[hider=Little Brother] Name: William "Billy" Bishop Alias: Little Brother/Bro Gender: Male Age: 16 Height: 5'9" Weight: 120 Build: Lithe. Not without muscle, but he's obviously built to move quickly. Appearance: Brown hair and hazel eyes set in a handsome, if somewhat battered face. His nose is slightly skewed to the left, and he has a few scars visibly in evidence. On a more temporary basis his face is often bruised. The rest of his body looks worse, but it's not like he shows it off. The only other marks visible while he's fully clothed are a series of scars on his left arm that move in an odd spiral down his arm. Apparel/Costume: In the normal world, Billy dresses like your average teenager. Jeans, rebellious T-Shirt, stylish shoes, the works. His costume at work is slightly more functional. The main part of his costume is a bodysuit he found at the Tower, he doesn't actually know what it's made out of(he doesn't know it, but it's an early version of Nightwing's suit). He has hardened armor on his elbows and knees as well as his knuckles, to protect him when striking his opponents. His face is covered by a pair of modified ski goggles, the really expensive ones with the built in heads up display. The programming has been altered to provide local area mapping in both rural and urban environments. He carries a utility knife on the front of his belt, and a collapsible staff that rests horizontally across the back of his waist. Also on his belt is a spool of carbon fiber wire, used for combat and as a tool for various situations, and one of Robin's old grappling guns. His body suit is covered in a gray hooded cloak, which is fastened with snaps that can be easily released so he can open up his cloak and use it as a makeshift parachute to slow his falls. Powers and Abilities: No actual powers. He has, however, trained his body well with vigorous exercise and rigorous physical conditioning. Skills: Some would think that he's so scarred because he's bad at what he does. Well, it could be pointed out to them that most of those scars are old, and his time of ineptitude turned into experience. Each scar is a mistake that he's learned from. Little Brother never had any formal training of any kind. He practiced sparring with his older brother, and he's had loads of practice to polish off his skill through four years of crime fighting. His fighting style was forged through his first instinct of flight over fight, and he tends to dodge and avoid damage through superior agility and mobility. That doesn't mean he hasn't learned to hit hard, though. He's also well practiced in parkour, and is exceptional at climbing in general. He's had no particular training in stealth, but over the years he's gotten better at sneaking. Personality: Of the two, Billy was always the more... cautious brother. The whole crime fighting thing was certainly no idea of his. But he was a devoted brother, and Mark Bishop was quite serious about it so he went along. Billy spent the first year in something like constant terror, always trying to convince his brother to turn back and go home. As time went on, he got used to it. Though he was still of the general opinion that vigilantism was retarded, he became a loyal sidekick, just to avoid letting his brother down. Since Mark's death he's become a lot more serious, and indeed a lot more violent. His grief manifested itself in anger, directed mostly towards the criminal element, but still partially towards himself. He's always made mistakes, but now he's harsh and self abusive about them. Any moment where he was too weak, he'll work himself into the ground to make himself stronger. History: Billy Bishop's parents died when he was eleven, robbed and shot in our nation's beautiful capitol. He was left to be taken care of by his older brother Mark, who was an engineering student at Virginia Tech. Within a year, Mark revealed his brilliant(ly crazy) plan to make DC a safer place. Billy went along with it, because he was twelve and his brother obviously knew what he was doing, right? The two were hilariously bad at it, at least at first. But they persisted, they persevered and their skills were developed through harsh losses and the confidence they gained from their few victories. Mark designed their suits and gear himself, and as they gained notoriety their equipment got better, and so did their skills. In their third year of this insanity they were actually an established and mildly respected team. Mark's name, Big Brother, spoke of a force that saw you when you did wrong. It also inspired some paranoia, but they were largely considered a good thing in the city. One day they were trailing a lead that they believed to be some kind of mob connection. They had in mind to shut down this branch of the organization, but things went sour and the pair was spotted and captured. They were beaten, laughed at, and obviously of no use and therefore not to be kept around. In a feat of daring(and possible stupidity, but touching nonetheless) Big Brother managed to free Little Brother, and sent him on his way. Billy escaped, with the vague idea that Mark would be behind him. He wasn't. A few days later, Billy was called to a morgue to identify Mark's body. It had been found in the Potomac. [/hider]