle: A Honda GL 1100, like Little Brother's car, it's well maintained, and spray painted, though this one is gray and blue. The radio has been replaced with a police scanner, and the engine has been given every conceivable boost to speed. Though this sits in the garage and Little Brother keeps it maintained, nobody actually uses it. Kira's ship. The remains of the T-Ship, which was destroyed on one of the original team's last mission, and never rebuilt. Their trophy room, containing things acquired from villains defeated. [/hider] Here's a CS for new people. Please PM for approval before posting it(unless I've already given you the OK). Name: Alias: Gender: Age: Height: Weight: Build: Appearance: Apparel/Costume: Powers and Abilities: Skills: Personality: History: