Emily could feel the cold from the very moment she was dragged into the realm of Ice. Which, was rather surprising to Emily. While she possessed organic material in her body, it did her no good. She did not bleed like others, but rather oozed a thick, blue substance that was blood long starved of oxygen. Her earlier vomiting was actually a tiny spark of her magic acting subconsciously to what Emily thought would happen, rather than any organic process. Her eyes, arms and legs operated on and where maintained by a natural, separate pool of magic that would not be threatened by Emily's magical exhaustion, but could not be controlled in any way. This was why she was confused, when the cold seeped into her every orifice, making her muscles feel as if they would barely move, if she hadn't already exhausted herself physically with the massive magical outburst. For a moment there was pain and then she felt, happy, warm, as she had before the conversion. Emily never felt warm any more, her natural magic deemed it a luxury, and did not simulate it. Warm was different, and confusing. Her body and mind began to shut down while in the scope to perceive two sapphires, many different colours shining though, or from, them. It was as if staring into the face of The Creator - may his face melt for letting the Keepers terrorize her world - but she did not get much time to behold it, since the ice took her away into the land of dreams. Or, would be the land of dreams. her natural magic could make her walk and talk, but advanced simulation like dreaming was beyond it's ability, so when the Ice Demon picked her up, and carted her to the master Ice Demon, nary a second had passed in her mind. So when the magical slumber left her, and she could see a massive eye in front of her, she flinched back, trying to work out what had happened in the gap. But then she calmed herself down, she would work that out later. The cold still sat in her bones, but something else was there as well, a Flare of magical power sat within her, small in comparison to what she could have, but still decent. It occurred to her that she hadn't burnt out earlier, but rather winded herself with such a sudden, extreme usage of magic, similar to intense working out without warming up first. She debated warming herself magically, but discarded it as a waste, and looked to address the the thing, holding her. "So, I guess your the big boss here then?" She asked, rhetorically. "If you are wondering what to do with me, might I suggest putting me down? I am, without trying to boast, quite a skilled Rune-Smith. If you don't er...eat me....I could probably summon a Lesser Spirit of Ice, and fuse it with your body. It won't make you invincible, but it will certainly make you many times stronger than you are currently" She offered, the soft madness of Death seeping into her eyes and smile as she dangled, giving her a distinct, distance from the situation.