[Center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/qG9dVJ5.jpg[/IMG][/center] "Wait, but lions are pretty cool." Ace spoke up while they agreed about being careful. She was sure it wouldn't have hurt to just peek in on a lion. But, they seemed to be against it so she didn't argue. Instead, she enjoyed the cool breeze and the perfect scenery. As equipment fell from the sky she grinned. "Oh boy, this will be fun." It didn't take long for her to kick her shoes to the side and run towards the dressing room. Surprisingly enough, there were swimsuits waiting for them inside. "How convenient..." Ace poked her head in each room, finding some of the swimsuits too small, or too frilly. Finding one she thought would work, Ace changed into it, hooking her dress up. "Well, [url= http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k413/GraviMegaFan6/anime_swimsuit_fav1038.jpg?t=1246567835] what do you guys think?"[/url] Ace grinned and let the few see before she wandered off to the equipment that was left behind. Her eyes scanned over it all and then she grinned. There was a red and white surfboard standing in the sand and Ace grabbed it. "I know what I'm doing!" Ace laughed and ran off towards the water. As she did, she untied the skirt and let it fall onto the sand. It was definitely a bad idea to just jump right into the water. She froze for a moment because the water was so cold, but with the picture perfect scenery, and the warm sun, it didn't take too long for her to adjust to the crystal clear, and cool water. She floated on the board, looking back at the others. "Come on! The water is fine!" She swam farther into the ocean. Not once did it ever occur to her that the laws of nature should not have let this existed. This was all just a room and yet it looked as if the ocean would go on forever.... The water started rising and Ace readied herself. [Url= http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/824004-bigthumbnail.jpg] When she was steady enough, she stood and began surfing. [/url] She wasn't a professional, in fact, this was probably her second time trying the act. But, it was definitely worth the try. Even if the first ended up in total wipe outs. Each time, she would resubmerge to the surface and climb back on the board. "This is harder than it looks." She laughed but continued trying until finally she was surfing without being knocked into the water. "Woohoo!" This would've been even more awesome if everyone was there to enjoy it with them. Too bad they'd miss it. Well, maybe another time would come for them all to hang out together.