[hider=Anchor] [b]Name:[/b] Rahn'Niss [b]Alias:[/b] Anchor [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'10'' [b]Weight:[/b] 164 lbs. [b]Build:[/b] His body is heavily muscled everywhere, making him appear much larger than others his size. Though not skinny, his legs are much smaller than most of his upper body, giving him an almost cartoon-like appearance. [b]Appearance:[/b] His face has well-defined features, and a chiseled (if not a bit wide) jaw. His eyebrows are tilted down, giving him a bit of an innocent look at all times. His forehead stands out greatly, and is lined by his curly blond hair. His ears are much larger than normal, and stick out at an odd angle. [b]Apparel/Costume:[/b] He wears a skintight black diving suit, that covers all of his body, save for his face. Glowing blue LED strips run up and down the suit in various stripes, though this is barely visible. On top of this, he wears a suit of heavy armor. The shoulder plates on the armor are very exaggerated, and their wideness allows him to keep his mobility. The gauntlets are also exaggerated, with the right one containing a massive chain, though it shouldn't really fit, if you know physics. His helmet is similar to that of a stereotypical diving helmet. Beneath the helmet, you can see two glowing orange eyes. The armor is a dark faded gray, and inscribed with Atlantean runes. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] -Atlantean Physiology [*]Enhanced Sight, Hearing, Smell[/*] [*]Superhuman Durability, Stamina, Speed[/*] -The anchor wielded by Rahn is attatched to a magically enchanted chain, which is simply capable of coiling up much smaller than it should be able to, as well as coiling up on command. [b]Skills:[/b] -Hand to hand combat -Can move underwater unaffected, thanks to heavy armor and super strength -Expert at using his chain and anchor in combat -Knows how to ride a unicycle [b]Personality:[/b] Generally formal, he attempts to keep a polite demeanor around those he knows to not be hostile. Though he can keep up this facade most of the time, it is nothing more than that. When angry, he has trouble controlling himself, going into a sort of tunnel vision. He does not know his own limits very well, often accidentally hurting others when simply joking around. He is almost too trusting with others, only seeing the best in those he meets. He punishes any betrayal of his trust severely. Lies and deceit disgust him, and he will often alienate those he finds to have lied to him. [b]History:[/b] From his very first days, his parents knew that he was something special. As he grew up, he only got stronger and stronger, eventually surpassing the strength of just about anyone he could come across. (Of course, barring those like Superman) Though Rahn wished to stay in Atlantis, and study sorcery, which was his true interest. However, his parents knew that his talents would be wasted in Atlantis. On the surface, he would be appreciated much more. Upon reaching the surface, he found his way to the Teen Titans. It was only very recently that he joined, however. He spent quite awhile freelancing, a vigilante of sorts. When he realized that the behavior was not appreciated (especially with his intimidating appearance), he made his way to the Titans, hoping to find his place.[/hider]