Name: Lex (Grant) Lexington Alias: Frost Bite Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 5'9 Weight: 168 lbs Build: Thin Appearance: [url=] Apparel/Costume: [url=] Powers and Abilities: Aerokinesis = Ability to use great gusts of wind and generating whirlwinds. Flight - Subcategory for the above\ Cryokinesis - Ability to cool down an object with his wind attacks to the point of freezing them if objected to prolonged blasts of wind. He cannot use cryokinesis without the use of his wind powers. If pushed hard he can however rapidly freeze objects in moments but it tires him out greatly. Skills: Capable Combatant (he can hold his own in a fight very well if need be singles or groups with or without his powers. However he is very much weaker without the use of his powers and is only a decent hand to hand combat fighter) Capable of using basic combat technology and computers (Meaning while he isn't a technician he is still capable of falling back on actual physical gadgets if it comes to it for whatever reason. However he doesn't make or hold any unless given to him by others) Personality: A extremely confident and cocky individual Lex is known for his quips and his complaining about things which he gained from working with the Inspector and being forced to do stupidly dangerous things just to get a job done. While some could view his attitude as pessimistic, lazy, or simply looking on the downside it's really the fact that he wants people to understand that what is going on is serious. He is not one to back down from a fight and hates doing so as it makes him look weak. He has an intense hatred for bullies and thugs especially due to his time in Gotham and Dakota City. He in indifferent to other humans but is uncomfortable around celestial or extraterrestrial beings as he never had to deal with any personally but knew they were out there due to heroes like Star Fire and Hawk Girl were definitely not human. While that is the case he is also not xenophobic as he is willing to give anything a chance except people he personally views as irredeemable. He is a rather friendly individual despite his tendencies to complain and or be sarcastic. Some of these qualities are used to suppress his inner sense of dread when going into these situations as the inner pessimist inside of him always reminds him that he could die anytime he goes out there but despite this he always does his best. He has a hard time accepting defeat and tends to get moody after being defeated or more determined depending on how bad he was defeated. He has no especially strong like or dislike for fame that comes with being a hero and is just in it to teach people a lesson. He is a patriotic American citizen and loves his country dearly despite it's flaws. He also tends to hate over analyzing things. History: Born in the city of Gothan young Lex was the son of a somewhat well off business manager and a car repairman. After being born he was raised by his father most of the time as his job was more of a side job more than a full on job as his mother did most of the work. He was installed with virtues at a young age but they really didn't take root as the boy was more of a go with the flow type of child. He was noted for his above average physical abilities at his young age but they weren't really utilized to their fullest extent due to young Lex not being able to go and explore the city due to the inherit nature of it. He didn't have any especially close friends in the city and he rarely saw his mother whom would go to bed almost everyday after she got home and barely was there in the morning from the point where Lex usually got up. At the age of eight he was sent to work Dakota City where he would live with his uncle after an gang war erupted in a neighborhood nearby his home. His father told him that he would always be there for Lex no matter what and that they'd stay safe before sending him off on the plane. At Dakota City he met his uncle whom was not unlike his mother but was divorced from his wife and thus had to make time to spend with young Lex. His uncle also had a son whom came over every sunday due to custody given to him on those days and while the two boys didn't really start off well together they made a rivalry in the intervening time. His uncle didn't especially enjoy Lex's presence but he gave the boy more attention than his parents did and the two got along just fine even going to the movies occasionally. The city, while safer, was not haven as like Gotham there were gangs, younger guys and more or less thugs but gangs none the less. Lex watched some of the beatings and grew to distaste criminals and bullies but resigned himself to not being able to do anything due to the fact that while he knew he could probably take one or two of them he knew he wouldn't be able to leave any long lasting impact. And that the fact that they had guns which further drove that point home. He took resignation in the fact that a man known as The Inspector was known to take on thugs and gang members when the police wouldn't. He spent the rest of his life in the city of Dakota and while he wasn't anything particularly special it is worth noting that despite his over confident attitude. During one particular day a friend's dog got loose in the city and they went looking for the dogs. While Lex searched at the docks his friend looked around the city. Lex would end up being engulfed in the mutagen that was exposed to the inhabitants nearby that would be known as The Big Bang. The gas transformed him into a bang baby or a Meta-Human with the ability to generate powerful winds which was discovered when a doctor tried to put something on him and Lex accidentally blew them away with wind. Lex was allowed to go home after a sizable bribe from his mother and uncle both allowed him to escape prolonged hospitalization and 'containment'. Lex's uncle found out about the boy's condition and revealed to the boy that he was the man known as The Inspector and that he'd teach the boy how to deal with things. While initially shocked Lex got used to it rather quickly, both his uncle's secret life and his own powers which he especially was fond of. The Inspector was not a meta-human like Lex was but known for his abilities in the technological department. He used technology from an abandoned alien ship he found on a trip to Oregon and brought home with him to fight crime. After some months of training and making a specialized suit for the boy The Inspector allowed the boy freedom on him saying that he'd need to earn the suit. That and he would simply be known as The Inspector's sidekick if he helped him initially and he didn't want that for Lex. So came the nights of Lex dressing up in what was the stereotypical bank robber outfit complete with a clown mask some nights and a ski mask other nights. The boy was able to quickly get control of his powers and that helped him greatly in his attempts to quell crime in the region. Even fire arms became a trifle to him and soon he had a rival known as King Bishop whom was also a meta-human known for his ability to make objects from materials nearby mostly concrete and steel. One specific night however would give him the chance to make a name for himself, literally. After defeating a group of drug dealers one of them told him that he was a cold frosty son of a bitch busting into their business. In return Lex counter with, "That's why they call me...Frost Bite buddy." That was all the reason he needed to do his thing. With other bang baby heroes gaining popularity he mostly died down with his antics however his uncle didn't allow him to stop all together saying he made a commitment and that by doing so people expected him to help them. At which Lex replied he was more interested in stopping villains than being a hero. He couldn't care less about what people thought of him. He gained notoriety when he saved Static Shock from one of his enemies one day after finally convincing the inspector to finally give him his suit. He would spend the next couple years fighting crime alongside heroes while trying to keep his friends until he was recruited to join the Teen Titans.